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Exports grew from US$43.26 billion in 1993 to almost US$80 billion in 1996;

An average yearly growth rate of 28.3 percent;

The share of intra regional trade rose from 20 percent to almost 25 percent;

In 1996, of the 28.6 million tourist arrivals in ASEAN, 11.2 mil lion or almost 40 percent came from within ASEAN itself.


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Estimates between 1967 and the early 1970s showed that the share of intra ASEAN trade from the total trade of the Member Countries was between 12 and 15 percent.


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The ASEAN Vision 2020 affirmed an outward-looking ASEAN playing a pivotal role in the international community and advancing ASEAN’s common interests.

ASEAN has made major strides in building cooperative ties with states in the Asia Pacific region and shall continue to accord them a high priority. Cooperation with other East Asian countries has accelerated with the holding of an annual dialogue among the lead


ers of ASEAN, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. In 1997, a joint statement between ASEAN and each of them was signed pro

viding for framework for cooperation towards the 21st century. (1) In November 1999, the leaders of ASEAN, China, Japan and the Republic of Korea issued a Joint Statement on East Asia Cooperation outlining the areas of cooperation among them.

The ASEAN Summit of 1992 mandated that “ASEAN, as part of an increasingly interdependent world, should intensify coopera tive relationships with its Dialogue Partners.” Consultations between ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners are held at the Foreign Ministers’ level on an annual basis. (2) ASEAN’s Dialogue Partners include Australia, Canada, China, the European Union, India, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, and the United Nations Development Program. ASEAN also promotes cooperation with Pakistan on certain sectors.

Consistent with its resolve to enhance cooperation with other developing regions, ASEAN maintains contact with other inter governmental organizations, namely, the Economic Cooperation Organization, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Rio Group, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, and the South Pacific Forum.

Most ASEAN Member Countries also participate actively in the activities of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM), the East Asia Latin America Forum



üЗапишите в диагональной переводческой записи предложения

(1) è (2).

üВ предложениях с выделенными жирным шрифтом словами или выражениями осуществите переводческие лексико-грам- матические трансформации таким образом, чтобы выделенные слова и/или выражения были заменены синонимическими.


Например, слово “mandated” заменяется “stipulated”, при этом сами предложения должны быть компрессированы (см. Приложения).


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The highest decision making organ of ASEAN is the Meeting of the ASEAN Heads of State and Government. The ASEAN Summit is convened every year. The ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (Foreign Ministers) is held on an annual basis. Ministerial meetings on several other sectors are also held: agriculture and forestry, eco nomics, energy, environment, finance, information, investment, labour, law, regional haze, rural development and poverty allevia tion, science and technology, social welfare, transnational crime, transportation, tourism, youth, the AIA Council and, the AFTA Council. Supporting these ministerial bodies are 29 committees of senior officials and 122 technical working groups.

To support the conduct of ASEAN’s external relations, ASEAN has established committees composed of heads of diplomatic mis sions in the following capitals: Brussels, London, Paris, Washington D.C., Tokyo, Canberra, Ottawa, Wellington, Geneva, Seoul, New Delhi, New York, Beijing, Moscow, and Islamabad.

The Secretary General of ASEAN is appointed on merit and accorded ministerial status. The Secretary General of ASEAN, who has a five year term, is mandated to initiate, advise, coordinate, and implement ASEAN activities. The members of the professional staff of the ASEAN Secretariat are appointed on the principle of open recruitment and region wide competition.


ASEAN has several specialized bodies and arrangements pro moting inter governmental cooperation in various fields: ASEAN University Network, ASEAN EC Management Center, ASEAN Center for Energy, ASEAN Agricultural Development Planning Center, ASEAN Earthquake Information Center, ASEAN Poultry Research and Training Center, ASEAN Regional Center for Biodiversity Conservation, ASEAN Rural Youth Development Center, ASEAN Specialized Meteorological Center, ASEAN Tourism Information Center, and ASEAN Timber Technology Center.

In addition, ASEAN promotes cooperative activities with organizations with related aims and purposes: ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ASEAN Business Forum, ASEAN Tourism Association, ASEAN Council on Petroleum, ASEAN Ports Association, ASEAN Vegetable Oils Club, and the ASEAN Institutes for Strategic and International Studies. Furthermore, there are 53 Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), which have formal affiliations with ASEAN.


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üИзучите аббревиатуры текста, сгруппируйте их по областям и/или отраслям и приведите русские эквиваленты.


üДайте характеристику данному политическому документу.

üНайдите в словаре дефиниции слова “Vision” и обоснуйте, по- чему вы используете именно данное значение в этом тексте.


üКакую роль играет многократное повторение личного местоимения “We” в тексте?

We, the Heads of State/Government of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, gather today in Kuala Lumpur to reaffirm our commitment to the aims and purposes of the Association as set forth in the Bangkok Declaration of 8 August 1967, in particular to promote regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership and thereby contribute towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region.

We in ASEAN have created a community of Southeast Asian nations at peace with one another and at peace with the world, rap idly achieving prosperity for our peoples and steadily improving their lives. Our rich diversity has provided the strength and inspira tion to us to help one another foster a strong sense of community.

We are now a market of around 500 million people with a com bined gross domestic product of US$600 billion. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth, stability and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years. Members have enjoyed substantial trade and investment flows from significant liberalization measures.

We resolve to build upon these achievements.

Now, as we approach the 21st century, thirty years after the birth of ASEAN, we gather to chart a vision for ASEAN on the basis of today’s realities and prospects in the decades leading to the Year 2020.

That vision is of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies.


üНайдите в данном тексте оценочную и стилистически окрашенную лексику.

üСделайте таблицу и разместите в е¸ колонках слова и выражения с различной эмоциональной нагрузкой, например:


Слова и выражения

Слова и выражения

с положительной оценкой

с отрицательной оценкой


N/A (non-applicable)

bonded together




caring societies





üНайдите в словаре и выпишите все возможные определения слова “Concert”.

üВ каком значении данное слово употреблено в нашем контексте?

üОпределите функциональный стиль данного документа.

üЧто придает тексту многократный повтор личного местоимения во множественном числе We? По-вашему мнению, это многословие или переводческий при¸м?

üОзаглавьте каждый абзац текста, чтобы эти заголовки помогли вам передать основное содержание текста.

We envision the ASEAN region to be, in 2020, in full reality, a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, as envisaged in the Kuala Lumpur Declaration of 1971.

ASEAN shall have, by the year 2020, established a peaceful and stable Southeast Asia where each nation is at peace with itself and where the causes for conflict have been eliminated, through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law and through the strengthening of national and regional resilience.

We envision a Southeast Asia where territorial and other dis putes are resolved by peaceful means.

We envision the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia functioning fully as a binding code of conduct for our governments and peoples, to which other states with interests in the region adhere.

We envision a Southeast Asia free from nuclear weapons, with all the Nuclear Weapon States committed to the purposes of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty through their


adherence to its Protocol. We also envision our region free from all other weapons of mass destruction.

We envision our rich human and natural resources contributing to our development and shared prosperity.

We envision the ASEAN Regional Forum as an established means for confidence building and preventive diplomacy and for promoting conflict resolution.

(1) We envision a Southeast Asia where our mountains, rivers and seas no longer divide us but link us together in friendship, coop eration and commerce.

We see ASEAN as an effective force for peace, justice and mod eration in the Asia Pacific and in the world.


üКакие лексико-грамматические клише характеризуют этот текст?

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üКакие связующие средства в тексте вы нашли?

üЗапишите предложение (1) в диагональной скорописной записи, компрессируя его при этом.

A Partnership in Dynamic Development

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üПроанализируйте Преамбулу и Основную часть подобного документа.

üЧто придают тексту многократно использованные местоимения “We”?

üПрогнозируя присутствие слов и выражений с эмоциональной оценкой, определите, каких слов здесь больше: с отрицательной или с положительной оценкой? Почему?


üПрисутствуют ли в данном тексте грамматические структуры в страдательном залоге? Если нет, почему?

We resolve to chart a new direction towards the year 2020 called, ASEAN 2020: Partnership in Dynamic Development which will forge closer economic integration within ASEAN.

We reiterate our resolve to enhance ASEAN economic cooper ation through economic development strategies, which are in line with the aspiration of our respective peoples, which put emphasis on sustainable and equitable growth, and enhance national as well as regional resilience.

We pledge to sustain ASEAN’s high economic performance by building upon the foundation of our existing cooperation efforts, consolidating our achievements, expanding our collective efforts and enhancing mutual assistance.

We commit ourselves to moving towards closer cohesion and economic integration, narrowing the gap in the level of development among Member Countries, ensuring that the multilateral trading system remains fair and open, and achieving global competitiveness.

We will create a stable, prosperous and highly competitive ASEAN Economic Region in which there is a free flow of goods, services and investments, a freer flow of capital, equitable econom ic development and reduced poverty and socio economic dispari ties.

We resolve, inter-alia, to undertake the following:

maintain regional macroeconomic and financial stability by promoting closer consultations in macroeconomic and financial policies.

advance economic integration and cooperation by undertak ing the following general strategies: fully implement the ASEAN Free Trade Area and accelerate liberalization of trade in services, realise the ASEAN Investment Area by 2010 and free flow of investments by 2020; intensify and expand sub regional cooperation in existing and new sub regional growth areas; further consolidate and expand extra ASEAN regional linkages for mutual benefit cooperate to strengthen


the multilateral trading system, and reinforce the role of the business sector as the engine of growth.

promote a modern and competitive small and medium enter prises (SME) sector in ASEAN which will contribute to the industrial development and efficiency of the region.

accelerate the free flow of professional and other services in the region.

promote financial sector liberalization and closer cooperation in money and capital market, tax, insurance and customs matters as well as closer consultations in macroeconomic and financial policies.

accelerate the development of science and technology including information technology by establishing a region al information technology network and centers of excel lence for dissemination of and easy access to data and information.

establish interconnecting arrangements in the field of energy and utilities for electricity, natural gas and water within ASEAN through the ASEAN Power Grid and a Trans ASEAN Gas Pipeline and Water Pipeline, and promote cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation, as well as the development of new and renewable energy resources.

enhance food security and international competitiveness of food, agricultural and forest products, to make ASEAN a leading producer of these products, and promote the forestry sector as a model in forest management, conservation and sustainable development.

meet the ever increasing demand for improved infrastructure and communications by developing an integrated and har monized trans ASEAN transportation network and harnessing technology advances in telecommunication and informa tion technology, especially in linking the planned informa tion highways/multimedia corridors in ASEAN, promoting open sky policy, developing multi modal transport, facilitat ing goods in transit and integrating telecommunications net works through greater interconnectivity, coordination of fre


quencies and mutual recognition of equipment type approval procedures.

enhance human resource development in all sectors of the economy through quality education, upgrading of skills and capabilities and training.

work towards a world class standards and conformance system that will provide a harmonized system to facilitate the free flow of ASEAN trade while meeting health, safety and envi ronmental needs.

use the ASEAN Foundation as one of the instruments to address issues of unequal economic development, poverty and socioeconomic disparities.

promote an ASEAN customs partnership for world class stan dards and excellence in efficiency, professionalism and serv ice, and uniformity through harmonized procedures, to pro mote trade and investment and to protect the health and well being of the ASEAN community,

enhance intra ASEAN trade and investment in the mineral sector and to contribute towards a technologically competent ASEAN through closer networking and sharing of informa tion on mineral and geosciences as well as to enhance coop eration and partnership with dialogue partners to facilitate the development and transfer of technology in the mineral sector, particularly in the downstream research and the geo sciences and to develop appropriate mechanism for these.


üНайдите русские эквиваленты всем выражениям, использованным в преамбуле данного политического программного документа. Эти выражения представляют собой клише:

we resolve — we pledge — we reiterate —

we commit ourselves — we will create etc. —


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