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The effects of jus cogens

As stated above, the typical effect of peremptory norms is that, as States cannot derogate from them through treaties or customary rules (which are not endowed with the same legal force), the treaty or customary rules contrary to them are null and void.

Peremptory norms can produce a ‘deterrent effect’ in that they signal to all States and individuals that the prohibitions they envisage are absolute values ‘from which nobody must deviate’.

Another effect of peremptory norms relates to the entering of reservations to multilateral treaties.

Jus cogens may also have a bearing on treaties of extradition. The possible violation of a peremptory norm, for instance those against torture or persecution on racial, religious, or ethnic grounds, would authorize a State not to comply with an extradition treaty under which it would otherwise be obliged to extradite an individual.

Peremptory norms may impact on State immunity from the jurisdiction of foreign States in that they may remove such immunity.

Also peremptory norms may produce legal effects at the municipal law level: they de-legitimize any legislative or administrative act authorizing the prohibited conduct.

Proceedings could be initiated by potential victims (of conduct contrary to jus cogens) if they had locus standi before a competent international or national judicial body with a view to asking it to hold the national measure to be internationally unlawful; or the victim could bring a civil suit for damage in a foreign court, which would therefore be asked inter alia to disregard the legal value of the national authorizing act.

Finally, one of the consequences of the peremptory norms may be the granting to State courts of universal criminal jurisdiction over the alleged authors of those acts.

Nonetheless, cases have been brought before national courts where jus cogens was in fact the ratio decidendi (that is, the proposition of law determining the outcome of the case), not however for declaring, a treaty null and void, but rather for the limited purpose of not applying in casu one of its otherwise binding provisions.

On the other hand, one should not underrate the role peremptory norms may play in guiding and channelling the conduct of States. The existence of a core of fundamental values enshrined in peremptory norms may serve and indeed is serving to bar States from behaving in a certain manner and at the same time to induce them to fashion their conduct consistently with those values.

Vocabulary work.

I. Find English equivalents to these word combinations.

1. Создание юридически обязательных правовых норм, правил

2. Быть связанным обязательствами

3. Основываться на согласии

4. Завоевать, занять особое положение

5. Постепенно занимать определенное положение, выливаться в определенную форму

6. Юридические права

7. Привести к постепенному, последовательному появлению обычных правил, норм обычая

8. Без препятствий, затруднений из-за того, что…

9. Рассматривать что-либо как не имеющее законной силы

10. Не иметь права голоса по данному вопросу

11. Cделать оговорку; сохранить право на что-либо

12. Лишить договор законной силы

13. В результате попыток, усилий со стороны кого-либо

14. Расторжение договора

15. Сделать договор уязвимым, оспоримым

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