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2. Make the following sentences: - negative;

- interrogative.

1. The birds will be going South in a couple of days.

2. I’ll be waiting for you. Come back.

3. Now he will be looking for a new job.

4. They will be having dinner tomorrow at six.

5. I’ll be coming to see you. They will be coming, too.

6. It’ll be getting dark in an hour or so.

7. I will be going to town soon.

8. This time on Sunday I’ll be waiting for his call.

9. Night after night he’ll be sitting in that empty room all alone.

10. Stella will be watching TV all day long again.

11. No one will be waiting for him.

3. Ask about people’s plans in a polite way. Use Will you be + -ing...?

1. You want to use the computer. David is using it now.

Will you be using the computer for long / for much longer?

2. You want some things from the supermarket. Ann is just leaving the house.

3. You are going to see a film with Jo, who has a car. A lift would be nicer than the bus.

4. You want to buy Jack’s car but you don’t know whether he plans to sell it.

4. Look in your diary and make some sentences about your definite future plans. Use either the future continuous or the present continuous.

Example: I’ll be going to university in September.

I’m leaving for Prague on the 25th.

5. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets.

1. They will be having an English lesson at 10.00 a.m. in room 31. (What? Where? When? Which?)

2. The students will be revising for their exam the whole May. (Who? What? What ...for?)

3. They will be staying at home all day long tomorrow. (Who? Where?)

4. Tomorrow at this time they will be coming to see you. (When? Who? What?)

5. My sister will be waiting for you at the station. (Who? Where?)

6. They will be listening to my story and wondering. (Who? What?)

7. Don’t explain it to me. Tomorrow you will be talking with the headmaster. (Who? What? Who ... to?)

6. Translate into English.

1. Завтра он весь день будет готовиться к экзаменам.

2. Не опаздывайте. Я буду ждать Вас в читальном зале в девять.

3. Не звоните мне завтра. Я весь день буду заниматься.

4. Что Вы будете делать завтра в восемь?

5. Они будут работать весь июнь, а потом будут отдыхать.

6. Через неделю в это время я уже не буду заниматься. Я буду купаться и лежать на пляже!

7. Ты будешь сегодня вечером смотреть телевизор?

8. Завтра в одиннадцать у нас лекция по истории.

9. Он приедет через три дня примерно в это время.

10. Послезавтра у моей сестры экзамен в музыкальной школе. Завтра она весь день будет играть.

Future Continuous or Future Simple

We use the Future Simple (will + infinitive without to) to indicate a personal decision at the moment of speaking:

OK, I’ll see you this evening.

  • In the Future Continuous, the activity has already been decided:

This time tomorrow I will lie on the beach.

This time tomorrow I’ll be lying on the beach.

We’ll be staying here until next weekend.

I’ll be driving to Madrid next week so I can give you a lift if you like.

The Future Simple in questions can sound less polite than the Future Continuous. Compare:

Will you drive me to the airport?

Will you be driving me to the airport? (= more polite)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate future form, using will + infinitive or the future continuous.

1. There is going to be a bus strike. Everyone (walk) to work next week.

2. You’ve just missed the last train!

Never mind, I (walk).

3. I’ll ring you tomorrow at six. –

No, don’t ring at six; I (bath) the baby then. Ring later.

4. Mother: Your face is dirty.

Child: All right, I (wash) it.

5. Will you have lunch with me on the 24th? –

I’d love to, but I’m afraid I (do) my exam then.

6. You (have) something to drink, won’t you?

7. Why did you take his razor? He (look) for it everywhere tomorrow.

8. Notice on board ship: In the event of an emergency all passengers (assemble) on the boat deck.

9. I don’t feel well enough to go to the station to meet him. –

I (meet) him for you. But how I (recognize) him? –

He’s small and fair, and he (wear) a black and white school cap.

10. You’ve left the light on. –

Oh, so I have. I (go) and turn it off.

11. I’ve just been appointed assistant at the local library. –

Then you (work) under my sister. She is head librarian there.

12. Military order: Sentries (remain) on duty till they are relieved.

13. This time next Monday I (sit) in a Paris cafe reading Le Figaro. –

You (not read). You’ll be looking at all the pretty girls.

14. Mother (on phone): My son has just burnt his hand very badly.

Doctor: I (come) at once.

15. Customer in restaurant: Waiter, this plate is dirty.

Waiter: I’m sorry, sir, I (bring) you another.

2. Complete these sentences with an appropriate verb (or verb + preposition) in either the future continuous or the present continuous for the future. In which sentences are both possible? Where only one form is possible, consider why the other is not.

  1. Mary Slater …… her work on the radio tonight.

  2. A recent UN report has suggested that by the year 2040, 15 per cent of the world’s population …… malaria.

  3. I’ve got a job in Stockholm so I …… there for the next two years.

  4. I can’t believe it. Dave and Sarah …… married.

  5. You can have my old boots if you like. Now that I’ve got a new pair I …… them again.

  6. The council …… road repairs over the next two days.

  7. Most of my family …… to our wedding next month.

  8. We have a slight delay because of the poor weather, but we …… off as soon as possible.

3. Choose a verb that can complete both sentences in the pair. Use will/won’t (+ infinitive) in one sentence and the future continuous (will/won’t be + -ing) in the other.

drive go open organise tell try

  1. a Matsuki _____________ their first factory in Europe next year.

b Here, give me the bottle, I ___________________ it for you.

  1. a Keno __________ to win his third gold medal in the next Olympics.

b I __________ to get over to see you, but I’ve got a very busy weekend coming up.

  1. a Sam ______ to the dentist. He simply refuses to make an appointment.

b I ______________ to the party, I’m afraid; I have to be in Spain that weekend.

  1. a ‘How old is he?’ ‘I’ve no idea, but I’m sure he _____________ you if you ask him.’

b In this programme I _______ you how to cook duck in a lemon sauce.

  1. a It’s odd to think that this time tomorrow we ____________ to Madrid.

b He _________________ anywhere without first looking at a road map.

  1. a I won’t have time to meet you next weekend, I’m afraid. I __________ the school timetable for next year.

b Perhaps John _______________ the games at the party. I’ll ask him.

He’s good at that sort of thing.