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How to show the time

It’s 7.30, it’s one ten, at midnight, in the afternoon

Parts of the day

in the morning in the afternoon in the evening

at night at midday (noon) at midnight

am and pm

a.m. – abbrev. used after a time for showing that it is between midnight and noon. (from the Latin expression ‘ante meridiem’ meaning ‘before noon’)

midnight to midday = am 1.00 am midnight = 12.00 am

p.m. – abbrev. used after a time for showing that it is between noon and midnight. (from the Latin expression ‘post meridiem’ meaning ‘after noon’)

midday to midnight = pm 4.45 pm midday = 12.00 pm

24-hour clock

14.45 fourteen forty-five

18.15 eighteen fifteen

But more usual:

14.45 – a quarter to three

18.15 – a quarter past six

Telling the time


o’clock is used for hours

1.00 = one o’clock 7.00 = seven o’clock

Between 0.00 and 0.30 = past

1.10 ten past one 2.15 a quarter past two

3.25 twenty five past three 4.30 half past four

Between 0.30 and 0.60 = to

5.40 twenty to six 6.45 a quarter to seven

Other numbers

    1. eleven minutes past one

    1. nineteen minutes to six

Digital system

1.10 one ten 2.15 two fifteen

3.25 three twenty-five 4.30 four thirty

5.40 five forty 6.45 six forty-five

Asking the time

What’s the time? It’s three o’clock.

What time is it? It’s ten to eight.

We cannot say They are six o’clock.

  1. Write the times as numbers.

  1. Ten to nine. ….8.50…

  2. A quarter past eleven …………

  3. Half past three. …………

  4. Twenty past five. …………

  5. A quarter to six. …………

  6. Twenty-five past eight. …………

  7. Five to five. …………

  8. Ten past eleven. …………

  9. Twenty-five to twelve. …………

  10. Twenty to nine. …………

  1. Write the time. Use past and to.

  1. 14.30 - ….half past two….

  2. 13.47 - ………………….

  3. 16.15 - ………………….

  4. 17.38 - ………………….

  5. 20.45 - ………………….

  6. 22.55 - ………………….

  1. Put one word in each space.

  1. 8.45 …..(a) quarter……to……nine.

  2. 7.00 am Seven o’clock ………………………………….

  3. 12.00 pm …………………

  4. 2.30 Half ………………………..

  5. 8.30 pm Half past eight ……………………………………..

  6. 2.56 Four ……………………………… three.

  7. 12.00 am …………………

  8. 1.35 Twenty ………………………………………..


A/an, the

A bit of theory

Indefinite and definite

There is a book on the desk.

We do not have any information about this book. (indefinite)

Where’s the book with the answers?

We know something about this book. (definite)

Indefinite article: a/an

  • with general descriptions

A footballer is a person who plays football.

An apple is a type of fruit.

  • with a person’s job

Mary is a doctor.

I’m an engineer.

  • with a person’s character or status

Helen is a genius!

Paul is a star!

Definite article: the

We use the:

  • with unique objects and known references

The moon circles around the earth. (There is only one moon.)

The Tower of London is very old. (There is only one.)

Have you got the paper? (We know which paper and which shop we are talking about.)

I’m going to the shop.

  • with nationalities and other groups of people

The Spanish love dancing.

The Beatles were a famous pop group.

  • with adjectives to describe groups of people

Jane has a job helping the poor.

The rich usually live in big houses.

The old need our help.

  • with collective nouns

Call the police!

The government is very unpopular.

  • with geographical features

Rivers the Loire, the Rhine

Oceans the Atlantic, the Pacific

Seas the Mediterranean, the Red Sea

Deserts the Sahara, the Gobi

  • with musical instruments

Do you play the violin?

Can you play the piano?

  • with superlatives

This is the biggest picture in the shop.

Steven is the shortest in his family.

The cheetah is the fastest mammal in the world.

Carol is the tallest student in the class.

  1. Put a/an, or the in each space.

  1. What’s …the… matter? Are you all right?

  2. Kate has bought ………… new car.

  3. Some people think that ……………. moon is made of cheese!

  4. I’m collecting money for ……….. poor.

  5. Brian hasn’t got ………… job yet.

  6. I’ve never seen ……………. elephant.

  7. Can you play ……………. guitar?

  8. Mary is ……………. air-hostess.

  9. ………… longest bridge in Europe is in Portugal.

  10. Don’t forget to turn off ……………. television.

  1. Rewrite each sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use the word in bold.

  1. Jane teaches English.


.Jane is an English teacher………………………………………………

  1. There aren’t any buses after this one.



  1. Have you seen today’s paper?



  1. English people like tea.



  1. Telescopes help you to see things that are far away.



  1. Ann is a team-member.



  1. The road finishes here.

end of


  1. Tim studies at university.



  1. We should all help poor people.



  1. How idiotic you are!



  1. Complete each sentence with a/an and the.

  1. There’s ….a… knife in …the… second drawer.

  2. I’m going to ……………. baker’s to buy ……………. loaf.

  3. …………….Rolling Stones are ……………. very old rock group.

  4. There’s ………. cat in …….. garden!

  5. David is ……….. doctor at ………… local hospital.

  6. We missed …………. beginning of ………….. lovely film.

  7. Have you ever looked at ………… moon through ……………. telescope?

  8. Mary plays ……………. violin in ……………. quartet.

  9. It’s …………. long time before ………… train arrives.

  10. I saw ……………. interesting play at ……………… theatre last week.