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Past simple of be Future forms The present continuous tense as a future form

I’m leaving tomorrow.

We can use the present continuous when we talk about arrangements for the future. Arrangements are plans, but we are sure they will happen. We often write them in our diaries.

  • My parents are buying me a bike for my birthday. (I’m sure about this.)

  • I’m going to the doctor’s on Friday. (It’s fixed. I have an appointment.)

  • Are you doing anything on Saturday?’ ‘I’m having a party.’

(It’s fixed. I’ve invited my friends.)

  • What are you doing tomorrow?’ ‘I’m staying at home and studying.’

  • come and go

My brother is coming to stay.

I’m going to Prague tomorrow.

  • going to or present continuous?

I’m having a party. More usual

I’m going to have a party. Possible

Jean is going to get her hair cut. Plan/Intention

(She doesn’t know when exactly.)

Jean is getting her hair cut next week. Fixed arrangement

(She has an appointment at the hairdresser’s.)

1. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous tense.

1. They are going to demolish this building. They (start) on Tuesday.

2. My uncle (make) a speech on Friday.

3. I (take) my sister to the ballet tomorrow.

4. She (call) for me at six.

5. He (play) at Wimbledon next summer.

6. I (meet) her at the station at ten.

7. The sales (not start) till Monday.

8. How you (get) to the party tomorrow? –

I (go) by car. –

Who (drive)?

9. The piano tuner (come) this afternoon.

10. You (give) him anything for his birthday? –

Yes, I (give) him a dictionary.

11. She (come) out of hospital next week.

12. We (have) dinner early tonight as we (go) to the theatre.

13. Where you (go) for your holidays this year? –

I (go) to Holland.

14. He (not give) a lecture tonight.

15. I (have) my photograph taken tomorrow.

16. I (buy) her a burglar alarm for a wedding present.

17. I (have) lunch with my aunt on Thursday.

18. The committee (meet) next Wednesday.

19. My grandparents (celebrate) their golden wedding next week.

20. I (lend) him my car for his holidays.

2. Put the verb in the present continuous (e.G. They’re going) or the present simple (e.G. I see).

1. I usually see (see) my parents at the weekend but this weekend I can’t because they are going (go) to London.

2. Julian _____________ (have) a holiday later this year. Normally he _________________ (go) on holiday in July, but this year he can’t.

3. Sue ______________ (not / often / stay) at home in the evenings but tonight she ________________ (stay) in because there’s an important football match on TV.

4. _____________________ (you / take) your exam next month? ________________ (you / want) to borrow my notes?

5. I ______________ (cook) the meals this weekend. Normally, Jane ___________ (do) it but she’s away all weekend.

3. According to the diary make a sentence for each day using the verb in the present continuous and adding the necessary prepositions.

  1. I / see the dentist / Monday / 4.30.

I’m seeing the dentist at 4.30 on Monday.

  1. I / stay / home / Tuesday


  1. I / play basketball / Wednesday / 3 p.m.


  1. I / do some shopping / Thursday / afternoon


  1. I / go / London / Friday


  1. I / have a party / Saturday


  1. Jim and Carol / come / lunch
