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Would Asking for information, invitations, offers, permission.

A bit of theory

Inviting and replying to invitations


Would you like to (go to the cinema)?

Do you want to (go to the cinema)?

Do you feel like (going to the cinema)?

Replying: accepting Thanks, I’d love to (go).

refusing I’m sorry but (I’m going to a party).

I’m afraid I can’t.

Making an Offer

Can I help (you)?

Shall I help (you)?

Offering something

Would you like (some tea)?

Do you want (some tea)?






Asking for information

Do you know the time?

Excuse me, could you tell me the time?

What does this word mean, please?

How do you say (…) in English?



Asking for, giving and refusing permission


Can I (leave early)?

Is it all right if I (leave early)?

May I (leave early)?

Do you mind if I (open the window)?


Yes, you can.

Sure. That’s OK.

Yes, you may.

That’s fine.

Go ahead.

All right.

No problem.


No, you can’t.

Sorry, no.

No, you may not.

Sorry, but (I’m cold).



  1. Match the questions a) to f) with the replies 1) to 6).

  1. What does this mean? …3

  2. Would you like to play tennis tomorrow? ……

  3. Shall I help you with those books? ……

  4. Would you like some ice-cream? ……

  5. Do you mind if I sit here? ……

  6. Could you pass me the salt, please? ……

  1. That’s very kind of you. Thanks very much.

  2. Thanks, but I’d rather have a drink.

  3. Why don’t you use the dictionary?

  4. Sure, here you are.

  5. I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I’m going to the cinema.

  6. That’s fine, please do.

  1. Complete each question so that it means the same as the first sentence.

  1. Let’s go to the cinema.

How ………….about going to the cinema………………………?

  1. Would you like a sandwich?

Do …………………………………………………………….?

  1. Do you want to sit down?

Would …………………………………………………………..?

  1. Can you open the window, please?

Would you mind ………………………………………………………?

  1. Do you want me to carry your bag?

Shall ……………………………………………………..?

  1. Do you know the time?

Could ………………………………………………………..?

  1. Do you mind if I turn on the TV?

May …………………………………………………..?

  1. Can I go home now?

Is it …………………………………………………….?

  1. Write a question for each answer.

  1. Would you mind helping me…………………………………..?

No, of course I wouldn’t mind helping you.

  1. ……………………………………………………………………?

Yes, I’d like to go to the disco.

  1. …………………………………………………………………….?

No, I’m afraid you can’t leave early.

  1. …………………………………………………………………….?

Thank you, my books are very heavy.

  1. …………………………………………………………………….?

No, not the park. Let’s go shopping instead.

  1. …………………………………………………………………….?

Yes, certainly. It’s six o’clock.