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6. Make a sentence with will or won’t.

a) Decide to have the giant pizza.

I’ll have the giant pizza .

b) Promise to be home before midnight.


c) Arrange to meet tomorrow at 6.30.


d) Decide to take the red pair of socks.


e) Refuse to give your lap-top.


f) Promise to pay your friend back at the end of the week.


g) Tell the waiter that you want to have an orange juice.


h) Promise to hand your homework in tomorrow.


i) Decide to come back another day.


j) Arrange to see your friend next week.


7. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple.

  1. I (know) the result in a week.

  2. You (be) in Rome tonight.

  3. You (have) time to help me tomorrow?

  4. It (matter) if I don’t come home till morning?

  5. You (be) able to drive after another five lessons.

  6. Do you think that he (recognize) me?

  7. I hope I (find) it.

  8. He (believe) whatever you tell him.

  9. I (remember) this information for sure.

  10. Perhaps he (arrive) in time for lunch.

  11. I wonder how many of us still (be) here next year.

  12. I am sure that you (like) our new house.

  13. I’m tired. I (go) to bed.

  14. It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

  15. I (answer) the question?

  16. We don’t know their address. What (we/do)?

  17. Our test (not/take) long.

  18. I’m afraid they (not/wait) for us.

  19. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?

  20. You (arrive) in Paris tomorrow evening.

  21. The boy (remember) this day all his life.

  22. Perhaps they (buy) a new house this year.

  23. He (be) fourteen next year.

  24. I’m not sure I (find) Jim at the hotel.

  25. We (not/book) the tickets in advance.

  26. Do you think it (rain)?

  27. Everybody thinks they (not/get) married.

  28. There (not/be) any wars in the world.

  29. Dad (present) Mag a personal computer, ...he?

  30. … there (be) drugs for every kind of disease in 50 years’ time?

8. Complete the sentences. Use will (’ll) or won’t + a verb from the box.






1. JANE: I’m going to the big baseball match tonight. My team, Dallas Cowboys, are playing.

BEN: Do you think they ‘ll win?

JANE: Of course. They’re the best!

2. KATH: The new man in the sales department doesn’t look very happy.

LUCY: No, I don't think he ________________________ very long.

3. PAT: Don’t say anything to John about the surprise party on Saturday.

SUE: Don’t worry. I ________________________ him.

4. FRED: You look sad. What’s the matter?

ZOE: My grandparents are on their way to Australia. They’re going to live there, so I probably __________________________ again.

FRED: Why not? You can go there for a holiday.

5. SAM: Tony and Maria have known each other for a long time.

TINA: Yes. I think they ____________________________married soon.

SAM: I don’t think so. They haven’t got any money.

9. Your grandmother has a few problems. Offer to help her. Write sentences with Shall I...?

My eyes are not good. I can’t read Jane’s letter.

1 Shall I read it to you?

I’m thirsty.

2 …………you a cup of tea?

It’s a bit cold in here.

3 ………………the window?

I can’t open this packet of biscuits.

4 …………………it for you?

I can’t hear what that man on TV is saying.

5 …………………… it up?

The dog needs some exercise.

6 …………...him for a walk?

I think the kitchen floor is dirty.

7 …………………it for you?

10. Joe and Phil went camping in Portugal last year. Now they are planning their next holiday. Write questions with Shall we …? Look at the answers first.

JOE: It’s time to start planning this summer’s holiday. Where (1) shall we go?

PHIL: Let’s go to Portugal again. I enjoyed it last year.

JOE: (2) __________________ in the same hotel?

PHIL: No, let’s try something different. How about camping?

JOE: Great! I bought a new tent last year. (3) ____________________ that?

PHIL: Yes, let’s. (4) ___________________________ or fly?

JOE: Oh, drive I think because we’ll have a lot of luggage.

PHIL: When (5) _______________________________?

JOE: The middle of July is best for me. How about you?

PHIL: July is fine for me, too. (6) _________________ Tony to come with us?

JOE: No. The tent is only big enough for two people!