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  1. Read and choose the correct item to complete the sentences

    1. Kyiv is the capital and the largest city of Ukraine, located in _______part of the country on the Dnipro River.

      1. Northern b) Central c) North-central

    2. Kiev stretches for the space of more than 20 km along the picturesque banks of the biggest Ukrainian __________

      1. river b) lake c) sea

    3. Kiev is one of the _________ Slavic centres

      1. biggest b)youngest c) oldest

    4. Kiev t has more that ________ parks.

      1. 62 b) 65 c) 60

    5. The prince Vladimir ______________in 988.

      1. died b)got married c)baptised the Kyiv Russ

  1. Answer the questions

  1. How was the capital of Ukraine founded?

  2. Where is Kyiv located?

  3. How was Kyiv called in olden times?

  4. What did the prince Vladimir do in order to consolidate Kyiv Rus and to increase its international influence?

  5. What became the impulse for development of written language and culture of Kyiv Rus?

  6. Are there many historical places in Kyiv? Tell about one of them.

  7. Where does the monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky stand?

  8. When was Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra founded?

  9. Why is Kyiv one of the greenest cities of the world?

  1. Find in the text and write out the English equivalents. Make up your own sentences with these word-combinations

  1. Стародавня легенда

  2. На честь засновника

  3. Збільшити міжнародний вплив

  4. Мистецька виставка

  5. Культурний центр України

  6. Площа

  7. Поштовх до розвитку

  1. Speak in the class. Tell your friends what you have learnt about the capital of Ukraine.



in terms of – з погляду на

trade –торгівля

heavy industry – важка промисловість

light industry – легка промисловість

steel– сталь

coal industry– вугільна промисловість

output — випуск; продукцiя

. ... is yielded ... — виробляється

Ferrous metallurgy — чорна металургiя

harvester — збиральна машина; комбайн

machine tools — верстати

fertile soils – родючі грунти

to satisfy the consumerswants — задовольняти бажання споживачiв

raw material — сировина

crop production — рослинництво

animal husbandry — тваринництво

grain and industrial crops — зерновi та технічні культури

meadow – луги

flax– льон

industrial crops– технічні культури

dairy and beef cattle breeding— розведення молочної т м’ясної худоби

pig raising — свинарство

sheep farming— вiвчарство

bee-keeping— бджiльництво

poultry industry— птахiвництво

agriculture — сільське господарство; землеробство; aгрономiя;

agriculturalciльськогосподарський; землеробський;

agriculturist — агроном; сільський трудiвник; землевласник.

Present-day independent Ukraine has a considerable potential to quickly develop its economy — and this is explained not only by the favourable natural conditions, but also by the convenient geographical position in terms of international trade exchanges.

Industry is the most important area of Ukraine’s economy. In the structure of Ukraine’s industry a great proportion is occupied by heavy industry, especially the steel, machine-building and coal industries. A considerable part is played by the food and light industries.

Many of Ukraine’s heavy industries are concentrated in the Donbas region, the centre of Ukraine’s heavy industry. A large industrial output is yielded by the mining, ferrous metallurgy, chemical and machine-building industries.

The machine-building is presently the largest branch of industry. It accounts for a third of the national industrial output and employs about a fourth of Ukraine’s workers. Automobiles and buses, locomotives and railway cars, airplanes and ships, tractors and harvesters, machine tools and metallurgical equipment are produced at Ukraine’s plants and factories.

Ukraine has very favourable conditions for the development of agricultural production: fertile soils, temperately warm climate, a well- developed industry processing agricultural raw materials. Ukraine is one of the world’s most productive farming regions and is known as the breadbasket of Europe.

There are two main branches of agricultural production in Ukraine: crop production and animal husbandry. Crop production is the practice of growing and harvesting crops. It includes: grain and industrial crops, meadow culture, fruit and vegetable raising.

Among the industrial crops such as sugar beet, sunflower, flax the leading position is occupied by sugar beet. Close to 40 types of vegetable crops are grown in Ukraine: potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, red beets, carrots, onions, garlic, etc. Melon-growing is practiced mainly in the south.

Animal husbandry is the practice of breeding of farm animals and their use. The most widespread branches of animal husbandry are: dairy and beef cattle breeding, pig raising, sheep farming and bee-keeping. The poultry industry is spread through all the provinces. Birds farmed include chicken, duck, goose, turkey. There are large mechanized poultry farms to produce eggs and meat.