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36 Write short answers for these questions. Use the verb to be.


  1. Are the Rocky Mountains in Canada? Yes, they are.

  2. Is Brazil a small country? No, it isn’t.

  1. Is Buenos Aires in Uruguay? ___________________________________

  2. Is Eddie Murphy Irish? ________________________________________

  3. Are you Australian? __________________________________________

  4. Are the Canary Islands near England? ____________________________

  5. Is the Kremlin in Hungary? _____________________________________

  6. Are Prince Charles and Prince Andrew brothers? ___________________

The possessive with ‘s

We normally use -‘s (not of..) for people:

- I stayed at my sister’s house. (not ‘the house of my sister)

- Have you met Mr. Kelly’s wife? (not ‘the wife of Mr. Kelly)

You can use -‘s without a noun:

- Mary’s hair is longer than Ann’s. (= Ann’s hair)

- Whose umbrella is this? «It’s my mother’s»

(=my mother’s umbrella)

We write -‘s after friend/student/mother etc. (singular)

my mother’s car (one mother)

We write -‘ after friends/students/parents (plural)

my parents’ car (two parents)

We use of... (not usually -‘s) for things, places etc.

the roof of the building (not ‘the building’s roof)

the beginning of the film (not ‘the film’s beginning)

the time of the next train

the capital of Spain

The meaning of this word

the name of this town

the cause of the problem

the back of the car

37 Write sentences. Use the words in brackets to replace the underlined words.


  1. Where is his car? (the waiter) Where is the waiter’s car?

  1. Their newspapers are in the restaurant. (the men)

The men’s newspapers are in the restaurant.

  1. Is it her coat? (the teacher)

  2. These are his apples. (Jim)

  3. I’ve got their pizza. (Jim and Sally)

  4. Those are her postcards. (Julie)

  5. Where are their books? (the policemen)

  6. Her bag is in the classroom. (Sally)

  7. His radio is in the hotel. (the man)

38 Underline the correct words.


1 She / Her house is 26 Stedman Road.

2 I / My am very happy today.

3 He / His is thirty-seven years old today.

4 This is I / my dictionary.

5 That’s she / her book.

6 They / Their phone number is 700 7114.

7 This is John / John’s pizza.

8 Susan / Susan’s is a very nice woman.

9 Mr. and Mrs. Smith / Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s car is blue.

10 This is we/ our homework for tonight.

11 This is Pat/ Pat’s coffee.

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