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Part 1.doc
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21 Look through the text again and complete the table below. Think which country or countries meet the following rule. Check the correct boxes.



The Philippines


The U.S.

1 People shake hands every time they meet

2 Women kiss at the first meeting

3 Men hug or pat each other on the back.

4 Women kiss male friends.

5 The family name comes first.

22 Say how these people greet each other in your country. Discuss it with your partner.

  • two male friends

  • a male and a female friend

  • two strangers

  • two female friends



23 Listen to the conversation. Then complete the gaps. What does Jane say to Richard?

Richard Hello, Jane.

Jane _______________________________

Richard Phew! What’s this?

Jane _______________________________

Richard Hmm. Is it your car?

Jane _______________________________

Richard Whose car is it?

Jane _______________________________

Richard Mr. Orson? Who’s he?

Jane _______________________________

24 Write sentences for all the objects for the pictures below.


  1. What is it? It’s a cigar.

  2. What are they? They are glasses.

25 Write sentences with the possessive case for all the objects for the picture above.


  1. Whose cigar is it? – It’s Mr. Orson’s cigar.

2 Whose glasses are they? – They are Jane’s glasses.

26 Put the sentences in the right order to make a conversation. Mark the number of the sentence in the table below. Read the conversation with your partner. Then listen to the dialogue and check.

Tourist Good evening. A family room, please.

Receptionist Where are you from?

Tourist Yes, they are. She’s twelve and he’s seven.

Receptionist Are they under fourteen?

Tourist Yes, we are.

Tourist Sorry?

Tourist Good evening. A family room, please.

Receptionist Oh, really? How old are your children?

Tourist We’re from Dover.

Receptionist Nice accent! Are you British?

Receptionist Right. Kids stay free.

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