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Setting Off Independent Clauses

  1. Use a comma before and, but, or, so, nor, yet, for when those words are used to connect two independent clauses.

The express to Helsinki is fast, and it is not very expensive.

The plane is faster, but the train is more relaxing.

Note: A comma is not used with a conjunction if the two independent clauses are very short.

Marc flew and I took the train.

  1. Always use a comma to introduce contrasting information.

The flight stops in Bonn on weekdays, but not on weekends.

Note: Normally in this case sentences may not be joined with only a comma. Use a conjunction and a comma.

Incorrect: The flight was crowded, the service was good.

Correct: The flight was crowded, but the service was good.

1 Com

Underline the coordinating conjunctions and insert a comma in the right place.

  1. Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they have never failed to imitate them. (James Baldwin)

  2. I was now twelve years old and the thought of being a slave for life began to bear heavily on my heart. (Frederick Douglass)

  3. The Closerie des Lilas was the nearest good cafe when we lived in the flat over the sawmill at 113 rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs and it was one of the best cafes in Paris. (Ernest Hemingway)

  4. One might argue that Carpenter had mishandled the re-entry but to accuse him of panic made no sense in light of the telemetered data concerning his heart rate and his respiratory rate. (Tom Wolfe)

  5. People put up with less rockiness in a marriage now and the opportunity to dissolve a bad marriage in a rather easy fashion tips plenty of marriages that are not nearly all that bad into court. (Edward Hoagland)

2 Com

Combine the following into sentences using and, but, or, so, and yet.

1. The city services are good + the taxes are high here.

2. The municipal zoo is free + it is near our home.

3. There is little crime in this city + we are not afraid to go out alone at night.

4. People here drive slowly + carefully.

5. City employees can work from seven to three +they can work from nine to five.

6. City employees have many days of vacation + their salaries are very good.

Setting Off Items in a Series

  1. Use commas to separate parts in a series of three or more items.

The room was dark, damp, and dreary.

He did not know who she was, where she came from, or why she was there.

Note: Keep the comma before AND to emphasize the equal weight of the element.

He rented an apartment with three rooms, a kitchen, a bath with a shower, and a garage.

Note: You may need to use a comma to set off a contrasting phrase.

She liked running her own business, but not working on week-ends.


Use commas in the sentences that require them.

  1. The doctor told me not to swim ride a bicycle or drive a car.

  2. He told me to listen to music read books or get a hobby.

  3. The doctor recommended vitamin C iron and zinc.

  4. I have to lose weight and get more sleep.

  5. I’m jogging now on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays.

  6. I don’t smoke or drink coffee anymore.

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