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12. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Is it cold or warm? 2. Is it winter or summer? 3. Is it dark or light? 4. Is it early or late? 5. Was it pleasant to skate? 6. Was it difficult to answer the teacher's questions? 7. When do we put our coat on: when it is cold or when it is warm? 8. When do we see well: when it is dark or when it is light? 9. Was it important to read this book? 10. Will it be pleasant to go to the cinema?

13. Переведите, начиная каждое предложение со слова “it”.

1) Весна. Май. Тепло. Светло в 7 часов. Интересно учиться. Зимой обычно холодно. Идет снег. Идет дождь осенью.

2) Было необходимо говорить по-английски. Была зима. Было холодно. Было интересно видеть новые города. Было важно вернуться домой через два часа. Было нетрудно найти дорогу. Было удивительно увидеть этот город снова.

3) Будет приятно получать ваше письмо. Будет лето. Будет жарко. Будет дождь. Будет приятно встретить старых друзей. Будет трудно найти его адрес. Будет возможно летать на другие планеты. Будет интересно читать эту книгу. Необходимо будет сделать эту работу завтра.

14. Переведите предложения, обращая внимании на усилительную конструкцию ”it is (was) . . . That ( who, whom, when)”.

Образец: It was Popov who invented the radio.

a) 1. It is with the help of the radio that we receive most of the information. 2. It was in 1869 that Mendeleyev published his Periodic Table. 3. It was the scientist Lodygin who invented the electric lamp. 4. It was in April when the equipment was brought to the laboratory. 5. It was his brother who brought me the letter yesterday. 6. It was Yuri Gagarin who started the era of cosmic flights. 8. It is the gravitation that makes the satellites move around the Earth.

b) 1. It is the reading of the adapted English books that will help students enlarge their vocabulary. 2. It is at least ten English words that students have to learn every day. 3. It is my mother's friend I am to meet at the station today. 4. It was this text that we had to learn by heart for the lesson. 5. It was the development of radio engineering that they spoke about. 6. It was through this book that he learned about Newton's discovery. 7. It was in 1896 that Popov transmitted the first radiogram. 8. It was in Russia that the electric energy was first turned into the light. 9. It is the structure of the atom that the Solar system is often compared with. 10. It is Prof. Smirnov who in his lectures gives an interesting analysis of modern physical theories.

15. Переведите на русский язык; объясните употребление неопределенных местоимений.

1. Give me some book to read. 2. Have you any magazines? 3. Anyone can do it. 4. Let me know if anything happens. 5. Do you go anywhere in the morning? 6. Any of us can help you. 7. Give me some water, please. 8. Come to see us any Friday evening, we are always at home then. 9. Be ready to tell the content of any chapter of this book. 10. Do they take any books with them? 11. I must go to see him some days this week. 12. I can see some students here. 13. I cannot give that book to anybody at present. 14. He is translating some interesting part of that technical article. 15. Can you get me anything to read? 16. Our club is open: anybody can visit it. 17. He didn't tell you anything new. 18. Give me something to read. 19. Any student of our Institute may take books from our library. 20. Any young man or woman who has secondary education may enter a higher school. 21. You may enter any Institute you like. 22. He can work in any branch of chemistry.