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(Peter Drucker: An Introductory View of Management)

Vocabulary notes

to select people - підбирати кадри;

to be appointed to - бути призначеним (на посаду);

to supervise - наглядати, контролювати;

skills - уміння, навики;

to be approachable - бути доступним, відкритим для спілкування;

key issue - основна, ключова тема/момент;

innovation - нововведення;

to measure - вимірювати;

to attain - виконувати;

to deal with something - мати справу з чимось.

Comprehension check

I. Look through the first part of the text and answer the following questions:

1. What are five responsibilities of the work of a manager?

2. What does setting objectives involve?

3. What does the process of organizing mean?

4. What social skills does the work of manager require? Why?

5. What does the job of measuring and developing activities include?

II. The second part of the text determines the position and responsibilities of top managers. Define them.

III. Using the information of the third part of the text prove that management is not entirely scientific but involves some human skills.

IV. In the forth part of the text find answers to the questions:

1. How have the management styles changed in the last years?

2. What are the new strategies that help managers operate the task?

3. What is the key issue of the modern management?


I. Match the terms on the right to their definitions on the left:

1. To give (part of one's power, rights) to someone else for a certain time

a) strategy.

2. Special ability to do something well, gained by learning and practice.

b) motivate

3. A particular plan for gaining success in a particular task.

c) management

4. To choose for a position or job.

d) chairman

5. A general agreement; the opinion of most of the people in the group.

e) appoint

6. To force the acceptance of something usually difficult or unwanted.

f) impose

7. The head of a large organization or company.

g) delegate

8. Encouraging employees to use their own initiative, to make decisions on their own without asking managers first.

h) key issue

9. To provide with a strong reason for doing something.

i) consensus

10. Very important issue, on which others depend.

j) empowerment

II. Substitute the italicized parts of sentences using one of the words and word combinations from the lists in brackets:

1. Managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resources available to them (use, distribute, gain, achieve). 2. Managers - logically - have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are manageable (appropriate, correspond to their abilities, acquire additional skills, profitable). 3. Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being achieved (gained, obtained, reached, accomplished). 4. A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by a company's board of directors (refused, fired, unemployed, retired). 5. Top managers are responsible for the innovations that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world (fashion, inventions, discoveries, services). 6. Managers have to supervise their subordinates and to measure and try to improve their performance, (control, guide, superintend, inspect). 7. The new law empowers the police to search private houses (enables, entitles, provides, demands). 8. There is a remote control of their activities from the head-quarters in Lviv (effective, distant, strict, far from). 10. Can we reach consensus on this issue? (order, agreement, decision, satisfaction).

III. In the text find the words with the opposite meaning to the words given below:

firstly, adv employ, v

old, antique, adj artistic, adj

private, adj close, adj

minor, adj centralized, adj

IV. Suggest English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

Визначити мету; підбирати людей; включати; поділяти на групи; виконувати роботу; штат/робочий колектив; досягати мети; вимірювати; підвищення по службі; підлеглі; старший менеджер; нововведення; взаємозв'язки з постачальниками; призначати на посаду; звільняти з роботи; рада директорів; ініціатива; ключовий елемент; очевидно; відповідальний за виконання роботи; зважати на (брати до уваги) потреби клієнтів; мати справу з інвесторами; використовувати на практиці; неспроможний; уміння; уповноваження; високоосвічений; владний; ефективний; рішучий; переконливий; таким чином; підбирати кадри; точна тактика; окремі види діяльності; науковий підхід; застосовувати на практиці; доступний/досяжний; віддалений/далекий; робити внесок.

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