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Communicative activities

I. Which modern or historical leaders do you admire most? Which do you admire least? Why?

II. What makes a good manager and a great leader? Which four of the following qualities are the most important?

a. being decisive: able to make quick decisions;

b. being efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks unfinished;

c. being friendly and sociable;

d. being logical rational and analytical;

e. being able to motivate, inspire and lead people;

f. being authoritative: able to give orders;

g. being competent: knowing one's job perfectly, as well as the work of subordinates;

h. being persuasive: able to convince people to do things;

i. being highly educated and knowing a lot about the world;

j. wanting to make a lot of money.

Are there any qualities that you think should be added to this list?

Which of these qualities can be acquired? Which must be born with? Are there differences between men and women as leaders?

III. What makes a bad boss? Draw up a profile of factors. Compare your answer with the factors of your group-mate.

IV. Which adjectives below describe positive aspects of someone's character? Which describe negative aspects?

decisive open loyal balanced

charismatic confident impulsive careful

motivating sensible flexible thoughtful

adventurous uncaring self-centered aggressive

accessible moderate energetic ambitious

stubborn shy arrogant logical

dominant frank indecisive temperamental

passive insincere calm vindictive


Find an employment Web page (an example is www. occ.com) and search for available jobs using "economist" as a keyword. List five jobs that economists have and write a one-sentence description of each. What factors will be important for you in your choice of the job?


  1. Оленюк О. The world of economics: навч. посібник / Оленюк О., Крижанівська Г., Курташ Н. та ін. – Львів: Видавничий центр ЛНУ імені Івана Франка, 2007. – 340 с.

  2. Drucker P. An introductory view of management / Peter F. Drucker. – New York : Harper’s College Press, 1977 – 588 p.

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