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Ответы к билетам (1-29).doc
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  1. 6.1 File-sharing: Internet Piracy or a Personal Right to Download for Free?

File- sharing is not necessarily illegal, even if the works being shared are covered by copyright. For example, some artists may choose to support freeware, software, open source, or anti-copyright, and advocate the use of file sharing as a free promotional tool. Nearly all freeware, and open source software. Content in the public domain can also be freely shared.

6.2 Provide arguments for and against file-sharing looking at the problem from both sides (as a consumer and as a copyright owner).

File sharing is a very convenient way to receive information free of charge and quickly. But it is good only for people who download these files and don’t think about the copyright holder. Many people don’t know laws, to judge whether they can download the file legally or violate the law by doing this unwillingly. The right holder suffers from this because he loses money and the rights of prejudice, placing his work without permission of the author. Besides, people who download something often use another person’s materials without links.

  1. 7.1 What is file-sharing? What files can be shared on the web? How is it done?

File sharing is the practice of disturbing or providing access to digitally stored information such as computer programs, multimedia (audio, images and video), documents or electronic books. It may be implemented through a variety of ways. Common methods of storage, transmission and dispersion include manual sharing utilizing removable media, centralized servers on computer networks, World Wide Web-based hyper linked documents, and the use of distributed peer-to-peer network.

7.2 Do you download free music/videos/books?

Of course, I download music, movies, books and images from the Internet. I know that this is illegal, but that is the Russian mentality. We want to enjoy the work of art and do not want to pay for it, and not all of us have such an opportunity. I believe that people need to give the possibility to download files free of charge because the aspiration of the person to art should be encouraged.

    1. Can file-sharing be referred to as piracy? Why or why not?

См. 6.1

7.4 In which cases is it copyright infringement and in which not?

    1. Violation of the law is use works of literary, art and sciences, protected by copyright without the permission of the author, illegal copying and plagiarism. Illegal distribution of copies of films, telecasts belongs to copyright infringement, music, literature, games and the software on disks, cartridges and by copying through computer networks for the purpose of receiving profit and without. Often Internet shops use photos and description of product from other sites. It’s illegal too.

    2. But if the file is placed on a site without downloading possibility but only for acquaintance, it doesn't break copyright.

7.5 What are the ways to protect copyright on the Web?

As a rule, the majority of owners of copyright often has the difficulties connected with justification of a rights of their works in court and collecting proofs.

There are some ways of protection of copyright. The first: independently to testify at the notary date of creation of article. For this purpose it is necessary to unpack with the indication of date and the author of work, and the notary will assure her

Second way: to send to itself the letter with this article. In that case, the postage stamp on an envelope also will be confirmation of existence of article for a certain date.

The third: to deposit a content. You make an application on deposition, on one of the sites, rendering such services, for example seneschal.ru. The demand includes your data and the electronic document which authorship needs to be fixed. Then the system checks your content on uniqueness by means of special techniques. Further the document unpack on paper and notarially assure.