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Types of Banks

A bank is an institution that deals in money and provides other financial services. Banks are at the heart of any financial system.

Banking is the business a bank is engaged in.

There exist different types of banks but their names may vary from one country to another.

Central banks such as the National Bank (Ukraine), the Bank of England (UK) or the Federal Reserve System (US) look after the government’s finance and monetary policy, act as bankers for the state and for commercial banks, manage a country's reserves of gold and foreign currencies, and are responsible for issuing banknotes.

Commercial banks deal directly with the public. They offer a wide range of services such as accepting deposits, making loans and managing customers’ accounts. The aim of commercial banks is to earn profit.

Merchant banks don’t deal with the public. They provide services for companies. They specialize in raising capital for industry, arranging flotations, takeovers and mergers, and investment portfolios.

Investment banks are firms that control the issue of new securities (shares and bonds).

Savings banks are financial institutions that specialize in providing services such as savings accounts as opposed to general banking services.

Білет 22

1.Market research is today conducted in an order tounderstand that it needs to the consumer. 2.We will get this information in time, if he will send her ane-mail.

2.2 Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United State of America.

1. Is Federal Reserve System the central banking system of the United State of America?

2. Is Federal Reserve System the central banking system of the United State of America or of United Kingdom of Great Britain?

3. What is the central banking system of the United State of America?

4. Federal Reserve System is the central banking system of the United State of America, is not it?

Кожна компанія, фірма, банк має свою складну структуру і персонал, необхідний для роботи.

Топ-менеджери стоять на чолі компанії: генеральний директор, президент,

Віце-президент керівництво та контроль всієї діяльності організації. Вони визначають стратегію основної компанії і політики. Представляти компанію на ділових зустрічах, конференціях, виставках.

Менеджери середньої ланки реалізації стратегії та основні напрямки політики передавалися з топ-менеджерів організації. Вони розвивають тактичних планів, політики та процедур і операцій, вони координують і контролюють діяльність лінійних менеджерів.

The Field of Accounting

Accounting offers the qualified person an opportunity to move ahead quickly in today’s business world.

Accounting is a basic and vital element in every modern business. It records the growth or decline of the business.

The field of accounting is divided into three broad divisions: public, private and governmental.

A certified public accountant (CPA) – AmE or a chartered accountant – BrE must pass a series of examinations, after which he or she receives a certificate. The simple fact of having passed the certifying examination gives them an advantage over those who haven’t.

CPAs can offer their services to the public on an individual consultant basis for which they receive a fee. Some CPAs perform work for firms, corporations or government offices and receive a salary.

Private accountants, who are employees of individual businesses, handle the financial records of a business. They are responsible for preparing the financial statements and are salaried rather than paid a fee.

Government accountants are employed by governmental agencies. They are responsible for monitoring the receipt and payment of funds. All of these accountants work on a salary basis.

Salaried positions with business or government offer strong security, since salaried accountants are not affected by layoff or seasonal changes in the work load as are industrial or clerical workers.

Білет 23

1.If you gather to go in a business trip abroad, you mustorder air or railroad tickets in good time, to reserve a hotelaccommodation and report the date of arrival to the foreign partners.

2.Organization that does not adapt to externalsurroundings can not survive.

2.2 Recording traditionally meant writing something by hand.

1. Does recording traditionally meant writing something by hand?

2. Does recording traditionally meant writing something by hand or writing something on the paper?

3. What does traditionally meant writing something by hand?

4. Recording traditionally meant writing something by hand, does not it?

Великобританія є високорозвиненою індустріальною країною. Вугільної, металургійної, текстильної, і одна з головних галузей промисловості, суднобудування старшого галузей промисловості. Пізні відносяться літаки, автомобільної, хімічної промисловості, електронної техніки. Нові галузі промисловості розробили рука об руку з наукою і технікою і всім необхідним для задоволення цих технічних вимог.

Говорячи про великі міста Сполученого Королівства ми повинні визнати, що основна бавовняних і вовняних центрів промисловості Лідс Бредфорд і Манчестер, Ньюкасл відомий вугільної промисловості. І Лондон, Ліверпуль і Глазго є найбільші англійські порти.

Багато різних продуктів Британії галузі експортується в багато країн світу. Британія має відкриту економіку, в якій міжнародна торгівля відіграє важливу роль.

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