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Internet. Www.

The Internet opens up vast resources and business opportunities for millions of users around the world and makes communication the easiest it has ever been.

The Internet is a worldwide network of computers, holding vast quantities of data that you can access directly from a PC.

An intranet is a network which uses the same technology as the Internet. However, an intranet is private, and can only be accessed by a particular group of people who have permission to look at the intranet pages. Intranets are often used in business and educational contexts.

A piece of software called a browser is needed to access the Internet. Once you are connected, you can surf the Net i.e. move from one place the another, looking for information on the Internet. If you find something of interest you can download it, i.e. copy a file from an online service to your computer.

The World Wide Web, also referred to as the Web (WWW), is considered by many users to be the most exciting aspect of the Internet. It is a universe of pages containing text, images, sounds, and video clips. The pages of the Web cover a vast range of topics, presented in an attractive, interesting, and easily accessible form.

The information on the Web is displayed in websites. A website can consist of one or many web pages. Websites are written in HTML, a special programming language.

Білет 30

1.Credits are attracted for terms, when money is neededon development of бізнеса

2.A sale of assets is the last means of rescue

2.2 Cash flow is the movement of money into and out of an organization.

1. Is cash flow the movement of money into and out of an organization?

2. Is cash flow the movement of money into and out of an organization or of an association?

3. What is the movement of money into and out of an organization?

4. Cash flow is the movement of money into and out of an organization, is not it?

Гривня була введена на 2 вересня 1996 відразу після святкування Дня Незалежності України. Вона прийшла на зміну старій "Купон" (або "карбованця"), який був тимчасово законопроекту в Україну на період виїжджав з рублевої зони.

Назва "гривня" дуже стара - принаймні сім століть. У 17 столітті гетьман Богдан Хмельницький спробував ввести нову валюту гривню, але не з великим успіхом. Гетьман Мазепа, в 18 столітті зробив ще одну спробу, яка також не вдалося. Два століття минуло з тих пір і тепер ми маємо гривень в обігу. Тепер він є єдиним законним платіжним засобом в Україну і з серпня 1995 року всі господарські операції повинні бути у гривні. Гривня може бути вільно конвертовані в тверду валюту в будь-якому уповноваженому банку або обмінного пункту.


The most widely-used function on the Internet is e-mail (electronic mail).

E-mail is the transmission and distribution of information through personal computers linked to the telephone system, which allows subscribers to send a message directly to another subscriber that will appear in their electronic mail box.

Using e-mail, you can send messages to anyone with an Internet account, and most businesses today have an electronic mailing address.

E-mail is cheap and easy to use. In business, e-mail provides cheap and rapid communication between the employees of an organization, and between a company and its clients and suppliers.

An e-mail address contains an identifier, i.e. the user name. After that comes the symbol “@” (pronounced “at”), followed by the domain name, which identifies the server that is used to send your mail, the category of organization and the country code. The different elements of the domain name are separated by dots. There is no full stop at the end.

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