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The Industrial revolution spread worldwide gradually, but in different rates (tab. 6.2).

Table 6.2

The main features of industrial development of the countries from 1780 till 1850.

The basic industries


Influence of industrial revolution on the country


« A workshop of the world », « World carrier », « Mistress of the world »

  • Coal mining;

  • Melt of pig-iron (more than 1/2 world productions of metal);

  • Light industry (more than 1/2 world productions of cotton fabrics);

  • Mechanical engineering.

  • A market: England, the countries of Europe, India, China.

  • Supporting role in comparison with industry .

  • Huge concentration of landed property.

  • The main figure of agrarian attitudes - the farmer, renting the ground and using mercenary labour.

  • Economic and military domination over the world (the fleet from steamships with powerful artillery dictated the will worldwide).

  • Carrying out of a colonization policy.


Manufacture of silk fabrics (silk was the major part of the French export).

France was primary the agrarian country.

The system of granting the cheap credits to industrialists introduced by the state for stimulation of industrial growth (Napoleon III) .


  • The agrarian country;

  • The domination of the large landowner's property


Cotton branch ( internal market).

  • The agrarian country (in the North economy of small farmers prevailed, in the south - slaveholding plantations prevailed, specialized in cultivation of tobacco and clap.

  • A Cotton boom. 4 million slaves worked on southern plantations by the middle of century, it was a half of population of southern states.

Development of colonization. Conflict of interests between farmers and slaveholders because of the new lands (the clap quickly exhausted the ground), that had led to the Civil war and liquidation of slavery

Different temps of industrial revolution expansion can be explained by some of constraints. For example, disunity of the country and presence of numerous internal customs was typical for Germany during this period, and it broke the development of production. In the USA the industrial development was restrained by the lack of a cheap labour.

In contrast to the West countries, the industrial revolution in Russia began later. Manufacturing formation began in Russia after the cancellation of the serfdom. Before the reform of 1861 the industrial development was restrained by the lack of a free labour - the most part of the country’s were the serfs. By 1859 the cotton fabrics manufacture in Russia was 20 times less, than in England; railway construction just began. At the end of XVIII century the Russian metallurgy won the first place in the world, but after industrial revolution happened, Russia conceded to England more than in 10 times.

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