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Дидактическая единица 4 Синтагматические связи слов. Словосочетание

4.1. Словосочетание как языковая единица

I: {{173}} ТЗ 4.1.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The phrase is a … .

+: naming unit of language

+: syntactic unit

-: communicative unit

-: unit having intonation

-: unit based on predication

I: {{174}} ТЗ 4.1.2; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The … of the head in a word combination determines the occurrence of that or another adjunct.

+: valence

-: appurtenance

-: length

-: position

I: {{175}} ТЗ 4.1.3; К = A; Т = 50;

S: The type of syntactic connection of the phrase constituents nodded and silently in “nodded his head silently” can be called … .

+: adjoinment

-: agreement

-: government

-: enclosure

4.2. Классификация словосочетаний

I: {{176}} ТЗ 4.2.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Correlation of the principles of classification and the types of word combinations distinguished:


L1: semantic

L2: morphological

L3: number of constituents

L4: syntactic relations between head and adjunct

R1: free and phraseologically bound

R2: noun, verb(al), adjectival, adverbial

R3: simple and complex

R4: attributive, objective, with adverbials

R5: obligatory and optional

I: {{177}} ТЗ 4.2.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The traditional classification of phrases is based on the … status of the phrase constituents.

+: part of speech

-: part of the sentence

-: word order

-: sense-group

I: {{178}} ТЗ 4.2.3; К = A; Т = 40;

S: “Poor Maggie” is a(n) … word combination.

+: endocentric

-: exocentric

-: predicative

-: prepositional

I: {{179}} ТЗ 4.2.4; К = A; Т = 50;

S: The word combination “a man having no scruples” is…

+: notional

+: dominational

-: equipotent

-: formative

-: functional

I: {{180}} ТЗ 4.2.5; К = A; Т = 40;

S: “Saw a black dog” is a(n) … word combination.

+: verbal

-: noun

-: adjectival

-: adverbial

4.3. Типы синтаксических связей в словосочетании

I: {{181}} ТЗ 4.3.1; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: A method of expressing a syntactical relationship, which consists in making the subordinate word take a form similar to that of the word to which it is subordinate, is called ###.

+: agreement

+: concord

I: {{182}} ТЗ 4.3.2; К = B; Т = 60;

S: By ### we understand the use of a certain form of the subordinate word required by its head word, but not coinciding with the form of the word itself.

+: government

4.4. Инфинитивные, герундиальные и причастные словосочетания

I: {{183}} ТЗ 4.4.1; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: … phrases are reduced second base sentences.

+: infinitival

+: gerundial

-: prepositional

-: noun

-: binary

4.5. Именное словосочетание

I: {{184}} ТЗ 4.5.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Noun phrase consists of a noun and a … .

+: determiner

-: role

-: notion

-: head

4.6. Глагольное словосочетание

I: {{185}} ТЗ 4.6.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: Reference within the verb … is reflected by the referential … of those semantico-syntactic partners of the … which are syntactic … of the verb phrase.

1: phrase

2: content

3: verb

4: constituents