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Федеральное агентство по образованию гоу впо «Бирская государственная социально-педагогическая академия» Кафедра английской филологии



по учебной работе БирГСПА




Председатель Методического Совета



Банк тестовых заданий

для определения качества обучения студентов

(цель проверки)

по блоку_ДПП_______________________________________________

(блок дисциплин по ГОС)

компонент по ГОС федеральный________________________________

(федеральный, региональный, дисциплина по выбору, факультатив)

по дисциплине_ДПП.Ф.5 Теоретическая грамматика

(шифр и наименование дисциплины по ГОС)

для специальностей_специальность 033200 «Иностранный язык»

(шифр и наименование специальностей по ГОС)

Объем часов 140 часов (по ГОС)

Автор/ Руководитель группы: Новик Н.В.

Состав группы разработчиков:


Фамилия И.О.


Должность, место работы



В области тестологии


Новик Н.В.


ст. преподаватель

ст. преп. каф.английской филологии

Автор/Руководитель группы: Новик Н.В. 2008г.

Подпись Ф.И.О. дата

Тестолог кафедры: Вильданова Г.А. 2008г.

Подпись Ф.И.О. дата

Зав. кафедрой: Горшунов Ю.В. 2008г. Протокол № ... от … Подпись Ф.И.О. дата


МК факультета: Павлова О.В. 2008г. Протокол № ... от …

Подпись Ф.И.О. дата

Бирск - 2008

Банк тестовых заданий

по дисциплине «Теоретическая грамматика»

для студентов IV курса

Специальность: 033200 Иностранный язык (английский)

Составитель: Новик Н.В.

Дидактическая единица 1

Предмет теоретической грамматики.

Грамматика в уровневой теории языка

    1. Предмет теоретической грамматики. Отношение теоретической грамматики к практической (нормативной) грамматике, другим лингвистическим дисциплинам

I: {{1}} ТЗ 1.1.1; К = C; Т = 80 sec.;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The… of theoretical … is to provide an insight into the … of the language under examination in the light of the general principles of … .

1: task

2: grammar

3: structure

4: linguistics

I: {{2}} ТЗ 1.1.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The main object of … grammar is to help the student acquire mastery of the native or foreign language.

+: practical

-: theoretical

-: prescriptive

-: context-free

I: {{3}} ТЗ 1.1.3; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The true grammatical rules or regularities are connected with the most general and abstract parts of content inherent in the elements of … .

+: language

-: description

-: subfoundation

-: reality

I: {{4}} ТЗ 1.1.4; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The grammatical forms and regularities are meaningful, therefore the rules of grammar must be stated … .

+: semantically

+: functionally

-: independently

-: explicitly

-: informally

    1. Типы грамматик в зависимости от принципов и моделей исследования и методов анализа

I: {{5}} ТЗ 1.2.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Matching of the type of grammar and what it studies:


L1: transformational grammar

L2: communicatively orientated grammar

L3: generative semantics

L4: pragmatically orientated grammar

L5: textual grammar

R1: derivation of sentences from kernel sentences

R2: the theme-rheme integration in the sentence

R3: the semantic structure of sentences

R4: the functional side of language units

R5: the structure of discourse

R6: general principles underlying language phenomena

R7: the history of a language

I: {{6}} ТЗ 1.2.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The aim of … grammar is to give a formalized description of language system as it exists, without being concerned with questions of correct and incorrect usage.

+: structural

-: historical

-: comparative

-: prescriptive

    1. Грамматика в свете эксплицитного разграничения двух планов языка – плана содержания и плана выражения

I: {{7}} ТЗ 1.3.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The nature of … as a constituent part of … is better understood in the … of explicitly discriminating the two planes of language, namely, the plane of … and the plane of expression.

1: grammar

2: language

3: light

4: content

I: {{8}} ТЗ 1.3.2; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The two … are inseparably connected, so that no … can be realized without some material … of … .

1: planes

2: meaning

3: means

4: expression

I: {{9}} ТЗ 1.3.3; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The … between the … of content and … is very complex, and it is peculiar to each … .

1: correspondence

2: planes

3: expression

4: language

I: {{10}} ТЗ 1.3.4; К = C; Т = 80;

S: Two or more units of the … of content, in cases of polysemy and … , correspond to one … of the plane of … .

1: plane

2: homonymy

3: unit

4: expression

I: {{11}} ТЗ 1.3.5; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Two or more units of the plane of expression correspond to one unit of the plane of content in cases of … .

+: synonymy

-: polysemy

-: homonymy

-: antonymy

I: {{12}} ТЗ 1.3.6; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Modelling grammatical units we reflect their peculiarities with the help of … .

+: symbols

-: signs

-: letters

-: drawings

I: {{13}} ТЗ 1.3.7; К = A; Т = 50;

S: Some of the chief features characterizing an analytical language are … .

+: a more or less fixed word order

+: a wide use of prepositions to connect words

-: an abundance of grammatical inflections

-: a wide use of sound alternations

-: suppletive formations

    1. Морфология и синтаксис как две составные части грамматики

I: {{14}} ТЗ 1.4.1; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: The field of grammar studying the grammatical structure of words and the categories realized by them is called ###.

+: morphology

I: {{15}} ТЗ 1.4.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The term equivalent to “morphology” is … .

+: accidence

-: declension

-: conjugation

-: inflection

I: {{16}} ТЗ 1.4.3; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: The field of grammar studying the grammatical relations between words and other units within the sentence is called ###.

+: syntax

    1. Общая характеристика языка как системы. Синхрония и диахрония. Язык и речь

I: {{17}} ТЗ 1.5.1; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: …is a structured set of elements connected by a common function.

+: system

-: structure

-: substance

-: proposition

I: {{18}} ТЗ 1.5.2; К = C; Т = 80;

S: Arrangement of the disjoined elements in pairs of immediate correlation:

L1: lingual synchrony

L2: lingual diachrony

L3: language

L4: speech

R1: coexistence of lingual elements

R2: different periods in the development of language

R3: a system of means of expression

R4: manifestation of the system of language

R5: a hierarchy of levels

I: {{19}} ТЗ 1.5.3; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The sign (meaningful unit) in the system of language has only a … meaning.

+: potential

-: factual

-: figurative

-: literal

I: {{20}} ТЗ 1.5.4; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The material which a linguist takes up for investigation is always a fact of … .

+: speech

-: language

-: history

-: importance

    1. Виды системных отношений: парадигматические и синтагматические отношения

I: {{21}} ТЗ 1.6.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The relationship between two units X and Y occurring one after another in a larger unit is called … .

+: syntagmatic

-: paradigmatic

-: transformational

-: lexical

I: {{22}} ТЗ 1.6.2; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: The relationship between two units X and Y which can be substituted for one another in a larger unit is called ###.

+: paradigmatic

    1. Единицы языка и уровни языка

I: {{23}} ТЗ 1.7.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements:


The levels of language, starting from the highest to the lowest, are built up by … .

1: texts

2: sentences

3: phrases

4: words

5: morphemes

6. phonemes

I: {{24}} ТЗ 1.7.2; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Matching of the definitions and the lingual units they refer to:

L1: the smallest distinctive unit

L2: the smallest meaningful unit

L3: the smallest naming unit

L4: the smallest communicative unit

R1: phoneme

R2: morpheme

R3: word

R4: sentence

R5: phrase

I: {{25}} ТЗ 1.7.3; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Segmental units consist of … .

+: phonemes

-: syllables

-: paradigms

-: accents

I: {{26}} ТЗ 1.7.4; К = A; Т = 40;

S: To the supra-segmental units belong … .

+: intonation contours

+: pauses

-: phonemes

-: morphs

-: morphemes

I: {{27}} ТЗ 1.7.5; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The grammatical description of phrases is sometimes called “… syntax”.

+: minor

-: major

-: greater

-: lower