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Дидактическая единица 3 Теория частей речи

3.1. Принципы грамматической классификации слов

I: {{69}} ТЗ 3.1.1; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: In modern linguistics, parts of speech are discriminated on the basis of three criteria which are conventionally referred to as “meaning”, “ ### “, and “function”.

+: form

I: {{70}} ТЗ 3.1.2; К = C; Т = 60;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: There is some … between parts of speech and parts of the … , but it never assumes the … of obligatory … .

1: connection

2: sentence

3: nature

4: correspondence

3.2. Знаменательные и служебные части речи

I: {{71}} ТЗ 3.2.1; К = A; Т = 50;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Notional words are characterized by the fact that they … .

+: are the main carriers of meaning

+: may take inflections

-: form closed classes of items

-: are generally invariable

-: are short and lack internal structure

I: {{72}} ТЗ 3.2.2; К = A; Т = 50;

S: Function words are characterized by the fact that they … .

+: indicate relationships between words

+: are usually unstressed

-: form open classes of words

-: can be the heads of phrases

-: are complex in structure

3.3. Позиционно-дистрибутивная классификация слов Ч.Фриза

I: {{73}} ТЗ 3.3.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Ch.Fries’s classification of words is … .

+: syntactic

-: lexico-grammatical

-: morphological

-: semantic

3.4. Трехъярусная классификация слов М.Я. Блоха

I: {{74}} ТЗ 3.4.1; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The missing member of the derivational paradigm (noun: strength verb: … adjective: strong adverb: strongly) is ###.

+: strengthen

I: {{75}} ТЗ 3.4.2; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The missing member of the derivational paradigm (noun: goodness verb: to better adjective: good adverb: …) is ###.

+: well

3.5. Теория полевой структуры частей речи

I: {{76}} ТЗ 3.5.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the language units (adjectives) in the field structure according to their class characteristics:


L1: joint

L2: electrical

L3: warm

R1: periphery

R2: second layer

R3: nucleus

R4: fourth layer

3.6. Теория трех рангов О. Есперсена

I: {{77}} ТЗ 3.6.1; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: “Ranks” of the words in accord with O. Jespersen’s theory of three ranks:


L1: extremely

L2: hot

L3: weather

R1: tertiary

R2: secondary

R3: primary

R4: quaternary

3.7.1. Имя существительное как часть речи

I: {{78}} ТЗ 3.7.1; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The noun as a part of speech has the categorial meaning of …

+: substance

-: number

-: property

-: process

I: {{79}} ТЗ 3.7.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The type of stem observed in “boyhood” is …

+: derivative

-: simple

-: compound

-: composite

3.7.2. Подклассы существительного

I: {{80}} ТЗ 3.7.3; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Subclassification of the nouns


L1: excitement

L2: lion

L3: furniture

R1: abstract

R2: animate

R3: uncountable

R4: proper

I: {{81}} ТЗ 3.7.4; К = C; Т = 80;


L1: rain

L2: Johnson

L3: growth

R1: common

R2: proper

R3: uncountable

R4: collective

3.7.3. Категория числа

I: {{82}} ТЗ 3.7.5; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The distinction between singular and plural in English nouns is primarily …

+: morphological

-: combinatory

-: syntactic

-: extralinguistic

I: {{83}} ТЗ 3.7.6; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Ways of forming the plural:


L1: knives

L2: teeth

L3: deer

L4: curricula

R1: voicing of final consonant+-s plural

R2: mutation plural

R3: zero plural

R4: foreign plural

R5: -en plural

I: {{84}} ТЗ 3.7.7; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Colours when used in the meaning of a “flag” is a case of … .

+: lexicalization of the plural form

-: rendering specificational meaning

-: grammatical plural

-: the plural of approximation

3.7.4. Проблема категории рода

I: {{85}} ТЗ 3.7.8; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Gender in Modern English is a purely … category.

+: lexical

-: syntactic

-: pragmatic

-: morphological

3.7.5. Категория падежа

I: {{86}} ТЗ 3.7.9; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The unchangeable forms of the … are differentiated , in accord with the theory of positional …, as different cases by virtue of the functional … occupied by the noun in the … .

1: noun

2: cases

3: positions

4: sentence

I: {{87}} ТЗ 3.7.10; К = C; Т = 80;

S: Combinations of … with prepositions in certain … should be understood, in accord with the prepositional …, as morphological case … .

1: nouns

2: collocations

3: theory

4: forms

I: {{88}} ТЗ 3.7.11; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The third … of the English … case recognizes a limited inflexional … of two … in English, one of them featured and the other one unfeatured.

1: view

2: noun

3: system

4: cases

I: {{89}} ТЗ 3.7.12; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: … is usually regarded as a morphological form of a declinable word used to express a certain meaning or to denote a certain relation to other words.

+: case

-: gender

-: number

-: pronoun

I: {{90}} ТЗ 3.7.13; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: … is the category of a … expressing … between the thing denoted by the noun and other things, or properties, or actions, and manifested by some formal … in the noun itself.

1: case

2: noun

3: relations

4: sign

I: {{91}} ТЗ 3.7.14; К = C; Т = 80;

S: It must be borne in mind that the … of forming the … is mainly limited to a certain … of English nouns, viz. those which denote living … and a few others.

1: possibility

2: genitive

3: class

4: beings

I: {{92}} ТЗ 3.7.15; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The semantic type of the genitive in “the husband’s arrival” is that of …

+: agent

-: received qualification

-: adverbial

-: author

I: {{93}} ТЗ 3.7.16; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The semantic type of the genitive in “children’s diet” is the genitive of…

+: destination

-: possession

-: integer

-: patient

I: {{94}} ТЗ 3.7.17; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The semantic type of the genitive in “children’s language” is the genitive of …

+: dispensed qualification

-: comparison

-: adverbial

-: received qualification

I: {{95}} ТЗ 3.7.18; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The genitive in “a minute or two’s rest” is a… genitive.

+: group

-: dependent

-: independent

-: double

I: {{96}} ТЗ 3.7.19; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The double genitive is to be found in the sentence …

+: He is a good friend of my husband’s

-: He stared at his aunt’s face

-: We’ll meet at Bill’s

-: It’s somebody else’s umbrella

3.7.6. Проблема артикля

I: {{97}} ТЗ 3.7.20; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The article in English is a … .

+: function word

-: lexical word

-: morpheme

-: particle

I: {{98}} ТЗ 3.7.21; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The … article is commonly interpreted as referring the … denoted by the … to a certain … of similar objects.

1: indefinite

2: object

3: noun

4: class

I: {{99}} ТЗ 3.7.22; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The indefinite … expresses a classifying … of the nounal …, or takes it in a relatively general … .

1: article

2: generalization

3: referent

4: sense

I: {{100}} ТЗ 3.7.23; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The meaning of the definite article in the sentence “The rose is my favourite flower” is … .

+: generic

-: demonstrative

-: individualizing

-: numerical

I: {{101}} ТЗ 3.7.24; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The definite … expresses the … or individualization of the … of the … .

1: article

2: identification

3: referent

4: noun

I: {{102}} ТЗ 3.7.25; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The meaning of the indefinite article in the sentence “She is a doctor” is … .

+: classifying

-: numerical

-: demonstrative

-: generic

I: {{103}} ТЗ 3.7.26; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The typical syntactic … of the … modified by the definite … is the “thematic” … .

1: position

2: noun

3: article

4: subject

I: {{104}} ТЗ 3.7.27; К= C; Т = 80;

S: The typical syntactic … of the noun modified by the indefinite article or by the meaningful … of the … is the “rhematic” … .

1: position

2: absence

3: article

4: predicative

3.8.1. Глагол как часть речи

I: {{105}} ТЗ 3.8.1; К= B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: Morphologically, it is the ### that is the most developed part of speech.

+: verb

I: {{106}} ТЗ 3.8.2; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The verb as a part of speech is characterized by its categorial meaning of … .

+: process

-: property

-: number

-: substance

I: {{107}} ТЗ 3.8.3; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The verb is characterized by …

+: tense

+: aspect

-: the degrees of comparison

-: case

-: gender

I: {{108}} ТЗ 3.8.4; К = A; Т = 40;

S: We deal with the … of verbs when we describe them as words making up the predicate.

+: function

-: form

-: content

-: combinability

I: {{109}} ТЗ 3.8.5; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The syntactic function of the notional verb is the … .

+: predicate

-: adverbial modifier

-: subject

-: attribute

I: {{110}} ТЗ 3.8.6; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The stem-structure of the verb “blackmail” is …

+: compound

-: derived

-: sound-replacive

-: simple

I: {{111}} ТЗ 3.8.7; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The verb is characterized by its typical combinability with …

+: nouns

-: numerals

-: adjectives

-: modal words

I: {{112}} ТЗ 3.8.8; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The immediate expression of grammatical time, or “tense”, is one of the typical functions of the … verb.

+: finite

-: non-finite

-: functional

-: link-

3.8.2. Классификация глаголов

I: {{113}} ТЗ 3.8.9; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in pairs of immediate correlation:


L1: notional verbs

L2: auxiliary verbs

L3: copular verbs

L4: modal verbs

R1: possess a full lexical meaning

R2: make up the first component of an analytical form

R3: form part of a compound nominal predicate

R4: form part of a compound verbal modal predicate

I: {{114}} ТЗ 3.8.10; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Verbs are divided into regular and irregular according to the way … are formed.

+: the past indefinite and Participle II

-: the infinitive and the past indefinite

-: Participle I and Participle II

-: the infinitive and Participle I

I: {{115}} ТЗ 3.8.11; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Verbs fall into … .

+: notional

+: semi-notional

-: terminological

-: secondary

-: primary

I: {{116}} ТЗ 3.8.12; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Notional verbs fall into …

+: statal

+: actional

-: representative

-: suggestive

-: interpersonal

I: {{117}} ТЗ 3.8.13; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Verbs can be …

+: durative

+: terminative

-: indefinite

-: middle

-: critical

I: {{118}} ТЗ 3.8.14; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Verbs fall into …

+: transitive

+: intransitive

-: correlative

-: explanatory

-: renovated

I: {{119}} ТЗ 3.8.15; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Subclassification of the verbs:


L1: put

L2: become

L3: sleep

R1: transitive

R2: partially predicative

R3: intransitive

R4: evaluative

I: {{120}} ТЗ 3.8.16; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: Verbs such as allow, enable, force, help, let, permit are … verbs.

+: causative

-: activity

-: occurrence

-: existence

3.8.3. Видовой характер глагола

I: {{121}} ТЗ 3.8.17; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The verb … has a double aspective character.

+: translate

-: know

-: arrive

-: exist

3.8.4. Неличные формы глагола (вербалии)

I: {{122}} ТЗ 3.8.18; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The basis of the division of all the forms of the verb into finite and non-finite is the expression or non-expression of grammatical … .

+: time

-: space

-: form

-: category

I: {{123}} ТЗ 3.8.19; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: The category expressed by the opposition between the finite and non-finite forms of the verb is called the category of ###.

+: finitude

I: {{124}} ТЗ 3.8.20; К = B; Т = 60;

S: A verbid which combines the properties of the verb with those of the noun and is the head-form of the whole paradigm of the verb is called the ### .

+: infinitive

I: {{125}} ТЗ 3.8.21; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The present participle is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the ### and adverb.

+: adjective

I: {{126}} ТЗ 3.8.22; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The past participle is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the verb with those of the ###.

+: adjective

I: {{127}} ТЗ 3.8.23; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: The … is the non-finite form of the verb which combines the properties of the … with those of the … and can be modified by a noun in the possessive … or its pronominal equivalents.

1: gerund

2: verb

3: noun

4: case

3.8.5. Категории лица и числа

I: {{128}} ТЗ 3.8.24; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The semantic … of the first … is the indication of the person who is speaking, but such an … as is effected by no other … than himself.

1: content

2: person

3: indication

4: individual

I: {{129}} ТЗ 3.8.25; К = C; Т = 80;

S: What the first … plural denotes in fact, is the … plus some other person or persons belonging, from the point of view of the utterance …, to the same … .

1: person

2: speaker

3: content

4: background

I: {{130}} ТЗ 3.8.26; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The second person … denotes either more than one …; or, similar to the first person, one actual listener plus some other person or persons belonging to the same … in the speaker’s situational … .

1: plural

2: listener

3: background

4: estimation

I: {{131}} ТЗ 3.8.27; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The semantic … of the second … is the indication of the … who is listening to the first person speaking - but again such an indication as viewed and effected by the … .

1: content

2: person

3: individual

4: speaker

I: {{132}} ТЗ 3.8.28; К = C; Т = 80;

S: The third … indicates all the other entities of … , i.e. beings, things, and phenomena not immediately included in the communicative …, though also as viewed by the speaker, at the moment of … .

1: person

2: reality

3: situation

4: speech

3.8.6. Категория времени

I: {{133}} ТЗ 3.8.29; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The absolutive time denotation characterizes an event in terms of orientation towards the … .

+: present

-: future

-: non-past

-: past

I: {{134}} ТЗ 3.8.30; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The moment of immediate perception, or “present moment”, serves as the demarcation line between the …

+: past and the future

-: non-past and the past

-: present and the future

-: past and the present

I: {{135}} ТЗ 3.8.31; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The category of primary time, according to M.Y.Blokh, is represented by the following opposition: … .

+: past tense – present tense

-: present tense – future tense

-: past – future tense

-: future tense – forms of no future marking

I: {{136}} ТЗ 3.8.32; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The … tense has a modal connotation.

+: future

-: present

-: past

-: non-past

I: {{137}} ТЗ 3.8.33; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The existence of a future tense in English is denied by … .

+: Jespersen

-: Sweet

-: Tesniere

-: Ilyish

I: {{138}} ТЗ 3.8.34; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The starting point for the future-in-the-past and future-continuous-in-the-past is not the present, from which the past and the future are reckoned, but the … itself.

+: past

-: future

-: moment of speech

-: direct speech

3.8.7. Категории временной отнесенности (перфект) и вида

I: {{139}} ТЗ 3.8.35; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The opposition of the type writes – has written, wrote – had written, etc. builds up, according to Smirnitsky, the category of … .

+: time correlation

-: tense

-: tense-aspect

-: aspect

I: {{140}} ТЗ 3.8.36; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The categorial meaning of the perfect is …

+: precedence

-: unreality

-: action in progress

-: temporal characteristic

I: {{141}} ТЗ 3.8.37; К = A; Т = 40;

S: A difference in the way the action is shown to proceed is expressed by the forms of the category of …

+: aspect

-: correlation

-: tense

-: mood

I: {{142}} ТЗ 3.8.38; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The continuous verbal forms analyzed on the principles of oppositional approach admit of only one interpretation, and that is … .

+: aspective

-: temporal

-: retrospective

-: coordinative

I: {{143}} ТЗ 3.8.39; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Statements of the kind “He is always smoking”, “She is always grumbling” convey the speaker’s mostly … emotional attitude.

+: negative

-: positive

-: defiant

-: condescending

3.8.8. Категория залога

I: {{144}} ТЗ 3.8.40; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: Voice is one of those categories which show the close connection between language and ###.

+: speech

I: {{145}} ТЗ 3.8.41; К = B; Т = 60;

S: A peculiarity of voice distinctions of English verbs consists in the fact that active forms often convey ### meanings.

+: passive

I: {{146}} ТЗ 3.8.42; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The verb-form in sentences like The door opened is regarded by certain linguists as the form of a ### voice.

+: middle

+: neuter

I: {{147}} ТЗ 3.8.43; К = B; Т = 60;

S: The verb form in sentences like “He washed himself” is regarded by certain linguists as the form of a ### voice.

+: reflexive

I: {{148}} ТЗ; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The problem of the reflexive voice arises in connection with verbs followed by … .

+: self-pronouns

-: reciprocal

-: possessive

-: negative

I: {{149}} ТЗ 3.8.44; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: The verb-form in sentences like They greeted each other is regarded by certain linguists as the form of a ### voice.

+: reciprocal

I: {{150}} ТЗ 3.8.45; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The verbs “be”, “get”, “become” in combinations like “be influenced”, “get influenced”, “become influenced” are … .

+: link-verbs

-: “passive” auxiliaries

-: full notional verbs

-: word-morphemes

3.8.9. Категория наклонения

I: {{151}} ТЗ 3.8.46; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The grammatical category of the verb reflecting the relation of the action denoted be the verb to reality from the speaker’s point of view is called … .

+: mood

-: modality

-: optative

-: modulation

I: {{152}} ТЗ 3.8.47; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The imperative mood can be referred to as a … -mood.

+: will

-: fact

-: non-fact

-: thought

I: {{153}} ТЗ 3.8.48; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Matching of the underlined verb form and the mood expressed:


L1: I suggest that we go to the theatre.

L2: If I were you I wouldn’t be in a hurry to do anything.

L3: If I were in her position, I would let her go.

L4: Don’t wake up the baby!

R1: Subjunctive I

R2: Subjunctive II

R3: Conditional

R4: Imperative

R5: Indicative

R6: Suppositional

3.9. Имя прилагательное. Статус слов категории состояния

I: {{154}} ТЗ 3.9.1; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The functions of the predicative, objective predicative, attribute can be performed by the … .

+: adjective

-: verb

-: adverb

-: conjunction

I: {{155}} ТЗ 3.9.2; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Arrangement of the elements in the order suggested by the text:

S: Relative … express such… of a …as are determined by the direct… of the substance to some other substance.

1: adjectives

2: properties

3: substance

4: relation

I: {{156}} ТЗ 3.9.3; К = C; Т = 80;

S: Qualitative … denote various … of substances which admit of a quantitative …, i.e. of establishing their correlative quantitative … .

1: adjectives

2: qualities

3: estimation

4: measure

I: {{157}} ТЗ 3.9.4; К = B; Т = 60;

Q: The correct completion of the statement is:

S: ### adjectives in Modern English have no degrees of comparison.

+ relative

I: {{158}} ТЗ 3.9.5; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: All the adjective functions may be grammatically divided into evaluative and … .

+: specificative

-: referential

-: designative

-: complementary

I: {{159}} ТЗ 3.9.6; К = C; Т = 80;

Q: Subcategorization of the adjectives:


L1: mathematical

L2: afraid

L3: long

R1: relative

R2: of temporary feature

R3: qualitative

R4: of constant feature

I: {{160}} ТЗ 3.9.7; К = A; Т = 40;

Q: The right answer is:

S: The first component in formations like stone wall, cannon ball is a(n)…

+: noun

-: adjective

-: morpheme

-: noun-stem

I: {{161}} ТЗ 3.9.8; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The construction “a most spectacular show” is … .

+: the elative superlative

-: an irregular form of comparison

-: the positive degree of the adjective

-: the superlative degree of the adjective

I: {{162}} ТЗ 3.9.9; К = A; Т = 50;

S: Words of the category of state are regarded as a separate part of speech by … .

+: Ilyish

+: Khaimovich, Rogovskaya

-: Barkhudarov

-: Ivanova

-: Pribytok

I: {{163}} ТЗ 3.9.10; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Words of the so-called “category of state” can function as …

+: predicative

+: objective predicative

-: subject

-: predicate

-: attribute

I: {{164}} ТЗ 3.9.11; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The meaning types conveyed by statives (adlinks) are the …

+: psychic state of a person

+: physical state of an object

-: constitution of a person

-: structure of an object

-: origin of the person

I: {{165}} ТЗ 3.9.12; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Words of ”the category of state” are …

+: ablaze

+: afraid

-: annoy

-: adult

-: aloud

3.10. Наречие

I: {{166}} ТЗ 3.10.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The categorial meaning of the adverb is …

+: the secondary property

-: indication (deixis)

-: substance

-: process

3.11. Местоимение

I: {{167}} ТЗ 3.11.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: … are traditionally recognized on the basis of indicatory (deictic) and substitutional semantic functions.

+: pronouns

-: particles

-: adjectives

-: interjections

I: {{168}} ТЗ 3.11.2; К = A; Т = 40;

S: The part of speech which points to things and properties without naming them is the … .

+: pronoun

-: numeral

-: preposition

-: particle

I: {{169}} ТЗ 3.11.3; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Personal, possessive, and reflexive pronouns express sex distinctions … .

+: lexically

-: grammatically

-: syntactically

-: morphologically

3.12. Числительное

I: {{170}} ТЗ 3.12.1; K = A; T = 50;

S: Numerals … .

+: have a lexico-grammatical meaning of number

+: indicate definite plurality

-: possess a grammatical meaning of number

-: indicate indefinite plurality

-: have the grammatical category of case

3.13. Служебные части речи

I: {{171}} ТЗ 3.13.1; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Many prepositions in English correspond to … in other languages.

+: case inflections

-: extralinguistic objects

-: modal auxiliaries

-: hyphenated words

I: {{172}} ТЗ 3.13.2; К = A; Т = 40;

S: Conjunctions of the type however, nevertheless, notwithstanding are … .

+: compound

-: simple

-: phrasal

-: correlative