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I take a deep breath. I'm feeling completely light-headed, with the running, the sunshine, the events of the last hour.

'Well,' I say. 'Mum said I should go for it. So I really will now. Ben - I was wondering. Do you want to go out for a drink some time?'

His expression freezes. I watch him, my heart thumping. 'Are you serious?' he says. 'Are you really, really asking me out?'

'Yes,' I say. 'Why, don't you—'

He turns his back on me, and my heart sinks, but he's putting his pint on the ground. 'Come here,' he says, drawing me into his arms. He kisses my hair, and then he bends his head and I raise mine to his, and we kiss.

'Yes,' he says, after a moment. 'I'd love to go out for a drink some time. When? Tonight?'

I stroke his cheek, his lovely lips, trace around the edge of his gorgeous, kind eyes. 'I've got to have dinner with my new dad and half-sisters and watch while Jay tries to crack on to them,' I say. 'It's complicated.'

'No,' Ben says, kissing me again. 'It's very simple. So I'll see you tomorrow.'

'Great,' I say, a silly smile on my face. I can't stop smiling. 'And the day after that?'

'And then maybe the day after that.' Ben steps away and looks serious for a moment, then he smiles again. 'I don't believe this, you know. I've been mad about you for such a long time. But I didn't know how to help you. I thought you'd never sort it out, get out of the life you were in.'

I can feel his muscles under his shirt as he moves towards me and hugs me again. I think of


Cecily's diary, where it is now, lying at the bottom of the sea, or perhaps washed up on another shore. 'Cecily helped me,' I say. 'It's all because of her.'

The door to the pub swings open again and Jay emerges, carrying a tray of drinks. He looks at us without any surprise, holding on to each other as if we've just found one another, and then gives us a small, pleased grin.

Ben and I kiss again, and I look up at the sky, opening out, blue and endless, above the narrow old streets, where Mum is having her smart lunch, where Guy and his daughters are making their way back to the tall white house in the Angel, where we are all, all of us, just trying to be part of one big happy family, whatever on earth that is, trying and often failing, and sometimes succeeding. 'Thank you,' I whisper, my face warmed by the sunshine. 'Thank you.'


For jewellery and business advice, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Sarah Lawrence of the fabulous www.girlgang.co.uk : do check it out. For East London ways a big shoutout to Maura Brickell for her local tours and amaze times. Also thanks to the East London ladies, Cat Cobain, Leah Woodburn and Claire Baldwin, and Thomas Wilson and Pamela Casey, as ever, for the same and much more. Big thanks to Rebecca Folland for seeing me through the dark times, Anita Ahuja for help with Indian names, Nicole Vanderbilt and Maria Rodriguez for telling me to write it so very long ago ('Listen, chica . . .'), all at Curtis Brown (especially Liz Iveson and Carol Jackson) and of course Jonathan Lloyd (with special thanks to Marion).

Particular thanks to my parents, Phil and Linda, for their memories, support and advice.

As ever, massive thanks to everyone at HarperCollins, in particular Lynne Drew for her editorial guidance throughout.

A special shoutout to the members of Sleazy Velvet and a big HIYA to my nephew Jake. Finally, my biggest thanks to Chris, for making me bread and for making me so happy.


There were various books I read during the writing of this one which were of great help and interest and for that reason I list them below, though I should of course make it clear that any mistakes are of course my own:

The Denning Report: John Profumo & Christine Keeler (Uncovered Editions, 1999) The Pendulum Years: Britain in the Sixties Bernard Levin (Jonathan Cape, 1970)

That Was Satire That Was: Beyond the Fringe, The Establishment Club, Private Eye and That Was The Week That Was Humphrey Carpenter (Victor Gollancz, 2000)

Bringing the House Down David Profumo (John Murray, 2006) The Duleep Singhs: The Photograph Album of Queen Victoria's Maharajah Peter Bance (Sutton Publishing, 2004)

The Maharajah's Box Christy Campbell (HarperCollins, 2000) Daphne Justine Picardie (Bloomsbury, 2008)

Soho Night & Day Frank Norman & Jeffrey Bernard (Secker &

Warburg, 1966)

Cornwall: A Shell Guide John Betjeman (Faber, 1964)

Liberty & Co. in the Fifties and Sixties Anna Buruma (ACC Editions, 2008)

The 1940s Home Paul Evans (Shire Library, 2009)

The 1950s Home Sophie Leighton (Shire Library, 2009)

By the same author: Going Home A Hopeless Romontic The Love of Her Life