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Our Institute ( аудиозапись)

I am a first-year student of the Ural Institute of Humanities. Our Institute was organized under the patronage of three respected institutions of Russian Academy of Sciences – the Institute of Economics, the Institute of Philosophy and Law, the Institute of History and Archeology and the Ural State Technical University, the largest in Russia. We study specialities in law, economics, psychology, foreign languages and management. At present the Institute trains more than 1000 students. They get higher education diplomas giving qualifications of a bachelor and a specialist. Education is carried out in full-time, part-time and correspondence forms.

I study at the faculty of Law (Economics, Psychology, Management). My future profession is a lawyer (economist, psychologist, manager). We learn the Humanities, natural sciences and social disciplines, such as philosophy, sociology, logics, politology, ethics, aesthetics, religion science, mathematics, computers, statistics and foreign languages.

In the second – fourth years students get profound training for their future specialities. At the Faculty of Law they study: theory of state and law, constitutional, Roman, civil and criminal law and others.

At the Faculty of Economics students study the following subjects: world economics, international economic relations, finance, credit, taxes and taxation, audit, banking legislation and so on.

At the Faculty of Psychology the main subjects are: general, experimental, social, medical, pedagogical, age psychology and a number of special courses.

I study at the Institute. As a rule, the academic year begins on the 1st of September and ends in June. It lasts ten months: September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June. The academic year has two terms: the autumn term begins in September and ends in January. It lasts about four months. The spring term begins on the 7th of February and ends as a rule in Junuary. Each ends with examinations which take place in January and in June. During the academic year the students work hard. As a rule they are very busy and have a lot of work to do.

We have two holidays a year: winter holidays and summer holidays. The summer holidays are long. They last two months. The winter holidays are short. During the holidays we do not study, we have a rest.

We go to the Institute every day except Sunday. On week-days we work hard. On Sunday we have a rest . Classes at our Institute begin at 8.30 in the morning and end at half past three in the afternoon.

All the students learn foreign languages – English, German or French. We learn English. We have two English classes a week, on Monday and on Friday. On Monday we have our English class in the morning, on Friday - in the afternoon. When the teacher comes into tte room, we stand up and greet the teacher. We say: “Good morning” if it is morning. We say: “Good afternoon” if it is afternoon. We say: “Good evening” if it is evening.

Then we sit down and our lesson begins. We check our homework. We ask and answer questions, we read English texts and translate sentences from Russian into English or from English into Russian. We describe pictures and speak on various topics. During the English class we do a lot of exercises, we speak, read and write English.

As I want to learn to speak and to read English, I am very attentive in class and I always prepare my homework. English is not difficult for me because I work at it regularly. I learn new words and do exercises. I also listen to the recorded tapes. We are fond of English and we want to master it, that’s why we never miss classes and work hard.

At the end of each lesson the teacher gives us our homework. She says: “The homework for your next English class is to read the new text, to learn the new words and to prepare the topic “My Institute”. Our next English class is on Friday. Don’t be late. Good-bye”.

The Time-Table (Schedule)

When you come to the faculty for the first time, you must first look at the time-table (the schedule). You can always find it in the corridor of your department. The time-table contains all the necessary information as to when and where this or that lecture takes place. It shows when the lectures begin and when they end (are over). From the time-table you can also find out who your lecturers are.

Here is the time-table. Let us have a look at it. On the top we read: “ The First Year”, “The Second Year”, “The Third Year”, “The Fourth Year”, “The Fifth Year”. On the left hand-side of the paper we read the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

There are, of course, no lectures on Sunday. Next we see the hours. The first lecture begins at 8.30. From 11.50 till 13.00 there is a short interval (a break) and at 15.50 the lecture is over.

We are interested in the first year. Today is Monday. The first lecture is on History. The students say that these lectures are always interesting.

The second lecture begins at 10.00 and lasts till 11.20. The lecturer is Professor … . His subject is Psychology. The lecture takes place in classroom 202.

The third lesson is English. There is a fourth lesson on Monday – it is Physical Training.

So we can find out the time and the place of all our lessons and lectures. Now you must copy the time-table into your note-book.

. Give the four forms of the verb:

teach, study, write, read, learn , know, get, educate, train, organize, carry, fail, sit, enter, take, plan, attend, miss, be, last

. Read and translate:

- academy, economics, philosophy, history, archeology, psychology, speciality, specialist, diploma, qualification, bachelor, form, faculty, profession, economist, psychologist, discipline, sociology, logics, ethics, aesthetics, religion, mathematics, computers, statistics, theory, finance, credit, taxes, taxation, audit, banking course;

- technical, natural, social , constitutional, civil, criminal, Roman, international, experimental, medical, pedagogical, special, academic, regular;

  • to organize, to train, to plan, to test.

. Complete the sentences:

  1. I study at Ural Institute for …

  1. The academic year has two …

  1. The autumn term begins in …

  1. The spring term begins in …

  1. During the academic year students work …

  1. They have a lot of work …

  1. All students learn some foreign …

  1. We have two English classes …

  1. We check our …

  1. We ask and answer …

  1. I always prepare my …

  1. I work at my English …

  1. The students learn new …

  1. They also listen to the recorded …

  1. I entered the Institute in …

  1. I shall graduate from the Institute in …

  1. We have our winter holiday in …

  1. The spring term begins in …

  1. I am good at …

  1. My future speciality is …

Translate into English:

oбразование, дисциплина, предмет, ректор, декан, заместитель декана, гуманитарные науки, право, психология, экономика, менеджмент, факультет иностранных языков, юрист, экономист, психолог, менеджер, законодательство, семестр, учебный год, каникулы, лекция, преподаватель, система;

иметь лекцию, читать лекцию, слушать лекции, пропускать лекции, преподавать историю, обучать студентов, изучать предмет, учить правила, сдавать экзамен по математике, сдать экзамены успешно , не сдать экзамен, заниматься упорно, работать над докладом, поступать в институт, продолжать образование, хорошо успевать по русскому языку.

. Read and trranslate:

  1. Go to your room.

  1. Come here.

  1. Put the flower into the vase.

  1. Do your homework.

  1. Look at the picture.

  1. Don't go there.

  1. Don't take it.

  1. Don't meet with her.

  1. Don't answer the question.

  1. Don't ask so many questions.

  1. Don't copy the text.

. Ask and answer the questions:

Where is … situated?

Your Dean's office, the main lecture hall, the library, the cloakroom, the canteen, the assembly hall, the computerized classroom, the English Language Study, the Rector's office, the Accounts department.

. Learn the folloving dialogue:

  • I hear you are a student now, aren't you?

  • Well, yes, and you?

  • And I was lucky enough to enter the University, too. I study at the Department of Mathematics.

  • Is it difficult to study mathematics?

  • Rather. I spend a lot of time doing my homework.

  • Do you have time to go in for sport ?

  • Yes, of course. I'm fond of skating, skiing and tennis.

  • As for me, I am a member of the English speaking club. They say I'm rather good at English.

  • Good, isn't it? Hope to see you soon. Bye-bye.

  • So long, then.

Answer the questions:

  1. Is it difficult or easy to enter the Institute?

  2. Does your faculty take in many students every year?

  3. How many years do the students study at this faculty?

  4. What foreign languages do the students of your faculty study?

  5. Is it obligatory to attend classes regularly?

  6. What can you say about your timetable (schedule)?

  7. When do the students have their holidays? How do they spend them?

  8. Do you like your Institute?

  9. When was the Ural Institute of Humanities organized?

  10. How many faculties and departments are there at the Institute?

  11. What subject are you good at?

  12. What are your favourite subjects?

  13. When did you enter the Institute?

9. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Приходи в институт завтра. 2. Встреть меня. 3. Ответьте на мой вопрос. 4. Напишите эти предложения. 5. Слушайте текст. 6. Выучите эти слова. 7. Помоги мне. 8. Дай мне ручку. 9. Возьми книгу. 10. Иди домой. 11. Не ходи домой. 12. Не разговаривай с ним. 13. Не спрашивай их. 14. Не делай уборку в квартире сегодня. 15. Не ставь тарелку в холодильник. 16. Не покупай хлеб. 17. Не спи. 18. Не открывай дверь. 19. Не закрывай окно. 20. Не приходи.

Translate the dialogue from Russian into English and learn it by heart:

  • Анна выглядит сегодня счастливой.

  • Ты знаешь, она успешно сдала экзамен по английскому.

  • На какую оценку?

  • Отлично, конечно. Она усердно работала над языком. Много читала, переводила, повторяла правила. А как дела у Павла? Он сдал экзамен?

  • Нет, провалился. И не удивительно! Пропускал лекции, не посещал семинары и опаздывал на практические занятия.

  • Да уж, он не выглядит счастливым.

1. Do you agree that

The more we study, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

So why study?

2Time for a laugh

At a college examination a professor asked:

“Is the question too difficult to you?”

“Not at all, sir”, answered the student.

“Not at all. It is the answer that bothers me.”

Teacher: Give me the past tense of “I’m living”

Pupil: You are dead, sir.

- Our economics professor talks to himself. Does yours?

- Yes, but he doesn’t realize it. He thinks we are listening.

Teacher: When I was your age, I could answer any question in mathematics.

Pupil: Yes, but you forget that you had a different teacher from the one I have.

Professor: What is the difference between an active verb and a passive?

Student: An active verb shows action, a passive verb shows passion.

. Learn the proverbs

Live and learn.

Век живи, век учись.

A man is never too old to learn.

Учиться никогда не поздно.

Knowledge is power.


Money spent on brain is never spent in vain.

Деньги потраченные на образование, никогда не бывают потрачены напрасно.

14. Suggested topics for conversation:

  1. My Institute

  2. My Faculty.

  3. My first day at the Institute.


1. Gaudeamus igitur,

1. Будем жить, пока полны

Iuvenus dum sumus!

Юности и силы!

Post iucundam iuventutem,

Быстро молодость пройдет,

Post modestam senectutem

Впереди нас старость ждет,

Nos habebit humus. (bis)

А за ней могила.

2. Ubi sunt, qui ante nos

2. Где, которые до нас

In mundo fuere? (bis)

Жили в этом мире?

Vadite ad superos,

Поднимись до райских врат,

Transite ad inferos,

Опустись в угрюмый ад,

Quos si vis videre!

Там их боги скрыли.

3. Vita nostra brevis est,

3. Жизнь земная коротка,

Brevi firietur:

Краток миг отрады,

Venit more velociter,

Смерть коварна и сильна,

Rapit nos atrociter,

Всех нас унесет она,

Nemini parcetur. (bis)

Никому пощады!

4. Vivat academia!

4. Славься, университет!

Vivant professores!

Высься величаво!

Vivat membrum quodlibet!

Слава вам, профессора,

Vivant membra quaelibet!

Стойким рыцарям пера!

Semper sint in flore! (bis)

Всем студентам слава!

5. Vivant omnes virgines

5. Нашим девушкам хвала,

Graciles, formosae!

Стройным и красивым!

Vivant et mulieres!

Славу женам воздадим

Tenerae, amabiles,

Надежным, скромным, молодым

Bonae, laboriasae! (bis)

И трудолюбивым.

6. Vivat et respublica

6. Пусть республика живет

Et qui illam regunt!

Во главе с сенатом!

Vivat nostra civitas,

Пусть отечество цветет

Maecenatum caritas,

Без печалей и забот!

Qui nos hic protegunt!

Слава меценатам!

7. Pereat trstitia!

7. Пусть развеется тоска!

Pereant dolores!

Пусть исчезнут беды!

Pereat diabolus,

Пусть покроет ада мрак

Quivis antiburchius

Всех, кто нам, студентам, враг!

Atque irrisores!

Им не знать победы!

Translate with the dectiona

Higher education in England

The main sources of full-time education are five types of institutions: universities, teachers’ training colleges, colleges of advanced technology, technical colleges and art colleges.

  1. A university consists of a number of faculties: theology, medicine, arts, philosophy, law, music, natural sciences, economics, engineering, agriculture, commerce and others. The universities grant their own degrees. The normal duration of a first degree course is three years. On the results of examinations a Bachelor degree (B.A. or B. Sc.) is awarded. A Master degree (M.A. or M.Sc) is usually awarded after a further year or two years’ study. The highest degree is the Doctor of Philosophy awarded for research and the submission of a thesis. A person studying for a degree at a British University is called an undergraduate, one who has taken a degree is called a graduate.

  2. The two oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. These date from the Middle Ages. Each consists of largely self-governing residential colleges. The teaching is based on the tutorial system as well as lectures. Oxford and Cambridge have a special role in England as seminaries of the ruling class. The child of wealthy parents goes from a private preparatory school to a public school, from which he goes to the universities, particularly Oxbridge. The cost of education is so high that not many can afford entering universities.

  3. With the advance of industrialization in the 19th century and the growth of manufacture, technicians and scientists were needed. The older universities did not produce them. So, science classes were set up in industrial centres and they developed into either technical colleges or the “Modern Universities” (London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, etc.) These modern (“redbrick”) universities were built generally in the middle of the large industrial towns.

  4. There is no single body or organization responsible for the planning and development of higher education as a whole in Britain. Every university is autonomous and responsible only to its governing body. The regulations differ from university to university.

In most universities stõden´s h ve Dheir own “unions” which are centres of cultural and recreational activity.


Cambridge is situated at a distance of seventy miles from London; the great part of the town lies on the left bank of the river Cam.

Cambridge is one of the most beautiful towns of England. It is not a modern industrial city and looks like a country town.

It is very green with a number of beautiful groupings of architecture, trees, gardens, lawns and bridges. The main building material is stone of a pinkish colour. It adds life and warmth to the picture at all seasons of the year.

Cambridge University is known all over the world. It is a centre of education and learning. Newton,°ByrOn, „arwyn, Rutherford and many other scientists and writers were educated at Cambridge.

In Cambridge everything centres on the University and its colleges the eldest of which was founded in 1284. They are twenty seven in number. There is a close connection between the University and colleges, though they are quite separate in theory and practice.

The college is a place where you live. Students studying literature and students trained for physics may belong to one and the same college. You are to be a member of a college to be a member of the University. Every college is headed by a dean. Proctors and numerous minor officials called bulldogs look after discipline.

A college is a group of buildings which forms a square with a green lawn in the centre. An old tradition does not allow the students to walk on the grass: this is the privilege of professors and head students only.

There is another tradition which the students are to follow: after sunset they are not allowed to go out without a black cap and a black coat.

The University existed before the colleges. It has the power to grant degrees, it defines courses of study, and organize most of the formal teaching. Professors and lectures provide the teaching. The University trains 7 000 students of different specialities.

Each student studies at the University for 4 years, three terms a year. He is trained by a tutor; each tutor has 10 – 12 students. The long vacation lasts three months.



The Words and expressions

an establishment


a district


the underground


a generation


a war


an inhabitant





первый, первоначальный

to remind


to divide


to connect


to perish


to go sightseeing

осматривать достопримечательности

to call



в настоящее время



in the memory of

в память о


кроме того

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