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II. * Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в которых инфинитив употреблен без частицы "to", и переведите все предложения:

  1. The students watched the engineer make the experiment.

  2. The teacher wanted all the students to take these factors into consideration.

  3. We saw the motors run at a very high speed.

  4. We think them to work at the problem of reliability.

  5. They noticed the airplane approach.

  6. The engineer heard the workers discuss a new design.

III. Прочтите слова и группы слов:

cycle ['saikl], cyclotron ; (to) accelerate accelerator, the simplest and the oldest type of accelerator; circle, circular, a circular path, semicircular electrodes; to push [u], a constant inward push; (to) guide [gaidj, guiding, guidance, a guidance system; a curve, curva­ture, the curvature of the circular path; (to) cause , to cause the circular path; exact [ig'zaekt], exactly, exactness; to inject , injected into the vessel, injecting with great speed; linear , a linear accelerator; to synchronize a synchronizer, synchronous , a synch­ronous motor, synchrotron, synchrotron of a new type; to increase [m'kri:s], an increase ['mkri:s]; to decrease [di:'kri:s], a decrease ['di:kri:s]



  1. We know the cyclotron to be the simplest and oldest type of accelerator, 2. One knows each ion to whirl inside two semi­circular electrodes, getting an electric push when it passes from one to the other.3. A vertical magnetic field provides a con­stant inward push, holds the ion in a circular path and guides it back to the gap between the electrodes, where it is given another electrical push 4The velocity of the ion becomes greater, and as a result of its inertia the curvature of the circular path caused by a magnetic field becomes larger The time taken to cross a full circle is the same no matter how big the radius, because the increase in speed compensates for the increase in path-length per turn. 6. Now if the voltage across the electrode oscillates rapidly, and if its period is adjusted so that it exactly corresponds to the period of revolution of the ions, then the ions will be pushed in the right direction at the right time at each crossing of the gap between electrodes, the energy of the ions will increase until their path takes them to the edge of the magnetic field where they can be used in the form of a beam. 7.We suppose electrons in a synchrotron to travel on a circular orbit inside a narrow vacuum vessel. 8. At one point in the vessel is a pair of accelerating electrodes across which there is an oscillating voltage like that in a cyclotron .9. A ring shaped magnet surrounding the vessel produces a field which makes the particles travel on orbits close to the centre of the tube 10We expect the electrons to be injected into the vessel from a smaller linear accelerator at an energy of about 2 mega-electron-volts (mev). 11. At this energy their speed is some 98 per cent of that of light 12. If the magnetic field of the syn­chrotron is increased continuously, the energy of the electrons will also increase continuously; the electrons will receive energy at the right rate to keep them on the central or synchronous orbit. 13. The constructors believe the synchrocyclotron to work in the same way as a synchrotron but it is shaped like a cyclo­tron.