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Урок 6 предтекстовые упражнения

I. Прочтите и переведите предложения. Содержащие инфинитив в функции определения:

  1. The designer must test the system to be used in the labo­ratory.

  2. Cells to be connected in parallel should be of the same type and voltage.

  3. The method of qualitative analysis to be used depends on the nature of the substances to be analyzed.

  4. The engineers have been given the design of a new trans­former to be considered next week.

  5. The students selected all the units to be used in the expe­riment.

  6. A voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the po­tential difference between any two points in a circuit.

  7. When the currents to be measured are very small, you should use a galvanometer.

  8. The task of the scientists is to construct powerful relays to be used in the communication satellites.

  9. The scientists should know all the characteristics of a new atomic reactor to be constructed in this region.

  10. The computer to be used for performing these operations was designed in Minsk.

  11. The students must know all fundamental designs to be applied in radio engineering.

  12. The station to be used for this purpose performs various functions.

  13. The transmitter to be constructed will operate on various frequencies.

II. * Прочтите предложения, укажите номера предложений, в которых слово “one” является подлежащим, и переведите все предложения:

  1. One knows that the production of TV sets in the USSR has greatly increased.

  2. The second receiver was more powerful than the first one.

  3. A secondary cell is one which can be charged again.

  4. The induced charge is always the opposite of the inducing one.

  5. This d-c supply is more powerful than that one.

  6. An isotropic medium is one whose properties are the same in all directions.

  7. The results of these experiments are much better than those of the previous ones.

  8. One can obtain hydrogen by decomposing water electrolysis.

  9. One considers that the results of the experiment are of great importance for the future development of radio engine­ering.

  10. While carrying out this experiment, one should take all these factors into consideration.

  11. When the current is small, one should use a galvano­meter.

  12. One knows that the electric cell is a device for convert­ing chemical energy into electrical one.

  13. To measure the value of power one is to use a wattmeter.

  14. One should know that a farad is a very large unit.

  15. The devices that are identical with those described above will be used in this experiment.

  16. This machine is more powerful than that operating in our laboratory.

  17. The physics of bodies at rest is much simpler than that of bodies in motion.

  18. We must use the methods that will be more efficient.

III. Прочитайте слова и группы слов:

important things, important problems; an engine, an engi­neer ^endgi'ma], engineering, electrical engineering; (to) con­sider, considering engineering problems, considerable voltage, considerably, consideration, to take into consideration; ampere t'aempea], ampere turns; ammeter ['aemita]; a source, energy sources; armature fccmatjug], armature coil, a rotating armature coil, through the armature coil; (to) measure, measure­ment, a measuring Instrument; proportion, proportional, pro­portional to the. current flowing through the armature coil; actual ['aektjual], in actual use [s], actual measurements, actually.



1. One of the important things that an engineer should take into consideration is "how much?". 2. How much current is this circuit carrying? 3. What is the value of voltage in the circuit? 4. What is the value of resistance? 5. In fact, to mea­sure the current and the voltage is not difficult at all. 6. One should connect an ammeter or a voltmeter to the circuit and read off the amperes and the volts.

7. The ammeter is used to measure the value of current. 8. When the ammeter is used, the circuit should be opened at one point and the terminals of the meter should be connected to it. 9. One should take into consideration that the positive terminal of the meter is connected to the positive terminal of the source; the negative terminal — to the negative terminal of the source.

10. The ammeter should be connected in series. 11. The rea­dings on the scale show the measured value.

12. Common ammeters for d-c measurements are the amme­ters of the magneto-electric system. 13. In an ammeter of this type an armature coil rotates between the poles of a permanent magnet; but the coil turns only through a small angle. 14. The greater the current in the coil, the greater is the force, and, therefore, the greater the angle of rotation of the armature. 15. The deflection is measured by means of a pointer connected to the armature and the scale of the meter reads directly in amperes.

16. When the currents to be measured are very small, one should use a galvanometer. 17. Some galvanometers detect and measure currents as small as 10-11 of an ampere per 1 mm of the scale.

18. A voltmeter is a device to be used for measuring the po­tential difference between any two points in a circuit. 19. The voltmeter has armatures that move when an electric current is sent through their coils. 20. The deflection, like that of an ammeter, is proportional to the current flowing through the ar­mature coil.

21. A voltmeter must have a very high resistance since it passes only very small currents which will not disturb the rest of the circuit. 22. An ammeter, on the other hand, must have a low resistance, since all the current must pass through it. 23. In actual use the ammeter is placed in series with the circuit, while the voltmeter is placed in parallel with that part of the circuit where the voltage is to be measured.

24. In addition to instruments for measuring current and voltage, there are also devices for measuring electric power and energy.