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VIII. * Прочтите и переведите сочетания слов:

1. a strong acid; 2. great dimensions; 3. a small storage batte­ry; 4. to undergo fission; 5. unique properties of the cell; 6. given off energy; 7. a scientific approach; 8. a powerful converter; 9. the main drawback; 10. the eliminated drawback; 11. storage battery properties; 12. readily reacting with an acid

IX. Переведите, не пользуясь словарем:


Electrolysis is a process by which a chemical reaction is carried out by means of the passage of an electric current. The electrical energy enters and leaves the electrolytic medium through electrodes, which ordinarily are pieces1 of metal. The electrode where electrons enter the solution is the cathode; the electrode where the electrons leave is the anode. Negati­vely charged ions (anions) are attracted to the anode; posi­tively charged ions (cations) are attracted to the cathode.

The process is generally used as a method of depositing2 metals from solution.

The relation between the quantity of material undergoing reaction and the quantity of electricity used in this reaction was discovered by Faraday.

Пояснения к тексту

  1. pieces— кусочки

  2. depositing—осаждения, выделения

X. Переведите, пользуясь словарем:

Control Systems

Electronics is being used more and more to control indust­rial processes, particularly where the speed of a motor has to be accurately controlled. One big advantage is that valves, unlike relays, have no moving parts, no contacts to shatter or burn, and practically no inertia; and their speed of operation is very much greater. Two special types of valves, known as "thyrotrons" and "ignitrons" are generally used for motor control.

A thyrotron is a gas-filled triode, whose gas ionizes when the grid voltage rises above a certain value. "Ionization" is a scientific term for "knocking spots off atoms". An atom con­sists roughly of a positive nucleus at the centre with a number of negative electrons around it. It is electrically neutral, because the positive nucleus balances the negative electrons. But if an atom loses an electron, this balance no longer holds, and it becomes positively charged. It is then known as a "positive ion."

In the thyrotron, an electron emitted from the hot cathode collides with a gas molecule and we have two free electrons and a positive ion; all tend to collide with other gas molecules. These chain effects soon fill the tube with positive ions which make nice conductors, and a current can flow between cathode and anode. Neon lamps, mercury and sodium vapour street lamps and fluorescent tubes are examples of ionization.

Unlike hard valves, a thyrotron once conducting cannot be cut off by reducing the grid voltage alone, it is necessary to drop or remove the anode supply voltage in order to allow the valve to deionize. It has one great advantage, however, in that it can handle very much larger currents, than vacuum valves. This is why it is used for motor control.

Урок 4 независимый причастный оборот


Местоположение в предложении


  1. Сочетание существительного или местоимения с причастием I,II.

2. На письме всегда отделяется запятой.

В начале предложения

Придаточное обстоятельственное предложение времени, условия, причины с союзами

“когда”, “так как”, “если”.

These devices being reliable, we

Use them in our experiment.

Так как эти приборы надеж-

ные, мы используем их в на-

шем эксперименте.

В конце предложения

Самостоятельное предложе-

ние с союзами “а”, “и”, “но”,


Radio was invented in Russia,

its inventor being the Russian

scientist A.S.Popov.