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Introduction 3

1. Human Relations Policy as an Integral Part

of Corporate Management at Company X. 5

1.1. Effective HR policy as a factor of high

productivity and company competitiveness

on the world market. 5

1.2. Personnel involvement concept. 7

2. Labour Motivation at Company X. 10

2.1. Labour motivation concept. 10

2.2. Forms and methods of labour motivation. 13

2.3. The advantages and drawbacks of

the pecuniary methods of motivation. 16

3. Nonpecuniary incentives - key to real

employees loyalty to the company. 18

3.1. Nonpecuniary forms and methods of motivation. 18

3.2. The effectiveness of the nonpecuniary incentives. 21

Conclusion 23

Endnotes 24

Bibliography 25

Appendices 26

2.4. Introduction

Introduction is an important part of any research. It outlines the intrigue of the topic. It explains why the topic has been chosen for exploration. The introduction should formulate the problem (in its theoretical and practical aspects), and the aim of the document.

Pay attention that analysis is a means of achieving the aim. It is an instrument of research, but not the aim itself. A typical mistake is to write: “the aim of the work is to analyse this and that.” You could possibly write: “The primary goal of this project is to reveal the impact of existing drawbacks in the Company’s Human Resources policy on the overall business growth.”

As it is never possible to cover all the subject, the scope of the analysis should be defined: what is the object of the research and what is not.

Coursework statement (or thesis statement) is a crucial element of the introduction: it tells the reader the assertion you wish to make about the topic. The coursework statement is a laconic (one sentence) but precise viewpoint on the subject, the main idea that would be supported by the project paper.

Below the examples of an effective statement are given.

Topic Coursework statement

Motivation policy in To increase the personnel involvement

Company X pecuniary methods of motivation should

be supported by the nonpecuniary

incentives as well.

Workers investment Investment in education is efficient if the

in human capital PDV of future benefits (pecuniary and

nonpecuniary) is not less than the PDV

of all the costs.

2.5. Text main body

The text main body is the written presentation of the research. It should be well organised and logically structured. The text main body develops and supports the coursework statement.

A coursework generally consists of three chapters (units). A chapter is normally subdivided into two or three paragraphs (subunits).

A student is free to structurise the work otherwise. Still, do not make the structure too complicated. If the number of chapters and paragraphs is too big, the work looks fractioned and loses its integrity.

Usually, the first chapter shows the origin of the problem and gives its theoretical background. Mainly that is a desk research and assumes a lot of additional reading. If the topic is business-related, the first chapter can include the theoretical analysis to the extent that it could be applied to the firm in question.

The second chapter presents a field research and the analysis of the gathered information. Here statistics is analysed, the properties of a phenomenon can be characterised, new trends are outlined, classifications can be given, the drawbacks and contradictions are identified.

In the third chapter the solution to the problem is suggested. A student is welcome to support his viewpoint with arguments and facts, to generalise and make forecasts. In the result the main idea of the research formulated in the thesis statement should be proved and supported theoretically and factually.

To provide a logical presentation of the research there should be linking between the chapters. A short preview at the beginning of each chapter and a brief subconclusion at the end of a chapter makes the whole work reader friendly.

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