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1. People can find good and bad features in advertising. What do you think these features are? Read the information below and separate the ideas into two columns for good and bad points.

  1. Give true information; do not talk about the products' defects; make you buy one thing instead of another; (are) misleading ; show life unrealistically; put pressure on consumers; famous people endorse (рекламируют) products; teach you how to get the best value for your money; (are) truthful; help you choose best products; help to improve your taste; (are) impossible to check; (are)creative/informative/silly/annoying/clever/ funny; full of humour/fantasy; convince people to buy things they don't need; present an honest, realistic image of a product.

2. Name as many goals of advertising as you can and give examples of how they can be achieved.

3. Cut out (or copy) two recent advertisements: from a magazine or a newspaper. In each case, indicate which needs the ads are appealing to.

4. This is an advertisement for a new tv programme called "Wise Up". Read it and design an ad of your own. Think of the text for it. Attach photos or pictures.

“Don't miss "Wise Up", starting tomorrow on Channel 4. It's a great new programme - and it's all about YOU! The show is presented by kids, for kids, and will be travelling up and down the country to find out what young people really think about things that affect them. From passions for fashions to pocket money problems, "Wise Up" is on the case. Tune in on Sundays at 10.15 am”.

  1. Your boss says to you: "We don't need to use an advertising agency. They cost too much and we can do ourselves anyway." What arguments can you develop to support the use of an agency?

5. Advertising, public relations, publicity. Differentiate. Use the following definitions.

Реклама - процесс донесения информации от рекламодателя до целевой аудитории посредством медиа-каналов или иными способами.

PR - технологии создания и внедрения при системах конкуренции образа объекта (товара, услуги, фирмы, бренда, личности) в ценностный ряд социальной группы, с целью закрепления этого образа как идеального и необходимого в жизни.

Паблисити - популярность, известность товаров или услуг, формирующихся под действием рекламы и информации в СМИ, информации из других источников, таких как письма, рассылка, отправка пресс-релизов, выставочная деятельность, раздача флайеров и других маркетинговых мероприятий.

Основное отличие паблисити от рекламы - бесплатность. К паблисити можно отнести проведение какой-либо компанией благотворительных акций.

6. Read the text. What is it about? What is your variant of the title? How many parts does the text consist of? What is each part about? Define the key sentence of each paragraph.

Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade its viewers, readers or listeners to purchase or to consume the particular brand. Modern advertising developed with the rise of mass production in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

The advertising business is composed of two main groups - advertisers and agencies. The advertisers (or clients) are the companies that advertise themselves and their products. Advertisers range in size from small independent stores to huge multinational firms and in type from small industrial concerns to large service organizations. Assisting them are the advertising agencies that plan, create, and prepare advertising campaigns and materials for the advertisers. In addition to these two groups are the media, which sell time (electronic media) and space (print media) to carry the advertiser's message to the target audience. And finally, there is another group known as the suppliers. These include the photographers, illustrators, printers, typesetters, video production houses, and many others who assist both advertisers and agencies in the preparation of advertising materials. Creative people - artists, writers, and photographers - are employed by the advertising companies to produce the ads. Product engineers and designers often make recommendations and provide information about competitive products.

Company presidents and other top executives, who are naturally interested in how their company or product is portrayed, are also involved in advertising decisions. Sales and marketing personnel frequently provide input to the creative process, assist in choosing the advertising agency, and help evaluate proposed advertising programs.