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Active Vocabulary

be attuned




news maker

edit (v)

sound bite



master videotape





быть приспособленным

выступление в прямой передаче

совмещать фонограмму с изображением


человек, о котором стоит писать, известная личность


цитата, реплика


компилировать; собирать

контрольная видеозапись

готовая программа


сторона, аспект вопроса

искать, добиваться


1. Answer the questions:

  1. How many channels do television news reporters work with?

  2. What does the TV story show in its simplest form?

  3. How can a reporter add more information to this report?

  4. What makes a visual story successful?

  5. In what way can a package be made?

  6. Why should reporters be selective?

2. Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own.

1.каналы информации; 2. появляться; 3. в конце; 4. брать интервью; 5. добавить; 6. иллюстрировать; 7. успешный; 8. информационная ценность.

3. Write questions to go with these answers. Translate the questions and answers into Russian.

1. These are words, pictures and sound.

2. It is called a standup

3. It is the judicious mixture of showing the reporter, showing scenes that illustrate what the reporter is talking about, and inserting sound bites to explain what happened.

4. It is a self-contained story on videotape or disk with its own beginning, middle, and end.

5. It means checking the governor's facts, previous, political or self-interest.

4. Complete the sentences.

  1. The reporter monologue is called

  2. The governor holds a morning news

3. Compile and edit these elements into one master

a sound bite


a standup



sound bite




5. In the following exercise you are given several situations. Develop them. Pretend that you are very dissatisfied. You are also in a complaining mood so think of all the things you might complain about. Use such phrases as:

be displeased with; be accustomed to; be dissatisfied with; be disgusted with; be bored with; be bad at; be tired of; be good at; be surprised at; be brilliant at; be fond of; be interested in.

Model: The editor told me to go to the fire station and get some kind of a story for tomorrow. I'm tired of covering the fire station news. I'd rather go to a football match.

a) You wanted to get acquainted with a well-known reporter. You met him in the editorial office and had a talk with him. You didn't like the way he spoke.

b) You've read the text about training for journalism in Great Britain. You don't agree with some ideas of the author.

с) You are editor-in-chief of a local newspaper. A boy of seventeen comes to apply for a job. You don't think he will make a good journalist.

d) You are rather an experienced journalist, but you haven't got any diploma in journalism. You have been offered to attend some half-academic and half-professional courses.

e) Most of the correspondence colleges offer courses in journalism, but learning anything by post is hard, and journalism particularly so. One experienced journalist who was asked about a correspondence course in journalism replied: "You might just as well try to learn surgery by post." That may be a bit strong, but certainly there are many disadvantages in getting into journalism this way. Imagine you're offered a chance to study journalism by post. What would you say?