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Active Vocabulary

1craft - ремесло, искусство

2to convey - сообщать, передавать

3via - посредством, через

4to broadcast - передавать в эфир

5sympathy - сочувствие

6open-mindedness - широта кругозора; непредубежденность; восприимчивость

7inquiring mind - пытливый ум

8humility- скромность

9plain - ясный; простой

10to cover news - освещать новости

11assignment - журналистское задание; to cover assignments - выполнять задания

12sub-editor - заместитель редактора

13to lay out - верстать

14dummy page - макет страницы

15news editor - редактор отдела информации

16to get first crack - иметь право первым отбирать материалы

17makeup editor - технический редактор

18picture editor - художественный редактор

19narrative - повествование; дикторский текст, авторский комментарий

20anchor or anchorperson - ведущий программы; телеведущий


1. Read the text and translate it into Russian consulting the essential vocabulary.

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is journalism?

  2. Where does the term “journalism” come from?

  3. What qualities are essential for a future journalist?

  4. What do usually reporters do?

  5. Whom do we call columnists?

  6. Is the work of the news photographer simple?

  7. What is the chief editor responsible for?

  8. Can you give a synonym for “broadcast journalism”?

  9. What kind of conclusion does the author come to?

3. Answer the questions by choosing one of the alternatives, explain your choice:

Why do you think a journalist needs humility?

  1. to be able to get on easily with people

  2. not to impose his views on people

  3. to make a favourable impression on people

  4. to make people talk with him

  5. to win the respect and sympathy of people

Who do you think may be considered a well-educated person?

  1. the man who has graduated from a university

  2. he man who is brilliant at many subjects

  3. the man who is a keen reader of books and newspapers

  4. the man who has a wide knowledge of international events

  5. the man who is a self-made person with a great range of information in different fields

Why do you think a journalist must have an inquiring mind?

  1. to get as much information as possible

  2. to find out all the details about the event he is reporting

  3. to be able to understand people and their qualities better

  4. to be able to see the background of the event he is analyzing

  5. to be able to present the event from an unusual viewpoint

  6. not to make a hasty ill-informed judgement

4. Practise asking questions. Imagine that you are an editor-in-chief and are interviewing an applicant for a job on your newspaper. Work in pairs:

Ask your partner

  1. whether he has had any experience in journalism

  2. what newspaper he has worked for

  3. why he has decided to take up journalism as a career

  4. what newspaper he finds the most interesting

  5. what his favourite subject at school was

  6. whether he can speak any foreign languages

  7. whether he can type and drive a car

  8. whether he is good at short-hand writing

  9. whether he has ever had any experience in interviewing