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  1. Suffix -  an affix that is attached to the end of its base.

  2. Synonyms – words that are similar to meaning but different in writings

  3. Syntactic compound - are compounds formed from segments of speech preserving in their structure numerous traces of syntagmetical relation typical of speech. (She is a sit-at-home these days)

  4. Syntagmatic relations relationship of words in speech as distinct from associative(non-simultaneous) relationship of words in language. Specify the combination of elements into complex forms and sentences.

  5. Taboo – expressions that are seen as offensive and are therefore often euphemized

  6. Term - is a word or a word-group which is specifically employed by a particular branch of science, technology, tarde or the arts to convey a concept peculiar to this particular activity.

  7. Transcription- in the linguistic sense is the systematic representation of language in written form

  8. Translation loans -  A form of borrowing from one language to another whereby the semantic components of a given term are literally translated into their equivalents in the borrowing language.

  9. Transliteration -  is a subset of the science of hermeneutics. It is a form of translation, and is the practice of converting a text from one script into another.

  10. Transplantation

  1. Types of connotation – 1) stylistic (horse-steed2) emotive (dog-doggie)3)evaluative (famous – well-known/notorious)4)expressive/intensifying (splendid,superb,fantastic)

properties, relations, and chunks. A property is anything that has a value. It could be a numerical value, a name, or anything else. A chunk is a mental object, holding stuff together. Any mental object is a chunk. Finally, a relation maps from a set of (properties, chunks, and relations) to create new properties, chunks, or relations.

  1. Valency – the potential ability of words to occur with other words

  2. Variant – one of set of several possible forms that can be used to express the same function of meaning

  3. Vocabulary - the totality of words in a language..

  4. Word -  the smallest free form found in language

  5. Word building - the process of coining words by combining root and affixal morphemes according to certain patterns specific for the labguage.

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