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  1. Polysemy - diversity of meanings, the existence within one word of several connected meanings as the result of the development and changes of its original meaning. 

  2. Prefix -  an affix that is attached to the front of its base.

  3. Productive affixes - affixes which take part in deriving new words in this particular period of language development.

  4. Productivity- 1) the ability of being used to form (after specific patterns) new, occasional or potential words which are readily understood by the speakers of a language 2) regular use in speech as the element’s principal form of existence

  5. Proverb – a short well-known expression that states popular wisdom , a general truth or a moral lesson in a concise and imaginative way

  6. Reduplication – type of word- building when words are made by doubling a stem, either without any phonetic changes e.g. bye-bye or with a variation of the root-vowel or consonant e.g. ping-pong (gradational reduplication)

  7. Referent -  the set of entities to which a word or expression refers.

  8. Remnant suffix

  1. Reversion- type of word-building when a verb is produced from a noun by subtraction (to burgle from burglar)

  2. Root – the morpheme that remainds after all affixes are removed.

  1. Root word - in a complex word , the morpheme that remains after all affixes are removed

  2. Second degree context- a contex which is used when the meaning of the word can not be correctle interpretend by a minimum contex

  3. Secondary meaning- derived from the main meaning with some special connotations.

  4. Semantic adaptation - adjustment to the system of meaning of the vocabulary

  5. Semantic criterion of synonymy – definition of synonyms as words with the same denotative component but differing in connotations or in connotative components

  6. Semantic narrowing -  the process in which the meaning of a word becomes less general or less inclusive than its historically earlier meaning.

  7. Semantic structure -  is a fancy term for an organization that represents meaning. For example, an English sentence is a semantic structure

  8. Semantics -  the study of the meaning of linguistic structures.

  9. Seme – the smallest semantic component of meaning

  10. Semi affixes- the elements occurring as independent noun such as “man”, “land”, “worthy” on the one hand and have characteristics similar to that of affixes. They stand mid-way between stems and affixes.

  1. Semi-calque- a compound with one of the components being literally translated and the other one being calqued( matreshka doll, kievskaya cutlet)

  2. Shortening – way of word-building including 1) making a new word from a syllable of the original word (telephone - phone) 2) making a new word from the initial letters of a word group (BBC- British Broadcasting corporation). The second type is called initial shortening

  3. Simple lexico-grammatical partial homonyms- words which belong to the same category of parts of speech. Their paradigms have one identical form, but it never the same form. (to lay/lay – past ind. of to lie)

  4. Synchrony - a conventional isolation of a certain stage in the development of language as the object of linguistic investigation

  5. Slang -  language of a high colloquial style, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense.

  6. Sound imitation – type of word-building made by imitating different kinds of sounds that may be prodused by animals, birds, insects, human beings and inanimate objects.

  7. Specialization=narrowing of meaning

  8. Stages of assimilation- there are three stages such as fully assimilation, partially assimilation and unassimilation.

  9. Standard English -  refers to whatever form of the English language is accepted as a national norm in an Anglophone country.

  10. Stem – the base to which an inflectional affix is added

  11. Stylistic synonyms – conveying the same concept but differing in stylistics characteristics

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