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Методичка по английскому языку для ИТС (пр. С.С.Иванов)

2.7 Mб

2. law-enforcement








3. to enter information









4. protection of private data

d. растущая проблема


5. significant portion

e. быть очень сложным


6. a concrete solution

f. подрывать веру


7. to undermine trust

g. конкретное решение


8. challenge for public









9. growing problem

i. вызов обществу


10. to provide a solution

j. присоединяться



международным соглашениям

5.Read the passage under the headline ―Who is involved in fighting spam?‖ and translate it in writing

6.Give summary of the text

Unit 8. Why I Hate Spam

1. Read the following words correctly and guess their meaning:

technological, innovation, cooperation, industry, effective, anti-spam, filters, machine, tactics, to adapt, version, initiative, to partner, provider, company, status, automatically, sanctions, activity, financial, to focus

2. Read and translate the following word combinations:

spam messages, civil lawsuits, effective anti-spam filter, defensive actions, advanced anti-spam features, industry leaders, to battle spammers, to avoid detection, to share information, to restrict mail, self-regulatory body

3. Read the text and find out the meaning of the following phrases. Speak on the situations where they were used

drain on business productivity, waste of time and resources, sophisticated mail users, to clog corporate networks, to overlook and delete valid messages,


violations of state and federal laws, to distract workers, to be vital to s/b, fastgrowing database, to secure e-mail systems, joint initiative, to verify sender addresses, legitimate commercial e-mail, to lose one‘s appeal, to be worth reading

Memorize them.

―Why I Hate Spam‖ by Bill Gates June 23, 2008

SEATTLE — Like almost everyone who uses e-mail, I receive a ton of spam every day. Much of it offers to help me get out of debt or get rich quick. It would be funny if it weren't so irritating.

But spam is worse than irritating. It is a drain on business productivity, an increasingly costly waste of time and resources that clogs corporate networks and distracts workers. Among consumers, it spreads scams, pornography and even computer viruses. Worse, spammers prey on less sophisticated e-mail users, including children, threatening their safety and privacy. And as everyone struggles to sift spam from their inboxes, valid messages are sometimes overlooked or deleted which makes e-mail less useful and reliable as a channel for communication and legitimate e-commerce. In short, spam threatens to undo much of the good that e-mail has achieved.

As part of our drive to create a more trustworthy computing environment, this month, Microsoft filed 15 lawsuits in the U.S. and U.K. against companies and individuals alleged to have sent billions of spam messages in violation of state and federal laws. In addition to filing civil lawsuits and taking other enforcement actions, we are significantly stepping up our efforts to fight spam through technological innovation and cooperation with government and industry leaders. We are developing more effective anti-spam filters and other technologies that build on our research into fields such as machine learning – the design of systems that learn from data and grow smarter over time. These

―smart‖ systems are vital to the fight against spam because every defensive action causes spammers to change their tactics. Technology, to be effective, must continuously adapt too.

Already, spam filters built into MSN and Hotmail servers block 2.4 billion messages a day before they reach subscribers' inboxes. We have assembled a vast and fast-growing database of spam, which will be used by a forthcoming version of our Outlook e-mail software to block spam more effectively. And a new version of our Exchange e-mail server will include advanced anti-spam features. Our goal is to do everything possible to secure e- mail systems with servers that monitor and control the points of entry.


But a single company can't stem the tide of spam alone. So we are working with other industry leaders such as AOL, Yahoo! and EarthLink on a range of joint initiatives. For example, we are battling spammers who set up numerous e-mail accounts and move from service to service to avoid detection. To put an end to this shell game, we are sharing information so that we can keep tabs on roving spammers and shut them down more effectively. Spammers also go to great lengths to conceal or ―spoof their identities, so we are partnering with other service providers identify and restrict mail that conceals its source. And we are creating a system to verify sender addresses much as recipients' addresses are verified today.

A key to eliminating spam is establishing clear guidelines for legitimate commercial e-mail. With industry and consumer groups, we are developing best-practice guidelines to help responsible companies understand how to reach their customers without spamming them. Congress could help by providing a strong incentive for businesses to adopt e-mail best practices. Our proposal is to create a regulatory ―safe harbor‖ status for senders who comply with e-mail guidelines confirmed by an FTC-approved selfregulatory body. Senders who do not comply would have to insert an ―ADV:‖ label – standing for advertisement

– in the subject line of all unsolicited commercial e-mail. This would enable computer users either to accept ADV-labeled mail or to have it deleted automatically. As less junk mail reaches recipients - and violators face stiffer sanctions for illegal activities — the financial incentives for spammers will decrease, and spamming will lose its appeal.

Then maybe we can all focus on the e-mail that's actually worth reading.

4.What does the author mean by using phrases ―smart‖ systems, spoof, safe, harbor, ADV?

5.Answer the following questions:

Do you consider spam to be irritating? Why?

What are the most effective ways of curbing spam?

Do you hate spam?

Is it possible to eliminate spam? Was the article worth reading? 6. Give summary of the article


Unit 9. The Ex-hacker

1. Read the following words correctly and guess their meaning:

multinational, corporation, Japan, Canada, Thailand, to publish, details, agents, police, unauthorized, organized, correspondence, address, industry, virus, company

2. Read and translate the following word combinations:

To steal information, credit card account, to publish, the details, to download an unauthorized information, organized attempts, to gain access, military base, to expose correspondence, to reroute e-mail, to replace the homepage, to dismiss the threat, hijacked sites

3. Read the text and find the answers to these questions as quickly as you


Which group hacked into Hotmail?

Who was 'The Analyzer and what did he do?

Which hacker was sent to jail for fraud?

What was the effect of the 1996 raid on Scotland Yard?

Which of the cases reported here involved teenagers?

What did hackers do to the Yahoo! website?

What crime was Raphael Gray accused of?

The Ex-hacker

Kevin Mitnick is the hackers' hero. His latest spell in jail was a 46-month sentence for fraud relating to breaking into the systems of several multinational corporations. He was released on condition that he did not have any contact with a computer.

In March 2000, a Welsh teenager allegedly stole information from more than 26,000 credit card accounts across Britain, the US, Japan, Canada and Thailand, and published the details on the Internet. FBI agents and British police raided the home of Raphael Gray, 18, and arrested him and his friend. He has been charged with 10 counts of downloading unauthorised information.

In 1998 Washington revealed that an Israeli hacker called 'The Analyser' was responsible for 'the most organised attempt to penetrate the Pentagon's computer systems'. He turned out to be Ehud Tenenbaum, 18, who had planted


a list of his own passwords in the Pentagon system and passed them to other hackers.

Hotmail, Microsoft's free email service, was hacked into last September, exposing the correspondence of more than 40m users. A group calling itself Hackers Unite posted a Web address with details of how to access any Hotmail account. The service was shut down for five hours.

The UK Department of Trade and Industry has twice been prey to hackers, once in 1996 and again in 2000 when a DTI computer was programmed to reroute email. The Home Office investigated nine cases of hacking last year, one of which was the leaking of a report on a murder. In August 1996 hackers ran up a £1m phone bill for Scotland Yard but did not access files.

In 1997 hackers got into the Yahoo! website, replacing the homepage with a ransom note demanding the release of their hero, Kevin Mitnick. Unless the demand was met, the note said, a virus would be released in all Yahoo!'s computers. The company dismissed the threat as a hoax, but the 'Free Kevin' slogan continued to appear on other hijacked sites.

In 1997 the son of a fraud squad detective walked free from a court in London after charges of breaching the security of the US air force were dropped. Three years earlier Mathew Bevan, then 19, and a friend, Richard Pryce, 16, used the Internet to gain access to several US military bases. Pryce was fined £1,200 after admitting several other offences.

4. Match column A with column B





1. fraud

a. исходная позиция

2. to be responsible for

b. отпустить, освободить

3. to penetrate a system

c. пароль



4. password







5. breaching of the security of a

e. утечка информации





6. offence

f. проникнуть в систему

7. to shut down












8. leaking of information









9. homepage

i. нести ответственность

10. to release

j. отключить



5. Comment on the following:





Yahoo!, Website, DII, 40 m, 19, 16, £1,200; 26,000; 1998, 18, Pentagon,

FBI, 10, 2000, Hacker‘s Unite, 9, ―The Analyser‖, ―Free Kevin‖, £1m.

6. Which of the cases do you consider to be the most serious? Speak on it and ground your thoughts

Unit 10. Protection of Information

1. Read the following words correctly and guess their meaning:

protection, formation, informational, organization, social, documents, structure, secret, confidential, private, correspondence, reputation, realization, category, instruction, public, financial, technology, economic, industrial, policy, informatisation, legal, certification, design, license, activity, client, unsanctioned, copying, aspect, priority, expert, personnel, discipline

2. Read and translate the following word combinations:

state informational sources, limited access, confidential information, to cause damage, equal rights, juridical person, non-juridical person, to purchase the right, legal way, to break producer right, in accordance with, legislation, to obtain license, definite risk, unsanctioned access

3. Read the text trying to find adjectives used with the word

―information‖. Translate the phrases and learn them

Protection of information


a) State informational sources

Formation of state informational sources is carried out by citizens, state authorities organizations and social unions. Documents, which belong to a person, can be included in the state structure of informational sources, of


course, if the person wishes. State informational sources are open and generally available. Documented information with limited access is divided into state secret and confidential information.

b) Citizen information (personal information)

Personal data refers to confidential information. The collection, storage, use and distribution of private information are not allowed. The information, which breaks personal and family secret, secret of correspondence, telephone, postal, telegraph talks and other messages of a person without his/her permission, is also confidential.

Personal data may not be used with purpose of causing damage to person's property and reputation, difficulties of realization its right. Collected data must be limited to necessary information. The information, which carries strong probability of causing damage to a citizen's interests shouldn't be collected.

There are some categories of personal information:

secret documents;

official department rules and instructions;

information, which is not to be made public in accordance with legislative


confidential business information;

information, which touches private life of a person;

information of financial institutions;

c) Development and production of informational systems.

All types of informational systems and networks, technologies and means of their providing compose a special branch of economic activity, whose development is defined by the state scientific, technological and industrial policy of informatization.

State and non-state organizations and, of course, the citizens have equal rights in terms of access to the development and producing of informational systems, technologies.

Owner of informational systems


The informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can be the property objects of juridical person, non-juridical person and state. The owner of informational system is a person, who purchased these objects or got as a gift, heredity or by any other legal way. The informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can be considered as a good product, if the producer rights are not broken. The owner of informational system determines the using conditions of this product.

Copyrights and property rights

Copyrights and property rights on informational systems, technologies and means of their providing can belong to different persons. The owner of informational systems has to protect copyrights in accordance with legislation

Informational systems and databases, intended for citizens' and organizations' informational service, are subjected to certification according to the established custom.

The organizations, which work in the field of making design, producing the means of informational protection and personal date treatment, must obtain licensees to conduct such activity. The steps for obtaining license are defined by the legislation.

Computer system and protection of information

a) Problem of information protection

The problem of information security is relatively new. Not all problems, connected with it have been figured out and solved up to now. The fact of great number of computer systems users means the definite risk to security because not all clients will carry out the requirements of its providing.

The order of storage mediums should be clearly defined in legal acts and envisage the complete safety of mediums, control over the work with information, responsibility for unsanctioned access to mediums with a purpose of copying, changing of destroying them and so on.

b) Legal aspects

There are some legal aspects of information protection, which can appear due to not carefully thought or ill-intentioned use of computer technics:

legal questions of protection of informational massifs from distortions;

security of stored information from the unsanctioned access;


setting juridically fixed rules and methods of copyrights protection and priorities of software producers;

development of measures for providing the juridical power to the documents, which are given to the machines;

legal protection of the experts' interests, who pass their knowledge to the databases;

setting of legal norms and juridical responsibility for using electronic computer means in personal interests, which hurt other people and social interests and can harm them;

The lack of appropriate registration and control, low level of work and production personnel discipline, the access of an unauthorized persons to the data base makes your computer vulnerable.

4. Match column A with column B














1. information source














2. to protect copyright


b. подлежать сертификации


3. information security














4. without s/b‘s permission

d. без чьего-либо разрешения


5. to




e. информационная безопасность










6. in



f. защищать авторские права











7. to be available


g. устанавливать(ся),







определять(ся) законом



8. to


defined by


h. законодательный документ











9. to

destroy information

i. быть доступным












10. legislative act


j. источник информации












5.Read and give written translation of § b ―Legal aspects‖

6.Give summary of the text