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Exercises to the texts:

Ex.15 Review questions:

1. What was the result of the advent of cybernetics? 2. What is electronics?

3. What do electronic systems control? 4. Where are electronic computers used?

5. What enables man to gain an insight in to the remotest corners of space?

6. When was the first man made satellite launched? 7.In what way are electronic computers used in scientific space research? 8.What do radio-electronic systems ensure?

Ex.16 Make up an abstract of the text basing on the answers to the above questions.

Ex.17 Define the meanings of the suffixes in the following words and translate the words:

scientist, electrician, engineer, computer, examinee, examiner, semiconductor, connection, equipment, discovery, reliability, appliance, existence, transmission, advantage, width, relationship, rapidness, launching, freedom

Ex.18 Translate these synonyms and memorize them:

  1. big (adj), large, great, huge, enormous, vast

  2. movement (n), motion

  3. small (adj), tiny, little

  4. main (adj), principal, chief

  5. complex (adj), complicated, compound

  6. many (adj), a lot of, plenty

  7. basis (n), foundation, base

  8. bring about (v), cause

  9. perform (v), carry out

10. use (v), utilize, apply, employ

Ex.19 Translate these verbs and learn them:

to enable, to result from, to believe, to launch, to equip, to discover, to connect, to form, to calculate, to surround.

Listening and speaking.

Task 1. Now listen to a radio news item which refers to the same story and answer these questions:

1 How did Mr. Swanston find the coins?

2 How does he know when his detector has found something made of metal?

3 Why did he ask his friends to help?

4 How many coins did they find?

5 How old are the coins?

6 What will happen to the coins?

7 Who will benefit from this?

Task 2. Read the short text below, then discuss these questions:

1 How can you create a changing magnetic field?

2 How can you detect a voltage created in a buried object?

Metal detectors, despite their technical complexity, are based on a few very simple principles. The most important is that of electromagnetic induction. This means that if an object is placed in a changing magnetic field, an electrical voltage is created in the object.

Task 3. Check your answers to Task 3 with the help of the text and diagrams.

Alternating current (AC) is applied to the coil in the search head from the battery in the control box. This creates an ever-changing electromagnetic field around the coil. An electric current is induced in any metal object the coil passes near.

The current induced in the metal object produces its own magnetic field, which in turn induces a voltage in the search coil, as the alternating current changes direction.

The circuitry in the control box senses this reaction and converts the voltage into an audible note, which is sent to the headset. As the metal object is approached, the sound in the headset becomes louder, or changes pitch.

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