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In the 2d half of the 20th century the English Word Building system was inreached by creating the so-called splinters,which scholars include in the affixation stock(запас).Splinters are the result of cutting the end or the beginning of a word and producing a number of new words on analogy with the primary word.The splinter burger appeared in English as a result of cutting the German borrowing hamburger.On the analogy with this word quite a number of words were coined.(cheeseburger,fishburger).The part ham was associated with the English word ham and a burger is a bun cut into 2 parts. In the 70 th of the 20th there was a political scandal in the hotel Watergate where the democratic party of the USA has its preelection Headoffice.Republicants managed to install bugs there and when they were discovered there was a scandal and the ruling American Government had to resign.The name Watergate acquired the meaning-a political scandal or corruption.On the analogy with this word quite a number of other words were formed by using the splinter gate(Irangate,shuttlegate).The splinter gate is added mainly to proper names,names of people with whom the scandal is connected or the geographical name,denoting a place,where the scandal occured.The splinter napper from the word kidhapper.It’s used to denote different types of crimestess,such as busnapper,babynapper,dognapper.From these nouns verbs were formed by means of backformation(to busnape,to babynape,to dognape).The splinter tel from hotel.It serves to form words,denoting different types of hotels(motel,boatel,floatel-hotel on water,airtel).The splinter theque(apotheque)-greek origine(means in Greece a store house(склад)-библиотека,картотека.it’s used to denote plece for dancing(discotheque,jazzotheque).The splinter thon(marathon) denotes sometimes continuing for a long time,competition in endurance(dancerthon,telethon,speakerthon,readerthon,walkerthon,swimmerthon).The splinter a/holic was formed by cutting the beginning of the word alcoholic.(workaholic,bookaholic,computerholic).

13. Minor ways of word-formation (non-productive ways of word-formation)

Words coined by this interesting type of word-building are made by imitating different kinds of sounds that may be produced by animals, birds, insects, human beings and inanimate objects. It is of some interest that sounds produced by the same kind of animal are frequently represented by quite different sound groups in different languages (dog bark, howl; ducks – quack, frogs – croak). Reduplication. In reduplication new words are made by doubling a stem, either without any phonetic changes as in bye-bye oe with a vatiation of the root-vowel or consonant (ping-pong). This type of word-building is greatly faciliated in modern english by the vast number of monosyllables. Stylistically speaking, most words made by reduplication represent informal groups: coloquialisms and slang (walkie-talkie). Back-formation (reversion). The easiest examples of this type of word-building are the verb to beg that was made from the french borrowing beggar, to burgle from burglar, to cobble from cobbler.In all these cases the verb was made from the noun by subtracting what was mistakely associated with the english suffix –er. The pattern of the type to work – worker was firmly established in the subconscious of English-speking people at the time when these formations appeared, and it was taken for granted that any noun denoting profession or occupation is certain to have a corresponding verb of the same root. So, in the case of the verbs to beg, to burgle, to cobble the process was reversed: instead of a noun made from a verb by affixation, a verb was produced from a noun by subtraction. That’s why this type of word-buildong received the name of back-formation or reversion. (baby-sit from baby-sitter).

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