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6 Internet issues

A P| In small groups, look at the list of cybercrimes and discuss these questions.

  1. Which crimes are the most dangerous?

  2. Is it fair or unfair to pay for the songs, videos, books or articles that you download? Should copyright infringement be allowed online?

  3. What measures can be taken by governments to stop cybercrime?

  4. Do you think governments have the right to censor material on the Internet?

  5. Personal information such as our address, salary, and civil and criminal records is held in databases by marketing companies. Is our. privacy in danger?


  • Piracy - the illegal copy and distribution of copyrighted software, games or music files

  • Plagiarism and theft of intellectual property - pretending that someone else's work is your own

  • Spreading of malicious software

  • Phishing (password harvesting fishing) - getting passwords for online bank accounts or credit card numbers by using emails that look like they are from real organizations, but are in fact fake; people believe the message is from their bank and send their security details

  • IP spoofing - making one computer look like another in order to gain unauthorized access

  • Cyberstalking - online harassment or abuse, mainly in chat rooms or newsgroups

  • Distribution of indecent or offensive material

В I Write a summary of your discussion on PowerPoint and present it to the rest of the class.

Now visit www.cambridge.org/elt/ict for an online task.

Creative software



  1. Graphics and design

  2. Desktop publishing

  3. Multimedia

  4. Web design

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

learn and use vocabulary related to graphics software, learn how to describe graphics.

study the basic features and vocabulary related to desktop publishing, discuss the pros and cons of e-publishing versus paper publishing, write a letter to a newspaper.

learn about the main components and applications of multimedia systems.

learn how to use conditional sentences.

study the basic principles of web page design.

learn how to use common modal verbs.

design a mock home page for a college or company.

unit20 Graphics and design

Computer graphics

In pairs, look at the computer graphics (a-d) and discuss these questions.

  1. Which of these computer graphics are three-dimensional (3-D)?

  2. What are the advantages of creating 3-D images?

  3. Which types of professional might use the computer graphics (a-d)?

  4. Who else uses computer graphics in their job? How do they use them?









В Read the text on page 101 and check your answers to 3 and 4 in a.

Read the text again and answer these questions.

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