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Міністерство освіти і науки України

Херсонський державний технічний університет

Методичні вказівки

з розвитку навиків читання

та професійно направленого мовлення

для студентів I-II етапів навчання

спеціальності „Дизайн та комп'ютерна графіка”

Херсон 2003

Методичні вказівки з розвитку навиків читання та професійно направленого мовлення для студентів I-II етапів навчання спеціальності „Дизайн та комп'ютерна графіка” - /Л.М.Краснонос/ - Херсон, ХДТУ, 2003. – 67 с.


на засіданні кафедри

іноземних мов

протокол від


зав.кафедри _______________доц.Фоменко Н.С.

Відповідальний за випуск Н.С.Фоменко к.філол.н., доц., завідувач кафедри іноземних мов

Lesson 1 Observe and remember

The construction there + to be is used when we state the existence or absence of something at some place or time.




There + to be

+ що

+ де/коли






є, знаходиться, існує




There is a picture on the wall - На стіні картини

There are many pictures in this hall. - В цьому залі багато картин.



There was a exhibition here last month.

There were many exhibits there.

В минулому місяці була виставка. Там було багато експонатів.



There will be many flowers in spring.

На весні буде багато квітів.



There have been some exhibitions lately here.

There has been a party here.

Недавно тут було декілка виставок. Був вечір.

Запитальна форма

Are there any pictures on the wall?

Will there be many flowers here?

Have there been exhibitions here lately.

Заперечувальна форма

There are no pictures on the wall.

There are not (any, many) pictures on the wall.

There are not (any, much) money in my bag

Exercise. 1. Practice Reading:

This is the key.

This is the key of the kingdom.

In that kingdom there is a city.

In that city there is a town.

In that town there is a street.

In that street there is a lane.

In that lane there is a yard.

In that yard there is a house.

In that house there is a room.

In that room there is a bed.

On that bed there is a basket.

In that basket there are some flowers.

Flowers in a basket

Basket on the bed

Bed in the room

Room in the house

House in the yard

Yard in the lane

Lane in the street

Street in the town

Town in the city

City in the Kingdom

Of the Kingdom this is the key

Exercise 2. Read and translate:

1. There is a round table in the room. 2. There is a nice vase and a big dish on the table.

3. There are beautiful parks in our town. 4. There was a good film on TV yesterday evening. 5. We stayed at a big hotel. There were 250 rooms there. 6. There will be a lot of people at the party on Saturday. 7. Tomorrow the weather will be cold. There will be some rain in the afternoon.

Exercise 3. Read and translate. Pay attention that we say there are many but there is much:

1. There are many high buildings in our town.2. There is much furniture in this room. 3. There are many students in our group. 4. There is much bread in the cupboard. 5. There will be much work to be done tomorrow. 6. There were many interesting films on TV last month. 7. There was much work at the firm at the end of the month. 8. There will be many flowers everywhere in spring.

Exercise 4. Read and translate. Pay attention that we say there is / are no but there are not many, there is / not any, there is not much.

1. There is no picture on the wall. 2. There is not any picture on the wall. 3. There is no light in this room. 4. There is not much snow on the ground. 5. There are no vacant seats in the hall. 6. There is no work on Sunday any longer. 7. There are not any blackboard in this classroom. 8. There is not much water in the river when the weather is hot.

Exercise 5. Make sentences interrogative and negative.

1. There is a large green blackboard in our classroom. 2. There are some English books in this bookcase. 3. There are always very many mistakes in your translation. 4. There was a telegram on the table few minutes ago. 5. There will be a party on Saturday.

Exercise 6. Put in there was/wasn’t: there were/weren’t: was there? Were there? There is/isn’t: there are/aren’t is there? Are there? There will be/will there be?

1…… a football match on TV last night but I didn’t see it. 2. We stayed at a nice hotel! – Did you? ….. a swimming pool there? 3. The suitcase was empty. ….. any clothes in it. We didn’t visit the museum … enough time. 5. … 25 hours in a day. 6. Look this bag is empty. … nothing in it. 7. … anybody at the station to meet you when you arrive tomorrow? 8. Ten years ago … 500 children at this school. Now … over a thousand.

Exercise 7. Write sentences with There are … . Choose the right number: 7,9,15,26,30,50.

  1. (Days /a week)

  2. (states /the USA)

  3. ((Players /a rugby team)

  4. (Planets /the solar system)

  5. (letters /the English alphabet)

  6. (Days /September)

Exercise 8. Read new words and word combinations. Try to memorize them:

to move in – в’їжджати;

to consist of – складатись з

living-room - житлова кімната

study – кабінет

closet – комора, стінка, шафа

lavatory – туалет

modern conveniences – сучасні зручності

central heating – центральне опалювання

garbage disposal – сміттєпровід

furniture – меблі

carpet – килим

wall unit – меблі, стінка

space – простір

stereo cassette – Recorder – стерео магнітофон

wardrobe- шафа

chest of drawers – комод

sink – раковина

gas cooker – газова плита

fridge - холодильник

chandelier - люстра

layout- розположення, розташування

Exercise 9. Read, translate the text

Our family lives in a new flat in one of the largest newly built residential areas. We moved into our flat seven years ago. It is a three-room flat on the fifth floor of an eight-storeyed building. It consists of a living room, a study, a bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom, two closets and a lavatory. There are two balconies in our flat: the first one is in the living room, and the second – in the bedroom. Our flat has all modern conveniences: central heating, running cold and hot water, electricity, telephone and gas. Besides, there is a lift and a garbage disposal in our building. The layout is very

good. The rooms are light, though not very large. In my opinion, it’s quite a modern-looking flat. The windows face the park in front of the building and the view is really wonderful.

Our living-room is quite a big room of about 19 square meters. It is the largest room in our flat. My parents don’t like much furniture in the house so in the living room there are two comfortable armchairs and a sofa, a coffee table and a nice thick carpet on the floor. Opposite the window there is a wall unit, but it doesn’t take much space in the room. Of course there is a colour TV set, a stereo cassette-recorder and a record-player in the living-room. A nice chandelier is hanging from the ceiling and there is a standard lamp to the left of the sofa. During the day light comes in through the window but at night when it gets dark, we switch on the light and draw the curtains across the windows. We like to receive our guests in this room.

Now I would like to describe our study. At first it was my daddy’s room, but as I grew older it became mine. To tell you the truth, I am very happy to have a room for myself, that’s why I always try to keep it tidy and cozy. There is a sofa, a writing table, a bookcase, a wardrobe in my room. On the wall there are some shelves full of English, Ukrainian and Russian books. There is a radio set on the shelf and, I must confess, I like to listen to the wireless in the evening. The dressing-table is next to the sofa. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen and handkerchiefs and in the wardrobe I keep my clothes, which I hang on coat- hangers. I have two watercolors on the wall above the sofa. They are nice copies of my favourite paintings by Serov. Our bedroom is the smallest room in our flat. At night when my parents feel tired and sleepy, they share this room.

But the most popular and favourite place with all of us is the kitchen, as we spend most of our time there. We all are not big-eaters, but use the kitchen as a place where we can have a chat about our problems and life. In the kitchen there are some stools, a table, a cupboard, a sink with water taps, a fridge and a gas cooker. Of course, we usually have our meal there. We like our flat very much. It is important that our house is rather close to the underground station and we can easily get to any place we like.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

1.When did the family move into their new flat? 2. How many rooms are there in their flat? 3. What floor is it on? 4.What modern conveniences does the flat have? 5. What do the windows face? 6. Why don’t they have much furniture? 7. What TV set do they have? 8. Where do they like to receive their guests? 9. What furniture is there in the study? 10. What do people keep in the wardrobe? 11. Where do they have their meals? 12. In what room do people usually have a TV set?

Exercise 11. Say whether it is false or true. If false say why.

1. The family lives in an old two-storied cottage? 2. There are two balconies in their flat? 3. The flat has all modern conveniences but garbage disposal. 4. The windows face the busy street. 5. The study was daddy’s room. 6. People keep books in a wardrobe. 8. People can have shower in the kitchen. 9. All high buildings have lifts and garbage disposals.

Exercise 12. Fill in the missing words according to the text given above:

1. Our family lives in a new flat in one of the _______________newly built__________ areas. 2. Our flat has all modern ____________, running cold and hot water, electricity, ______________, and gas. 3. The ___________ is very good in our building. 4. As my parents don’t like much furniture in the house so in the living room there are two _____________ armchairs and a sofa, coffee table and a nice _________ carpet on the floor. 5. Opposite the window there is a __________, but it doesn’t take much _________ in the room. 6. A nice ____________ is hanging from the ceiling and there is a ___________ lamp to the left of the sofa. 7. We like _________ our guests in this room. 8. I’m very glad to have a room for _____________, that’s why I always try to keep it ___________ and cozy. 9. In the _______ I keep my clean linen handkerchiefs and in the wardrobe I keep my _____________. 10. We are not big-eaters, but we use our kitchen as a ___________ where we can have a _________ about our problems and life.

Exercise 13. Listen the text and say what two rooms are mentioned in the text and what the man does in each of them:

At night when I feel tired and sleepy. I go up to my bedroom and switch on the electric light. I take off my shoes, undress and put on my pyjamas. Then I get into bed and switch off the light.

After a few minutes I fall asleep. I sleep the whole night through. At seven-thirty in the morning, the alarm-clock rings and wakes me up. I get out of bed, put on my dressing-gown and slippers, and go into the bathroom, where I turn on the hot and cold taps. While the water’s running into the bath, I wash my face and neck, brush my teeth and shave. My shaving things are on the shelf above the basin. Then I turn off the tabs and have my bath. Sometimes I take a shower. When I’ve dried myself with a towel, I get dressed.

On the dressing-table in front of the looking-dress, you’ll see a hairbrush and a comb, a hand-mirror, a bottle of scent and a powder-box. These, of course, don’t belong to me, but to my wife. In the chest of drawers I keep clean linen such as shirts, collars and handkerchiefs, besides things like socks and ties. In the wardrobe I keep my suits and other clothes, which I hang on coat-hangers.

Exercise 14. Read, dramatize and try to memorize the following dialogue:

  • Oh, I see many water- colors on the walls here.

  • Are there any water-colors in your flat?

  • No, there are not any. I have neither water-colors nor oil-painting.

  • Oh, really. It is fashionable now to have pictures on the walls in the flat and sculptures.

  • Well, I’m sorry to say we have neither. You see we moved into a new flat only two months ago.

  • My congratulations. How many rooms are there in your flat?

  • Thank you. We have three large rooms in a two storied cottage with a garage, a kitchen and a bathroom on the ground floor.

  • Oh, that’s nice. I’d like to see it.

  • You are welcome. Come on Saturday evening, say at 6.

  • By all means. Thank you.

Exercise 15. Make up dialogues of your own. Ask your friends questions about what there is\are in their flats.

Use expressions: And you? And what about your flat? And what about your living-room? Describe your living-room/bedroom, your own room.

What furniture do you have in…?

What kind of room…?

What color...?

Exercise 16. Match the words:

  1. in front of 1. комора

  2. opposite 2. комод

  3. in the middle of 3. над

  4. in the center of 4. позаду

  5. behind 5. напроти

  6. above - over 6. по середині

  7. wardrobe 7. газова плита

  8. modern conveniences 8. в центрі

  9. chest of drawers 9. сміттєпровід

  10. furniture 10.чепурний

  11. garbage disposal 11.сучасні зручності

  12. wall unit 12.шафа

  13. gas cooker 13.перед

  14. closet 14.затишний

  15. cosy 15.стінка

  16. tidy 16.меблі

  17. to the left 17.зліва

  18. to he right 18.справа

  19. in the corner 19.поблизу

  20. near 20.в кутку

Exercise 17. Describe:

    1. the flat/the house/the cottage you live in using the questions given below as a plan.

    2. Your dream house.


1.Where do you live? Describe your house

  1. How many storeys are in your house?

  2. Is there a yard or a park near your house?

  3. Is it in a good neighbourhood?

  4. What modern conveniences are there in your house?

  5. Is there a lift in your block of flats?

2. Which floor is your flat on?

3. How many rooms are there in your flat?

4. When did you move into your flat?

5. Which room is the largest one? Describe it.

6. How is your kitchen furnished?

7. Do you have a room for yourself? Describe it

8. Do you like your flat?

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