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2. Additional texts for quick reading orange

Flamboyant and Energetic : Orange is vibrant. It's a combination of red and yellow so it shares some common attributes with those colors. It denotes energy, warmth, and the sun. But orange has a bit less intensity or aggression than red, calmed by the cheerfulness of yellow.

Nature of Orange: As a warm color orange is a stimulant — stimulating the emotions and even the appetite. Orange can be found in nature in the changing leaves of fall, the setting sun, and the skin and meat of citrus fruit.

Culture of Orange: Orange brings up images of autumn leaves, pumpkins, and (in combination with Black) Halloween. It represents the changing seasons so in that sense it is a color on the edge, the color of change between the heat of summer and the cool of winter. Because orange is also a citrus color, it can conjure up thoughts of vitamin C and good health.

Orange Words: These words are synonymous with orange or represent various shades of the color orange. Pumpkin, gold, flame, copper, brass, apricot, peach, citrus, tangerine.


Elegant Neutral: Gray is a neutral, balanced color. It is a cool, conservative color that seldom evokes strong emotion although it can be seen as a cloudy or moody color.

Nature of Gray: The lighter side of black, gray is a cool color seen in storm clouds and some metals.

Culture of Gray: Like black, gray is used as a color of mourning as well as a color of formality. Along with blue suits, gray suits are part of the uniform of the corporate world. Dark, charcoal gray carries with it some of the strengh and mystery of black. It is a sophisticated color without much of the negative attributes of black. Lighter grays are similar to white. Gray tuxedos are common for men at weddings.

Language of Gray: The use of gray in familiar phrases can help a designer see how their color of choice might be perceived by others, both the positive and negative aspects.

Good gray

  • Gray matter - brains, intellect

  • Gray power - having to do with the elderly or senior citizens

Bad gray

  • Gray - dull, dingy, dirty

  • Gray page - in desktop publishing, a text-heavy page with little contrast or white space

  • Gray-hair - old person (not necessarily derogatory)

  • Gray water - dirty water such as water drained from a bathtub or kitchen sink

Gray Words: These words are synonymous with gray or represent various shades of the color gray. Charcoal, slate, iron gray, ashen, lead, mousy, gunmetal, silver, dove gray, powder grey, oyster, pearl, taupe, sere, Payne's gray.

3. Additional text for independent work q. What Colours Appeal to Men?

Colours that are traditionally considered masculine colours or that appeal most strongly to or are more closely associated with men can be good choices for marketing messages, Web sites, and interior designs targeting men. Colour studies done over the years indicate that the favourite colours of men and women do differ. Some of these differences in favourite colours may be attributed to cultural use of colour and conditioning. There are no hard and fast rules about what colours are masculine or feminine or gender-neutral. Because colors come in many tints and shades, someone may love a rich, royal blue but strongly dislike a pale, sky blue so a preference for the colour blue doesn't mean that every shade of blue is universally appropriate. However, some generalizations are possible based on various coluor studies.


Blue is a favourite colour of both men and women of all ages. However, men have a much stronger preference for blue than women. It may be the calming effect of the colour blue that makes it a popular colour for both men and women or it could be the association of some shades of blue with authority figures, intelligence, and stability.


A distant second to blue as a favourite colour of men, the colour green is cool, restful, and signifies growth, renewal, health, and environment as well as balance and stability. While women favour cool, soft colours, men prefer brighter shades although they still show a preference for cool colours such as blue and green.


Men favour the colour black only slightly more than women. A strong preference for conservative colours such as blue and black may also reflect social and cultural norms where women wear the brighter, more varied colours while men's attire is traditionally less colourful.

Colours Men Don't Like

Purple stands out as a feminine colour because it is chosen almost exclusively by women as a favourite colour and is strongly disliked by men. Men are less likely to respond favourably to other feminine favourites such as lavender and turquoise.

Most people still think of pink as a feminine, delicate colour, the colour for little girls. Even though it is acceptable as a clothing colour for men, the colour pink has such strong negative associations for men that some uses of the colour may be considered insulting to men. One prominent example of the furore over pink is the locker rooms at the University of Iowa. Up for debate is whether or not the colour pink was chosen for the opposing teams locker room because it was a "calming, soothing colour" or because of the cultural association of pink with the weaker sex and gay men - a sissy colour.