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Useful Phrases

We are sending you in today's mail... Надсилаємо (висилаємо, направляємо) Вам із сьогоднішньою поштою...

We are glad to send you by parcel post... З задоволенням надсилаємо (виси­лаємо, направляємо)

Вам поштовою посилкою...

We are pleased to send Ми раді надіслати (направити, пе­редати) Вам

you separately... окремим пакетом...

Further to our letter we are Як доповнення до нашого

sending you... листа надсилаємо (висилаємо, направля­ємо) Вам...

We are glad to send you a list З задоволенням надсилаємо (виси­лаємо, направляємо)

of Ukrainian organizations Вам перелік українських організацій, що торгу­ють

dealing in... as requested ... відповідно до Вашого прохання

At your request we are У відповідності з Вашим проханням

pleased to send you... з задоволенням надсилаємо Вам...

h) Letters of Confirmation

There are two cases:

When you need to acknowledge receipt of a document (a letter, a telex, an offer or a contract, etc.), you just write: «We have received your letter of the 2nd of July...»

When you need to confirm the previous agreement (arrangement) made on the telephone, by telegram, by telex or by word of mouth, concerning the price, the terms of payment or delivery, the date of the talks, etc., then you write: «We are writing to confirm our today's telephone conversation about price...»

20th July, 1990

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your telex informing us that you have signed Contract # 60-775 and are sending one copy back to us by today's post.

We are pleased that we have established business relations with you and assure you that you will have our full co-operation.

Yours faithfully,

21st Jan, 1990

Dear Sir,

We confirm our agreement reached by telephone today about the change in the terms of payment, which will be made by a Letter of Credit to be valid for 45 days. The Letter of Credit will be irrevocable and confirmed.

We hope that our co-operation will be the mutual benefit of the companies.

Yours faithfully,

Useful Phrases

We thank you for your telex - З подякою підтверджуємо

informing us that... отримання Вашого телексу з повідом­ленням, що...

We have received your Підтверджуємо отримання

Order # 3267 and started to... Вашого замовлення № 3267 і повідомляємо, що почали...

In confirmation of our telephone На підтвердження нашої

conversation this morning we... телефонної розмови сьогодні зранку ми...

I) Enquiry Letters

An enquiry usually states the name of the goods and terms and conditions on which the Buyer would like to have the goods, such as: the quantity and quality of the goods, the model (trade mark), the price, terms of delivery and terms of payment.

27th May, 1990

Dear Sir, We are interested in the new model of harvester advertised by you in the current number of the Industry and we are considering ordering 3 machines on trial. We need harvesters in a month's time. The advertisement, however, does not give sufficient information about the delivery time and otherwise.

Therefore we should appreciate further details as soon as possible. We hope to establish business relations with your company and are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

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