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Useful Phrases

We are delighted to accept... Ми з задоволенням приймаємо …

We look forward to joining you... Ми з нетерпінням чекаємо на зустріч з Вами …

We are sincerely happy to join you.. Ми щиро раді зустрічі з Вами…

We are pleased to accept... Ми з задоволенням приймаємо…

Unfortunately it will be impossible for us to... На жаль, неможливо буде, щоб…

I am sincerely sorry that we Ми дійсно жалкуємо, що не можемо

cannot join you for... приєднатися до Вас, щоб...

We regret we cannot accept... На жаль, ми не можемо прийняти...

Very regretfully we find that we cannot... На великий жаль, ми дізналися, що не можемо...

Please accept my sincere regrets Просимо прийняти повідомлення, що я дуже жалкую

at not being able to join you for… про неможливість зустрітися з Вами

d) Congratulation Letters

If you want your letter of congratulation to be success, you should write it as soon as you hear the good news. There are a lot of reasons for writing congratulation letters: business promotion, an important company anniversary, business policy changes, achievements in advertising, servicing or creating new products, etc.

There is no hard-and-fast rule about acknowledging letters of congratulations, but if you do that, you will show your good upbringing. In writing this kind of letter, you should always mention the occasion that prompts it.

Note: Only the man receives «congratulations» on his engagement. The woman receives «best wishes».

21st Jun, 1990

Dear Mr N. Brown,

I have just read of your promotion to sales manager. Let me offer my warmest congratulations.

I don't have to tell you that all of us here wish you the best of luck in your new position.

We are sure we will be reading more good news about you in the trade papers in the future.

Yours sincerely,

F. Popov

25th Nov, 1990

Dear Mr. Sedov,

Thank you very much for the lovely note of congratulations on my promotion. It was good of you to send it.

I sincerely appreciate all the good wishes of your colleagues. Yours sincerely, N. Brown

Useful Phrases

We congratulate you on... Вітаємо Вас з.

Congratulations on... Наші вітання з...

Warm (sincere) congratulations, Наші щирі вітання з..., побажання успіхів і щастя...

good luck and best wishes...

Please accept our heartiest Просимо Вас прийняти наші вітання від щирого серця з..

congratulations on...

Permit me to congratulate you on... Дозвольте мені привітати Вас з..

I was delighted to learn... Я із задоволенням довідався

It was with great pleasure that З великим задоволенням ми довідались, що Вас призначили

we learned of your appointment ... (про Ваше призначення...)

May we congratulate you on your promotion Дозвольте привітати Вас із службовим підвищенням ...

We were delighted to read in the trade journal Ми із задоволенням прочитали в торговельному

that you had been promoted and... журналі, що Ви отримали службове підвищення

We want to send you our sincere good wishes and... Ми хочемо надіслати Вам наші щирі

побажання найкращого ...

Your note of congratulation is deeply appreciated Щиро дякуємо за Ваш лист- привітання

Your message of good wishes gave me a great deal Я отримав велике задоволення від Вашого

of pleasure листа з найкращими побажаннями

It was good (fine, nice, kind, wonderful, З Вашого боку було дуже

thoughtful) of you to write to me as you did люб'язно (передбачливо)написати мені.

e) Letters of Gratitude. A letter of thanks for hospitality should be written within two or three days of your return home, when it is still fresh in your mind.

22nd May, 1990

Dear Mr Brown,

Back now home I would like to thank you most warmly for your hospitality extended to me.

I very much appreciated your kindness in showing me round your works.

I had a most pleasant and interesting trip and hope to be of similar assistance to you if you come to Kyiv. I thank you very much again.

We look forward to further cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

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