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1. prior - важный

2. foundations - принципы

3.to carry out - выполнять, проводить в жизнь

4. stage - ступень

5.to divide up - распределять

6.to assign - определять

7. authority - управление

8. sufficient - достаточный

9.to ensure - ручаться

10.to clarify - прояснить

3.1.Работа в парах. Задайте друг другу по 3 вопроса по содержанию


3.2.Перескажите текст.

Text 7.

1.1.Объясните, что вы понимаете под словом «controlling».

1.2.Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

a) to make certain that something is done

b) to combine well with something

c) not difficult to understand

d) a statement explaining what someone can or cannot do

in a particular situation.

2.1.Прочтите текст и найдите абзац, в котором говорится обо всех

четырех функциях управления.

2.2.Составьте план пересказа текста.

Controlling as a management function.

Controlling is a process of monitoring performance and taking action to ensure desired results. Controlling is the fourth management function, and its purpose is straightforward – to make sure that actual performance meets or surpasses objectives. A basic foundation for control is information that is well used for decision making and problem solving.

Controlling complements the other management functions. Planning sets the directions and allocates resources. Organizing brings people and material resources together in working combinations. Leading inspires people to utilize these resources. Controlling sees to it that the right things happen, in the right way, and the right time.

Done well, control helps ensure that overall directions of individuals and groups are consistent with short – and long – range organizational plans. It helps ensure that objectives and accomplishments are consistent with one another throughout an organization in proper means-end fashion. And, it helps

maintain compliance with essential organizational rules and policies. Today, this later role covers not only direct task requirements such as attendance and work hours, but also basic rules of propriety and respect for individual rights in the workplace.


1. surpass - опережать

2. to allocate - размещать, распределять

3. to bring together - сводить вместе

4. to inspire - вдохновлять, стимулировать

5. consistent - совместимый; согласующийся

6. range - предел

7. accomplishment - достижение

8. compliance - согласие

9. propriety - выполнение норм поведения и морали

10. workplace - рабочее место

3.Перескажите текст, используя свой план.

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