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Four functions of management.

Success in implementing the management process requires a capability to recognize problems and opportunities, make good decisions, and take appropriate action. This must be done in respect to each of four basic management functions or responsibilities shared by all managers. They are planning, organizing, leading, controlling.

Planning is the process of determining what is to be achieved, setting appropriate objectives, and identifying action steps for accomplishing them. The planning function involves a manager’s responsibility for identifying desired work results and the means to achieve them.

Organizing is the process of allocating resources and arranging the activities of individuals and groups to implement plans. Organizing turns plans into actions by defining tasks, assigning personnel, and supporting them with technology and other material resources.

Leading is the process of arousing people’s enthusiasm to support the organization’s goals and work hard to help accomplish important plans. Leading involves building commitments, encouraging work efforts that support goal attainment, and influencing others to apply their best efforts in the organization’s behalf.

Controlling is the process of monitoring work performance, comparing results to goals, and taking corrective action as needed. This responsibility requires that managers follow work progress; that they maintain direct and active contact with people in the course of their work; and they communicate regularly and on task-related concerns with the people doing the required work.

All managers working in all types of organizations are responsible for the four management functions. Research shows, however, that the relative emphasis on each function can vary across managerial levels. Time allocated to planning and organizing tends to increase at higher management levels. Time spent on controlling is proportionately greater at lower management levels, while time spent on leading is relatively similar at each management level.


to implement – выполнять

appropriate – соответствующий

to involve – включать в себя

responsibility – ответственность

to allocate – размещать

to desire – требовать

to arouse – вызывать, будить

commitment – обязательство

to encourage – поощрять

attainment – достижение

in behalf – в интересах;

emphasis – (зд.) значение

3.1.Работа в пара. Обсудите с товарищем, почему названные в тексте

функции важны для менеджера.

3.2.Перескажите текст, используя свой план.

Text 5.

1.1.Объясните, как вы понимаете слово “planning”

1.2.Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

a) done according to a careful plan and in a thorough way

b) something difficult that you succeed in doing

c) to stop someone or something from making progress

d) the things that you choose to do in a particular situation

e) full of busy activity

1.3.Объясните образование следующих слов:

weakness, accomplishment, carefully, corrective, truly,

judgment, involvement

2.1.Прочтите текст и передайте его основную идею несколькими


2.2.Работа в парах. Составьте план пересказа и обсудите его с


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