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1.2.Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

а) the final result of a process, meeting, activity etc;

b) used about things that have two similar aspects;

c) be in a position where people have the right to criticize you

d) something that you try to achieve

e) a reaction

1.3.Как переводятся на русский язык подчеркнутые слова. Проверьте

их значение в словаре.

2.1.Объясните, почему менеджер может одновременно быть и

руководителем, и подчиненным.

2.2.Назовите все глаголы, связанные с работой менеджера.

What do managers do?

Effective managers utilize organizational resources in ways that achieve both high performance outcomes and high levels of satisfaction among people doing the required work. This dual concern for performance and satisfaction is an important component of developments in the new workplace. Without satisfaction, performance is difficult to sustain over the long run.

Regardless of their specific work setting all managers share a common “challenge” in the pursuit of effectiveness. They can be viewed simultaneously as supervisors and subordinates. As supervisors, they are in charge of one or more subordinates who together form a work unit; but at the same time, they report to higher level managers.

Assume, for example, that you are in charge of a work group assembling components for new notepad computers. Consider your manager’s challenge. At the same time you are held accountable by the plant manager for meeting daily production targets, you depend on the task performance of ten subordinates to make this possible. As a manager you are responsible for work that is largely done by others. This point is most evident on days when targets are not met. When this happens, the plant manager doesn’t ask your subordinates what went wrong; she or he comes directly to you. In return, you cannot avoid responsibility by saying, “Sorry, but my subordinates are the ones who didn’t do the work.” The likely response will be: “It’s your job to see that the work gets accomplished!” An effective manager is able to do so over the long run, and while maintaining high levels of satisfaction in the workplace.


to utilize - использовать, расходовать,

concern - интерес

to sustain - поддерживать

the long run - длительный период времени

in charge of - ответственный за

to assume - принимать, брать на себя

evident - явный, очевидный

in return - в ответ; взамен; в свою очередь

to avoid - уклоняться

to accomplish - выполнять

3.1.Работа в парах. Используя материалы тексты, ответьте на

вопросы вашего товарища.

3.2.Используя факты из текста, расскажите о работе менеджера.

Text 4.

1.1.Объясните, какие у менеджера самые основные функции.

1.2.Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

a) to accept that something is true or important;

b) to calculate something

c) the people who work for a company or organization

d) the feeling of being very interested in something

e) special attention that is given to one thing in particular

1.3.Назовите исходную форму данных слов:

management, capability, action, attainment, organization,

performance, responsibility, proportionately.

2.1.Прочтите текст и перечислите вопросы, освещаемые в нем.

2.2.Составьте план пересказа текста.

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