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Planning as a management function.

Like problem solving, planning can be thought of as a series of steps that can be followed systematically. These steps are:

1.Define your objectives: Know where you want to go; be specific enough that you will know you have arrived when you get there, or how far off the mark you are at various points along the way.

2.Determine where you stand vis-à-vis objectives: Evaluate accomplishments versus desired results; analyze strengths and weakness in terms of being able to meet future objectives.

3.Develop your premises regarding your future conditions: Identify and analyze things that may help or hinder accomplishment of objectives; generate alternative “scenarios” of how these factors may develop in the future.

4.Identify and choose among them to create “plans” for accomplishing objectives: List and evaluate action alternatives for accomplishing objectives; choose one or more courses of action and make a “plan” to achieve your objectives.

5.Implement the action plan and evaluate results: Do what the plan requires, and carefully evaluate results to ensure accomplishment of objectives; follow through by planning and taking corrective actions as needed.

It is important to understand that planning is not always done by managers working alone, at certain scheduled times. In fact, planning is an ongoing activity that truly effective managers are able to accomplish in an otherwise hectic and demanding setting. They do so using not only the systematic approach described above, but judgment and intuition as well. And they most often do so with the involvement of others.


1. to determine - определять, устанавливать

2. vis-à-vis - по отношению к

3.to evaluate - оценивать

4. versus - в сравнении с

5. in terms of - в переводе на

6. regarding - относительно; касательно

7.to implement - приводить в исполнение

8.to follow through - продолжать, завершать

9. ongoing - постоянный

10. otherwise - другой

3.Перескажите текст, используя план и выписанные словосочетания.

Text 6.

1.1.Объясните, что вы понимаете под словом «organizing».

1.2. Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

a) a quality or feature of something

b) the aim that someone wants to achieve

c) new, original and advanced

d) help you give to a particular idea

2.1.Прочтите текст и скажите, какие вопросы включает в себя

хорошая организация работы компании.

2.2.Работа в парах. Обсудите план пересказа текста с товарищем и

напишите его.

Organizing as a management function.

Organizing is the process of creating an organization with the prior properties and capabilities. It is the second management function and it builds directly from the foundations set by good planning. Once plans are created, the manager’s task is to organize the human and physical resources in order to carry them out properly. Organizing plays the central role in the management process. Good planning sets the stage for organizing by providing direction and purpose. But good - even innovative – organizing is what turns plans into performance results. It sets the stage for successful leading and controlling.

Organizing involves making decisions and taking actions to divide up the work to be done, to assign tasks to individuals and groups, to provide support and resources, and to ensure that communication and authority are sufficient to properly coordinate results. When done well, organizing should clarify who is supposed to do what, identify who is in charge of whom, and establish official channels for communication. Effective managers are good organizers who can create structures within which individuals and work teams achieve productivity.

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