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Text 2.

1.1.Объясните, кто такой “a manager”.

1.2.Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, которые означают:

a) someone who is in charge of an activity, a place, or a group of people

such as workers or students;

b) something that is provided at a place for people to use;

c) a person or a company that buys goods or services;

d) very important, necessary, or essential;

e) traditional stories, sayings, and beliefs from a particular region or


1.3.Объясните образование следующих слов:

responsible, performance, usually, utilization, management, managerial,

realistically, improvement.

2.1. Прочтите текст и перечислите вопросы, освещаемые в нем.

2.2.Составьте план пересказа.

What is a manager?

A manager is a person in an organization who is responsible for the work of one or more other persons. Serving in positions with a variety of titles

( such as supervisor, team leader, division head, administrator, vice president and so on), managers are the persons to whom others report. These other people, usually called direct reporters or subordinates, and their managers are the important and essential human resources of organizations. Their job is to use material resources like information, technology, materials, facilities, and money to produce goods and services that the organization can provide to its customers.

Every manager’s job entails one primary responsibility – to help an organization achieve high performance through the utilization of all its resources, both human and material. In many ways this means that managers must be able to get things done through other people. If the people reporting to and working with a manager perform well, the organization should perform well; if these people don’t, the organization can’t. As clearly pointed out in these comments of the well known management theorist Henry Mintzberg, being a manager in this sense is a most important job.

No job is more vital to our society than that of the manager. It is the manager who determines whether our social institutions serve us well or whether they squander our talents and resources. It is time to strip away the folklore about managerial work, and time to study it realistically so that we can begin the difficult task of making significant improvement in its performance.


a manager - менеджер

responsible - ответственный

a subordinate - подчиненный

human resources - персонал

material resources - материальная база

to entail - влечь за собой

vital - жизненный

to determine - определять

to squander - расточать, проматывать

to strip - удалять

improvement - улучшение

3.1. Используя материал текста, ответьте на вопросы:

1.Who is a manager?

2.What other titles can we use for a manager?

3.How do we call persons who report to a manager?

4.What is the main responsibility of a manager?

5.What does the manager determine?

3.2.Перескажите текст, используя свой план.

Text 3.

1.1.Объясните, в чем заключается работа менеджера.

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