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Diss / (Springer Series in Information Sciences 25) S. Haykin, J. Litva, T. J. Shepherd (auth.), Professor Simon Haykin, Dr. John Litva, Dr. Terence J. Shepherd (eds.)-Radar Array Processing-Springer-Verlag

14.79 Mб


Z. Zhu and S. Haykin




Co' a(8)








Fig. 2.1a, b. Optimum detector in coherent radars for single target with known direction (a) according to (2.2.3); (b) according to (2.25)

According to (2.25), the alternate form of the optimum detector may be formulated as in Fig. 2.1b. This is a form of spatially whitening-spatial correla- tion-coherent integration-linear detection.

It is seen from (2.23) and (2.25) that the optimum detector structure and the decision threshold are independent of the signal amplitude b. Therefore, in this case, we have a Uniformly Most Powerful (UMP) test with respect to the unknown amplitude of signal (for a general discussion of uniformly most powerful tests, the reader is referred to [2.16]).

Now, let us consider the particular case of a uniform linear array with omnidirectional elements. For this kind of an array, the direction vector in the direction e, relative to the broadside of the array, is given by

a(e) = [1, e-


<, ... ,e-


(M-1 <]T "








where 't = d sine/c, d is the element spacing, and c is the speed of light. In addition, we assume the noise is spatially white, i.e., Co = 1. Under these conditions, (2.23) becomes

q = Iff xmneiWOCm-11<1·


n=1 m=1


The spatial correlation in (2.27) may be performed by the discrete Fourier transformation of the observation vector. This operation is equivalent to that of phase-shifting and summing as in a conventional phase array radar. When the angle () is zero, it reduces to


2. Radar Detection Using Array Processing


Thus, the optimum spatial filtering for a single target with the direction normal to a uniform linear array, in a spatially white noise background, consists simply of summing all spatial samples, just like in a continuous aperture antenna. Hence, we find that mechanically scanning continuous aperture antennas and conventional phased arra'y antennas may realize optimum spatial processing for a single target in a background of spatially white noise.

Having discussed the single target case, we next consider the somewhat more complicated case of multiple targets with known directions. When the number of targets K > 1, the implementation of an averaged likelihood ratio test is very difficult, and there no longer exists a uniformly most powerful test with respect to signal amplitudes. In this situation, we prefer to use a generalized likelihood ratio test based on the maximum likelihood principle. When using a generalized likelihood ratio test, the two subproblems of detection and estimation are solved simultaneously.

When K targets exist in a range gate of a coherent radar, from (2.7, 8 and 14), the observation vector of the array can be expressed as



and the signal-in-space vector is


s = [Sl ... SK]T .


Here, the direction matrix A is known, but the signal-in-space vector s is unknown.

The binary hypothesis testing problem to be solved is that of making a decision that K targets of known directions are all present or absent, that is,

H1 :x. = As + w.,

Ho:x. = w.,

for n = 1, ... , N.

The likelihood function for hypothesis H 1 is

i1(XI@)= Ina2 Col-N exp ( - :2nt1 (X.-AS)HCo 1(Xn-AS») ,



where the unknown parameter vector @ contains Sl' .•. , SK' Under the condition that a2 Co is known, the maximum likelihood estimate of @ denoted by 8 can be found by minimizing the objective function


As)HCo 1(x. - As)



J = L (x. -





2Re { ~L...X CO-


AS} + N~AHC-01As

L~ ..X nOC- X. -













L X~Co1 x. - NxHC o 1 X + N(x - AS)HCo 1 (X - As), (2.33)


12 Z. Zhu and S. Haykin


1 N


x=N LXn '



From (2.33) we see that the minimization of J is equivalent to the minimization of another objective function J 1 defined by


Thus, the maximum likelihood problem under consideration presents itself as a linear least-squares problem [2.15]. The unknown set of Sk' k = 1, ... ,K, enters the model linearly. Assume that K ::;; M, and that the M x K matrix A (and therefore DA too) are of full column rank. We have the closed-form maximum likelihood estimate of the signal-in-space vector


The matrix (A"C01A)-lA"D" is the pseudo-inverse of the matrix DA. From (2.33) and (2.36) we obtain



J min = L x~COlxn - J2 ,








Substituting (2.36) into (2.32), and using (2.33, 37 and 38), we get the likelihood function for hypothesis H1 when 8 equals its maximum likelihood estimate 8 as

fl(XI8) = 11t0'2Col-Nexp[ - :2 Ctl X~COlXn -

J2 ) ]


11t0'2CorNexp[-~( f X~COIXn




n= 1



Nx"C01 A(A"C01 A)-l A"90 1 x ) ] .


From (2.21) and (2.39), the generalized likelihood ratio is


2. Radar Detection Using Array Processing


Obviously, the test statistic is


Equation (2.41) states that, in a coherent radar for detecting multiple targets with known directions, the observation samples should first be coherently integrated in the time domain, as shown by (2.34), and then a quadratic form associated with the matrix Co1A(AHC01A)-1AHC01 is computed in the spatial domain.

2.2.3 Detection of Targets with Unknown Directions

Consider next the two cases: (a) the number of targets is known, and (b) the number of targets is unknown. First, we consider the detection of targets of a known number, but with unknown directions. A typical example of this kind of situation is the radar detection of a target in the presence of specular multipath.

We still have to solve the binary hypothesis testing problem (2.31). Note that in the present case, the unknown parameter vector 6 contains S1> ••• , SK; and 01> ... ,OK' The maximum likelihood estimates of these two sets of parameters may be obtained by solving the least-squares problem (2.35). In the sequel, we assume that K ~ M. The linear part of the problem has the closed-form solution given in (2.36) that gives s. However, the K unknown Ok contained in A enter the model nonlinearly. No closed-form solution exists for the maximum likelihood estimates ~, ... ,OK' In principle, they may only be found by using a K- dimensional search to minimize the objective function J 1 of (2.35), with s substituted for s, or, equivalently, to maximize J2 of (2.38). Let Adenote the direction matrix A with 01 , ••• , OK being its arguments. From (2.38) we get


From (2.39), the likelihood function for H1 when 6 equals 8 is

f1(XI8) = I



[ -


Ct1X~Co1Xn- J2max













From (2.21, 42 and 43) we obtain the generalized likelihood ratio


14 Z. Zhu and S. Baykin

Finally, the test statistic is


Comparing (2.41) and (2.45), we see that when the directions of the targets of interest are unknown, the test statistic of the generalized likelihood ratio test is no longer in closed-form. Besides, it is a more complicated function of x than the quadratic form that arises due to the dependence of Aon x.

Next, we discuss the more general problem ofdetecting multiple targets of an unknown number with unknown directions. In this case, in addition to the decision as to whether targets are present or not, we also have to determine the number of targets. Here, we note that there is no unique method for determining the number of targets; we recommend two possible methods. One method considers the problem as a multiple alternative hypothesis testing problem. The other method treats it as a model-order selection problem. Both methods are considered in the sequel.

a) The Multiple Alternative Hypothesis Testing Problem

Let H K be the hypothesis that the number of targets is K, and let!K(XI 8 K ) be the likelihood function for hypothesis H K The unknown parameter vector 8 K includes Sl' ... , SK; and 81 , ... , 8Using 8K to denote the maximum likelihood estimate of 8 K, we find from (2.43) that the likelihood function for HK when 8 K equals 8K is

where J~KJ.ax represents J2max of (2.42) with AK substituted for A,°and AK denotes Aassuming the number of targets is K. Obviously, J~~~x = for K = 0.

When K = M, the M x M matrix A is of full rank. From (2.42) we know J~Af,!ax = NxHC(jl x, which is independent of A. Thus we see that, if K = M, A and hence s do not have unique solutions. From (2.46), we then get the likelihood function for H M when 8 M equals 8M as

Let K = 0, 1, ... , P, where P < M, and define a sequence of binary hypothesis tests

H1:HM ,


Ho:HK' K = 0, 1, ... , P.

2. Radar Detection Using Array Processing


From (2.42, 46 and 47), the generalized likelihood ratio at the Kth step is

l(X) = fM(XI~M)


=exp [ -:2(NXHColX-J~~ax)J

=exp { (J2XHC01[I-AK(A~C01AK)-lA~C01]X










Hence, the test statistic at the Kth step is given by




qK = xHCol[I -





We reject the null hypothesis HK if the test statistic qK exceeds a threshold, determined so that the test has a specific size under the null hypothesis HK • Starting from K = 0, HK (K = 0,1, ... , P) are tested sequentially. The value of K, for which HK is first accepted, is selected as the estimate Kof the number of targets.

b) The Model-Order Selection Problem

The model-order selection problem can be described, in general, by recognizing that there is a family of models, i.e., a parameterized family of probability density function fK(XI8K), where 8 K is the unknown parameter vector of the model.

The number of adjustable parameters

in 8 K is

mK ; it

bears a


one correspondence to the model-order K. Given

a set of N observations

X = [Xl' .. XN], the requirement is to

select the


that best

fits the

incoming data. Two useful criteria for model-order selection may be used to solve this problem. One criterion uses An Information Criterion (AIC) due to Akaike. The other criterion is based on the Minimum Descriptive Length (MDL) principle due to Rissanen. Specifically, the two criteria are as follows:

a) When using AIC, we select the model-order that minimizes the criterion (2.51)

where In denotes the "natural logarithm".

b)When using MDL, the model-order is determined by minimizing the criterion


Here, @Kdenotes the maximum likelihood estimate of the 8 K, andfK(XI@K) is the likelihood functiop. for the model when 8 equals @K' Note that apart from a factor of 2, the first term in (2.52) is identical to the corresponding one in (2.51), while the second term has an extra factor oft In N. It should be noted that both the AIC and the MDL criterion assume that the number of samples N is large.

16 Z. Zhu and S. Haykin

If we visualize the number of targets as the model-order, we may determine the number of targets by using (2.51) or (2.52). Because Ok is a real parameter, and Sk is a complex parameter, the number of adjustable parameters is clearly


Substituting (2.42, 46 and 53) into (2.51), and omitting terms irrelevant to K, we obtain







Similarly, for the MDL criterion we obtain





~ ~





MDL = - a2xHCol AK(A~COlAK)-lA~COIX + "2KlnN .

The difficulty with the use of the likelihood ratio test is in determining the threshold. Because of the sequential nature of the testing procedure, the probability of accepting the null hypothesis HK at each step depends not only on the threshold of that particular test, but also on the probability of rejecting the preceding null hypothesis. On the other hand, when using the model-order selection approach to determine the number of targets, no subjective judgement for deciding on threshold is required, but the error probabilities, including the false alarm probability, cannot be controlled.

Both of these methods solve the detection and estimation subproblem simultaneously, in that once the number of targets is determined, the directions of targets and their signal intensities are also estimated.

2.3 Noncoherent Radar Detection

In this section we consider the case of noncoherent radar detection. We begin by describing the pertinent signal and noise model.

2.3.1 Signal and Noise Model

For a noncoherent radar, the signal sample of the kth target and the nth snapshot may be expressed as

Skll = bkllexp(j cJ>kll)' k = 1, ... , K; n = 1, ... , N ,


where the amplitude bkll and the phase cJ>kll are unknown variables that depend on n. Two models, a deterministic model and a narrowband Gaussian model, will be considered for the signal. The first model recognizes that the signal is unknown without any a priori information·about it, while the second model

2. Radar Detection Using Array Processing


assumes that the signal may be described as a narrowband Gaussian process and temporal samples of the signal are pulse-to-pulse independent, that is, equivalent to the Swerling II fluctuating target model in radar terminology. The Doppler information reflecting the radial velocity of a target cannot be retained in the phase 4Jk" due to the random initial phase of the transmission carrier of a noncoherent radar and due to the fluctuation of the target.

The noise model is the same as in the coherent radar case. The noise vector w" is assumed to be a complex, stationary and ergodic Gaussian vector process with zero mean and a positive definite covariance matrix (12 Co. Furthermore, we assume that the spatial covariance (12Co of the noise is known, and the elements of the time series describing the noise are independent and identically distributed, and that the noise is independent of the signals.

2.3.2 Detection of Targets with Known Directions

As in the case of a coherent radar, the known direction of a target may be considered as the steered direction of the array antenna. Here, again, we first discuss the single target case.

Assuming K = 1 and omitting the subscript k in (2.4) and (2.56), we may express the observation vector in a noncoherent radar for a single target as


and the signal sample as


In the present case, fJ and a(fJ) are known. As for the signal S,,' if it is unknown and deterministic, we prefer the generalized likelihood ratio test, as developed later for multiple targets (including single target) with known directions. If we can prescribe a probabilistic model, then we may try to explicitly derive an optimum detector using an averaged likelihood ratio test. For example, we may assume the Swerling II target model. In this model, the amplitude b" fluctuates according to the Rayleigh distribution with the probability density function







b" ~ 0,


w( "

= B2 exp




where B2 is the average signal power. The phase 4J" is uniformly distributed over the interval [0, 2n]. The time series of b" and 4J" are independent and identically distributed, respectively. Initially, we assume that B2 is known. We may then consider the following binary hypothesis testing problem:


for n = 1, ... , N.

18 Z. Zhu and S. Haykin

The conditional likelihood function for hypothesis HI is


































The marginal likelihood function for hypothesis HI is therefore
































11 (X) = Il

!!11 (Xn Ibn, cf>n)w(bn) 2n





















-N N co 2,. bn


(bn2 )






H -1




= InO"





0 J Jzexp































n= 1


0 B
























{ *

















) dcf>n




+ 2


sn a


(8)Co xn





(8)Co a(8)


-2 dbn











- 0"2 nf:1





















= InO"







Xn Co















_ N







_ 1

















x exp ( -
















dbn ,





0"2 cr(8)Co







~ qn




































Using the following relation [2.12]





















co tI


(IXt)e - p 2t 2

dt = _1 e(<<2/4p 2j




























2 2
























































and performing the integration in (2.61), we get










11 (X) = InO"
















ON exp(q:/0"4W)



Co I



- 0"2







n= 1


2B2 W


which gives




2. Radar Detection Using Array Processing


The likelihood function for hypothesis Ho is previously given in (2.21). From (2.21) and (2.63), we obtain the averaged likelihood ratio



LN q;

,1.(X) = (1 + 7

aH(O)Ce; 1a(0»)

exp ( (0-4 j2B2) +n;~aH(O)Co1a(0)

We see from (2.64) that the test statistic may be taken as





q= L q; n=l


= L 1a"(0) Ce; 1 Xn 12 . (2.65)


Using the spatially whitening operator D, we may express (2.65) in another form as


q = L 1[Da(O)]" [DxnJ 12 . (2.66) n=l

The optimum detector for a single target of the Swerling II model, with known direction in a noncoherent radar, is depicted in Fig. 2.2a and b according to (2.65) and (2.66), respectively. The detector of Fig. 2.2a has the form of spatial correlation-quadratic detection-noncoherent integration. The structure of the detector of Fig. 2.2b involves spatial whitening, spatial correlation, quadratic detection, and noncoherent integration. The optimum detector, in this case, is invariant with respect to the unknown signal power B2 of a Swerling II target.

As in the case of a coherent radar, we may prove that, in a noncoherent radar, mechanically scanned continuous-aperture antennas and phased array antennas can provide optimum spatial processing for a single target in a








Fig. 2.2a, b. Optimum detector in noncoherent radars for a single target of the Swerling II model with known direction: (a) according to (2.65); (b) according to (2.66)