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§ 5. Герундий .The Gerund.


* R. Murphy units 52; 54-57; 59-65

* A.J. Thompson, A.V. Martinet exercises 75-78

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения и поставьте герундий в нужную форму.

  1. We don’t mind inviting him.

  2. Standing still merely means running backwards.

  3. I’ve gone too far; there is no turning back.

  4. It’s no good being alone when you are sick.

  5. He was afraid of being taken for another person.

  6. Under police questioning he admitted having invented the story.

  7. It is idiotic to leave Monte Carlo without trying your luck.

  8. He was ashamed of himself for being taken in.

  9. She mentioned Ben being seen on television last night.

  10. I know he dislikes being woken up early in the morning, but the matter is very urgent.

  11. Jack recalled seeing the car in front of the theatre.

  12. I told him the words Sandy had murmured and then denied having spoken.

  13. No one likes being treated like that. You should apologize.

  14. You should avoid breaking rules.

  15. The film is worth seeing.

  16. The child was afraid of being scolded .

  17. The students celebrated passing the examinations.

  18. She is furious about being sent for at night.

  19. I got out my jacket, which had the appearance of having been put away for a long time.

  20. I remembered reading about it in a historical novel.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, используя герундий.

The art of cooking suggests using garlic. But eating garlic isn’t approved of by many people.

Working beside someone who has eaten garlic is as bad as sitting beside someone who is smoking.

We can see lots of ‘No smoking’ signs but we never see ‘No breathing’ signs for garlic eaters.

But while smoking is bad for you, there is no doubt that eating garlic is good for your health. There is no use denying it.

Despite its flavour being unpleasant for those around you, garlic is widely used for flavouring and being added to different dishes. You can’t deny having ever used or eaten it. Of course, I don’t think that garlic eating is something to be proud of. But it shows you enjoy good living and don’t pay too much attention to what other people think.

Упражнение 3. Переведите предложения, в которых герундий работает подлежащим или именной частью сказуемого.

  1. Приезд ведьмы может осложнить дело. The witch’s coming may complicate things.

  2. Гном грустит из-за плохой погоды. Но остаться дома – это лучшее, что можно сделать в этих обстоятельствах. The dwarf is upset about bad weather. But staying at home is the best thing to do in this situation.

  3. Не удивляйтесь. Ложь для Пиноккио – дело привычное. Don’t be surprised. Lying is habitual for Pinocchio.

  4. Лесть вам не поможет. Flattering won’t help.

  5. Любить – значит прощать и верить. Loving means forgiving and believing.

  6. Выигрыш ведьмы на костюмированном балу (fancy-dress ball) в честь Хэллоуина был сюрпризом для всех. Никто не ожидал, что ведьма окажется настоящей. The witch’s winning the first prize at the fancy-dress ball on the occasion of Halloween was a surprise for everybody. No one had expected the witch to be a real one.

  7. Участие крокодила в вытаскивании бегемота из болота не принесет ему (бегемоту) пользы. The crocodile’s taking part in pulling the hippo out of the swamp won’t be good for the hippo.

  8. Нет смысла спорить с Ослом. Он считает, что всегда прав. It is no use arguing with the donkey. He considers himself to be always on the right side.

  9. Нет смысла звонить гному. Погода хорошая, его все равно нет дома. There is no point in calling the dwarf. The weather is good, so he is not at home.

  10. Нет смысла пытаться убедить Осла в обратном. There is no point in trying to reassure the donkey.

  11. Стоит еще раз просмотреть отчет. Там могут быть ошибки. The report is worth looking through once again. There may be mistakes there.

  12. Я думаю, нет смысла столько работать. Всех денег не заработаешь. There is no point in working so much, I think. You can’t earn all the world’s money.

  13. Стоит отвлечься на минуту и подумать о чем-то другом. It’s worth distracting for a minute and thinking about sth else.

  14. Стоит прислушаться к словам мистера Питта. Еще не было случая, чтобы он давал плохой совет. Mr. Pitt’s words are worth listening to. He has never given bad advice.

  15. Малыш опять заболел. Это означает, что придется провести бессонную ночь. The child has fallen ill again. It means spending a sleepless night.

  16. Машина опять сломалась. Значит, придется отвезти ее в ремонт. The car has broken down again. It means taking it to repair shop.

  17. Отказаться помочь в такой ситуации – значит подвести друга. Refusing to help in such a situation means letting down your friend.

  18. Работать в такой компании - значит много путешествовать. Working for such a company means traveling a lot.

  19. Самое главное для студента – сдать экзамены. The main thing for a student is passing the exams.

  20. Буратино постоянно делает ошибки в диктантах. Buratino keeps making mistakes in dictations.

  21. Простите, что я все время чихаю. Весной у меня аллергия. Excuse my sneezing all the time. I am allergic in spring.

  22. Осел не переставал болтать всю дорогу к замку. The donkey kept chattering all the way to the castle.

  23. Все пытались утешить девочку, но она продолжала плакать. Everybody was trying to calm the girl down but she went on crying.

  24. Внезапно людоед перестал есть и встал из-за стола. Suddenly the ogre stopped eating and rose from the table.

  25. В тот вечер дождь так и не прекратился. It rained without stopping that night. It never stopped raining that night.

Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения с герундием в функции дополнения.

  1. Дракон бросил курить. The dragon gave up smoking.

  2. Я согласился отменить свой отъезд. I agreed to cancel my departure.

  3. Принцесса перестала плакать и улыбнулась принцу. The princess stopped crying and gave the prince a smile.

  4. Ведьма продолжала листать волшебную книгу до тех пор, пока не нашла нужное место. The witch went on looking through the magic book until she found the needed page.

  5. Вы не возражаете, если я приведу с собой гнома? Do you mind my bringing the dwarf?

  6. Летчик говорит, что он получает наслаждение от полета. The pilot says he enjoys flying.

  7. Гном любит плавать в озере по утрам. Вода такая теплая и чистая! The dwarf likes swimming in the lake in the morning. The water is so warm and clear!

  8. Я не могу простить их исчезновение. I can’t forgive their disappearance.

  9. Людоед терпеть не может, когда ему лгут. The ogre hates being lied to.

  10. Я не могу не думать об эльфе. Он перестал звонить мне. I can’t stop thinking about the elf. He stopped calling me.

  11. Пираты избегали выражать свое мнение. The pirates avoided expressing their opinion.

  12. Я обожаю, когда меня оставляют одну. I love being left alone.

  13. Людоед отрицал, что он съел принцессу. Он сказал, что предложил ей уехать. The ogre denied having eaten the princess. He said he suggested her leaving.

  14. Гном посмотрел на меня и рассмеялся. The dwarf looked at me and burst into laughing.

  15. Людоед думал, что принцесса не простит его за то, что он разбил ее любимую вазу. The ogre thought the princess wouldn’t forgive him for breaking her favourite vase.

  16. Крокодил подумывал, не написать ли ему новое письмо Чуковскому, ведь все галоши уже были съедены. The crocodile was thinking of writing a new letter to Ch. as all the galoshes had been already eaten.

  17. Скарлетт решила отложить обдумывание этого вопроса до завтра. S. decided to put off thinking over this problem till the next day.

  18. Бегемот, конечно, не получил удовольствия от того, что его допрашивала полиция. The hippo was sure not to enjoy being questioned by the police.

  19. Представьте себе поездку в страну, где живут ваши любимые сказочные персонажи (fabulous characters). Imagine going on a trip to the country where your favourite fabulous characters live.

  20. Машину нужно помыть. Крышу надо починить. Платье нужно постирать. Все вещи хотят вашей заботы. The car wants washing. The roof needs repairing. The dress wants washing. All things want you to take care of them.

Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, по модели ‘sth wants/needs/requires/is worth doing:

  1. Квартира людоеда требует ремонта. The ogre’s apartment needs redecorating.

  2. Больной требует ухода. The patient needs nursing.

  3. На новый замок дракона стоит посмотреть. The dragon’s new castle is worth seeing.

  4. Машину нужно заправить. The car requires filling up.

  5. Одежду бегемота нужно просушить. The hippo’s clothes want drying.

  6. К словам пиратов стоит прислушаться. The pirates’ words are worth listening to.

  7. Цветы нужно полить. The flowers need watering.

  8. Этот дом не стоит покупать. Говорят, в нем живут привидения (to be haunted). This house isn’t worth buying. They say it is haunted.

  9. Посмотри на свои ботинки! Их нужно почистить. Look at your boots! They want cleaning.

  10. Принцесса стоит того, чтобы ее нарисовали. The princess is worth painting her portrait.

  11. Мой компьютер нужно почистить (clear) от вирусов. My computer needs clearing off viruses.

  12. Пиноккио заслуживает хорошей трепки (a sound thrashing). Pinocchio wants sound trashing.

Упражнение 6. Дополните предложения предлогами и нужной формой герундия.

  1. The Ogre accused the donkey of letting him down.

  2. I thanked him for calling.

  3. Nobody felt like going out.

  4. Mike insisted on going by underground.

  5. The Old Queen will never approve of her son’s marrying a country girl.

  6. The police suspected her of having been hired by the kidnappers.

  7. Can I depend on keeping one’s promise?

  8. Do you think the Queen will agree to the donkey’s joining the feast?

  9. The Blue Beard was suspected of murdering his wives.

  10. The patient complained of being treated badly.

  11. People in Transylvania persist in thinking that Dracula the Duke used to be a vampire.

  12. The pirates were excited about sailing to the mysterious island where the treasure had been hidden.

  13. It’s very late. I’m worrying about missing the last train.

  14. I think any cat will be indignant at being teased.

  15. Artemon the Poodle was responsible for taking Buratino to the larder.

  16. I am thinking of leaving this city.

  17. His angry frown prevented me from telling the truth.

  18. Fiona got used to waiting for a prince to come and save her from the dragon’s castle.

  19. The witch was looking forward to going to the ball.

  20. In addition to being told off, Buratino was sent to the larder.

  21. Shreck and the donkey succeeded in saving the princess from the dragon’s castle.

  22. The snail was fined for exceeding the speed limit.

  23. There is no point in staying here any longer. Let’s go home, shall we?

  24. We should do something to prevent boys from climbing our fence.

  25. We know that Pinocchio was capable of lying.

  26. Fiona was surprised at seeing an ogre instead of a prince.

  27. Everybody was sure of her winning the race.

  28. Jack was indignant at being insulted.

  29. Everybody thought the wolf guilty of eating Grandma.

  30. What’s the use of sending the fax now?

  31. I am fed up with getting up at six every morning.

  32. A country girl would never dream of getting married to a prince.

  33. I would never dream of being allowed to go to a night club.

  34. When it came to dividing the treasure the pirates had a serious argument.

  35. She knew that the people around were jealous of her being promoted.

  36. Mr. Pitt meant to try his luck at gambling.

  37. Nobody was particularly keen on her leaving.

  38. The Ogre was occupied with cooking.

  39. Harry was very good at dodging bludgers and quaffles.

  40. The team seemed upset about losing the game.

Упражнение 7. Переведите предложения, в которых герундий употребляется после глаголов и словосочетаний с предлогами.

а) of

1. Дракона обвиняют в грабеже. The dragon is accused of robbing people.

2. Я хочу проинформировать вас о приезде гнома. I want to inform you of the dwarf’s arriving.

3. Ведьма не одобряет то, что пираты все время ссорятся. The witch doesn’t approve of the pirates’ quarreling all the time.

4. Пожилой мужчина боялся ложиться на операцию (быть прооперированным). The elderly man was afraid of being operated on.

5.Пиратов подозревают в нападении на корабль принца. The pirates are suspected of attacking the prince’s ship.

6. Не помогайте мне. Я способен справиться самостоятельно. Don’t help me. I am capable of coping on my own.

7. Джон смотрит так много телепередач, что его родители подумывают о том, чтобы продать телевизор. John watches so much television that his parents are thinking of selling the TV.

8. Принцесса пожаловалась, что неважно себя чувствует и пошла подышать свежим воздухом. The Princess complained of feeling unwell and went out for a breath of fresh air.

9. Вы когда-нибудь слышали о ежегодном рыцарском турнире в 9 королевстве? – Я никогда не слышал о проведении подобных мероприятий. Have you heard of the annual knights’ tournament in the Ninth Kingdom? – I’ve never heard of holding such events.

10. Гном увлекается плаванием. The dwarf is fond of swimming.

11. Ведьма и не мечтала о том, что ее пригласят на бал. The witch didn’t even dream of being invited to the ball.

12. Ведьма была в курсе, что бал отменяется. The witch was aware of the ball being canceled.

13. Суд нашел дракона виновным в совершении преступления и приговорил его к смерти. The court found the dragon guilty of committing the crime and sentenced him to death.

14. Я уверен, что Пиноккио врет. Смотрите, как вырос его нос! I am sure of Pinocchio’s lying. Look, how long his nose has grown!

15. Какой смысл сражаться с ветряными мельницами (windmill)? What is the use of fighting windmills?

16. Я устал от твоих вечных жалоб. Почему бы тебе не перестать ныть по каждому поводу? I am tired of your constant complaining. Why don’t you stop moaning about every small thing?

17. Ведьма отбросила мысли (give up the idea) о том, чтобы водить машину после того, как попала в аварию. Она считает, что метла – гораздо более безопасное транспортное средство. The witch gave up the idea of driving after she had an accident. She considers the broom to be a much safer means of transport.

б) on

1. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы Пиноккио сказал правду. I insist on Pinocchio’s telling the truth.

2. Людоед перекусил и продолжил поливать цветы в саду. The ogre had a snack and went on watering flowers in the garden.

3. Все будет зависеть от того, останется ли ведьма дома или поедет на бал. Everything will depend on whether the witch will stay home or go to the ball.

4. Король настоял на увольнении своей охраны. The king insisted on dismissing his guard.

5. Будет ли вечеринка веселой, зависит от того, придет ли ведьма. The success of the party depends on the witch’s attending it.

6. Я не могу положиться на то, что пираты сдержат слово. I can’t rely on the pirates’ keeping their promise.

в) in

1. Твоя ошибка состоит в том, что ты недооценил (underestimate) противника. Your mistake consists in underestimating the enemy.

2. Ведьма упорно продолжала просматривать волшебную книгу, разыскивая необходимое заклинание. The witch persisted in looking through the magic book in search of the needed spell.

3. Ссора короля с соседом привела к расторжению мирного договора. The king’s quarrel with the neighbour resulted in breaking the peace agreement.

4. Осел наконец смог (добился успеха) подружиться со Шреком. The donkey succeeded in making making friends with Schrek.

5. Нет смысла спорить с людоедом. Если он рассердится, он просто съест вас. There is no point in arguing with the ogre. If he gets angry he will just eat you.

г) to

1. Ведьма так одинока. Я не удивлюсь, если она пристрастится к выпивке. The witch is so lonely. I won’t be surprised if she takes to drinking.

2. Принцесса с нетерпением ждала весточки (hear from) от людоеда. Он уехал в длительную командировку и она по нему очень скучала. The princess looked forward to hearing from the ogre. He had left on a long-term business trip and she missed him very much.

3. Король возражал против приглашения ведьмы на бал. The king objected to the witch’s being invited to the ball.

4. Ведьма привыкла летать на метле. У нее нет привычки ездить на машине. The witch is used to flying on her broom. She is not used to driving.

5. Когда у ведьмы сломалась метла, ей пришлось привыкнуть ездить на машине. When the witch had her broom broken she had to get used to driving.

д) feel like

1. У гнома нет настроения купаться. Погода плохая. The dwarf doesn’t feel like swimming. The weather is bad.

2. Что-то мне не хочется смотреть фильм. Я лучше почитаю что-нибудь. I don’t feel like watching a film. I’d better read sth.

3. Принцесса грустит. Ей не хочется танцевать. The princess is sad. She doesn’t feel like dancing.

4. У Шрека нет настроения разговаривать с ослом. Он хочет, чтобы его оставили в покое. Schrek doesn’t feel like talking with the donkey. He wants to be left alone.

5. Что-то мне не хочется ложиться спать. Еще рано. Давайте немного прогуляемся, что ли? I don’t feel like going to bed. It’s too early. Let’s have a walk, shall we?

Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения, используя ‘cant help’, ‘cant avoid’.

    1. Принцесса не могла не рассмеяться, когда она увидела придворного шута (court jester). The princess couldn’t help laughing when she saw the court jester.

    2. Людоед не мог избежать того, чтобы обратиться за помощью к друзьям. The ogre couldn’t avoid turning to his friends for help.

    3. Я не мог не удивиться, когда услышал ваш вопрос. I couldn’t help being surprised when I heard your question.

    4. Похоже, мы не сможем избежать разговора с начальником. It seems we won’t be able to avoid speaking to the boss.

    5. Лекция была такая нудная, что студенты не могли сдержать зевоты (yawn). The lecture was so boring that the students couldn’t help yawning.

    6. Услышав такую грустную историю, Баба-Яга не смогла сдержать слез. At hearing such a sad story Baba Yaga couldn’t help crying.

Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, в которых русское деепричастие в отрицательной форме (не делая) превращается в ‘without doing’.

      1. Не говоря ни слова, Элиза продолжала вязать рубашку из крапивы (nettle). Without saying a word Elisa went on knitting a nettle shirt.

      2. Золотая рыбка уплыла в море, ничего не ответив старику. The golden fish swam away into the sea without giving an answer to the old man.

      3. Все студенты выполняли упражнение не отвлекаясь. All the students were doing an exercise without distracting.

      4. Пираты выслушали обвинения не возражая. The pirates listened to the accusations without objecting.

      5. Он вышел из ресторана не заплатив. He left the restaurant without paying.

      6. Никогда не начинайте делать упражнение, не прочитав задание внимательно. Never start doing an exercise without reading the task attentively.

      7. Осел смело пошел по мосту, не оглядываясь назад. The donkey went fearlessly over the bridge without looking back.

      8. Лестница такая скрипучая (squeaky), что невозможно подняться по ней, не наделав шума. The stairs are so squeaky that it’s impossible to walk up without making noise.

      9. Гном вылечился от простуды, не посещая врача. Травы – лучшее лекарство от простуды. The dwarf got over his cold without visiting the doctor.

      10. Ничего не объясняя, водяной (water sprite) перестал общаться с кикиморой. The water sprite stopped communicating with kikimora without explaining anything / a thing.

Упражнение 10. Обобщим свои знания. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

        1. Гном продолжал работать, не обращая внимания на дождь. The dwarf went on working without paying attention to the rain.

        2. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы навестить гнома. I don’t object to visiting the dwarf.

        3. Профессор согласился на проведение занятия в его аудитории. The professor agreed to conducting the lesson in his lecture room.

        4. Принцесса отрицала, что знакома с ведьмой. The princess denied having met the witch before.

        5. Я был удивлен не увидев гнома на озере. I was surprised at not seeing the dwarf at/on the lake.

        6. Людоед был счастлив получить должность егеря (hunter). The ogre was happy about getting a job as a hunter.

        7. Отец взял ребенка за руку, чтобы не дать ему упасть. The father took the child by the hand to prevent him from falling.

        8. Не обвиняй ее в том что она совершила эту глупую ошибку. Don’t accuse her of making that silly mistake.

        9. Я настаиваю на продолжении (proceed with) банкета. I insist on proceeding with the banquet.

        10. Буратино горд тем, что не сделал ни одной ошибки в диктанте. Buratino is proud about not making a single mistake in the dictation.

        11. Дверь нужно смазать. Она такая скрипучая! The door wants greasing. It’s so squeaky!

        12. Этот диалог стоит того, чтобы выучить его наизусть. This dialogue is worth learning by heart.

        13. У меня нет настроения спорить с тобой. Давай вернемся к этому разговору позже. I don’t feel like arguing with you. Let’s revert to this subject later.

        14. Крыша требует ремонта. The roof requires fixing.

        15. Наконец, ведьме удалось найти ключи от сундука (chest). At last the witch succeeded in finding the keys to the chest.

        16. Сыновья людоеда увлекаются боксом. The ogre’s sons are keen on boxing.

        17. Я предлагаю обратиться за советом к морской ведьме. I suggest asking the sea witch for advice.

        18. Ковер в твоей комнате нужно почистить. The carpet in your room wants cleaning.

        19. Кто за то, чтобы поехать к морю? Who is for going to the seaside?

        20. Что-то мне не хочется ходить по магазинам. Я устала и хочу отдохнуть. I don’t feel like shopping.

        21. Эта пила используется для резки металла. This saw is used for cutting metal.

        22. Гном устал работать в саду. The dwarf got tired of working in the garden.

        23. Воры проникли в дом, забравшись через кухонное окно. The burglars broke into the house by climbing through the kitchen window.

        24. (After) Придя в лес, туристы развели костер. After coming to the forest the tourists made a fire.

        25. С ведьмой сейчас разговаривать бесполезно. Она очень сердита. It’s no use speaking to the witch now. She is furious.

        26. Стоит ли отвечать на это идиотское письмо? Is this idiotic letter worth answering?

        27. Нет смысла искать дорогу в темноте. Давайте остановимся на ночь прямо здесь. It’s no use looking for the road in the dark. Let’s stop for the night right here.

        28. Что используют для измерения скорости ветра? What is used for measuring the speed of the wind?

        29. После окончания школы Буратино планирует поступить в университет. After finishing school Buratino is planning to enter university.

        30. Этот человек не стоит твоих слез. This man is not worth your crying.

        31. Действия водяного достойны похвалы. Он опять спас утопающего (drowning man). The water sprite’s deeds are worth praising. He has saved a drowning man again.

        32. Я не привык к тому, чтобы меня ругали. I am not used to being scolded.

        33. Царь настаивает на том, чтобы Иван-царевич добыл ему жар-птицу.The tsar insists on Ivan the tsarevich’s managing to get the Ardor bird for him.

        34. Шрек жаловался на то, что осел постоянно болтает. Schrek complained about the donkey’s waffling about.

        35. Осел жаловался на то, что Шрек отказывается разговаривать с ним. The donkey complained about Schrek’s refusing to speak to him.

        36. Ведьма отрицает, что ее пригласили на бал. The witch denies her being invited to the ball.

        37. Мистер Питт уже привык к тому, что его постоянно ругает шеф.Mr. Pitt has already got used to being scolded by the boss.

        38. Мне нравится использование автором неформальной лексики. Иначе учебник был бы гораздо скучнее. I like the author’s using non-formal vocabulary. Otherwise the textbook would be much more boring.

        39. Когда людоед в таком настроении, разговаривать с ним бесполезно. When the ogre is in such a mood it’s no use speaking to him.

        40. Это такая незначительная деталь, что ее едва ли стоит упоминать. The detail is so insignificant that it’s hardly worth mentioning.

        41. Ведьма пока избегает высказывать свое мнение. The witch has avoided expressing her opinion up till now.

        42. Старушка не привыкла поздно ложиться спать. The old lady is not used to going to bed late.

        43. Наконец Буратино удалось решить задачу про два яблока. At last Buratino succeeded in solving the task about two apples.

        44. Ведьма настаивала на том, чтобы показать мне, как управлять метлой. The witch insisted on showing me how to operate the broom.

        45. Мистера Питта несправедливо обвинили в краже автомобиля. Mr. Pitt was unjustly accused of stealing a car.

        46. Принцесса возражала против того, чтобы выходить замуж по расчету. The princess objected to getting married for money / convenience.

        47. Судья Криггс не привык к тому, чтобы его племянницы не повиновались ему. Kriggs the judge is not used to their nieces’ disobeying him.

        48. Шрек хотел избежать того, чтобы его отправили спасать принцессу от дракона. Schrek wanted to avoid being sent to save the princess from the dragon.

        49. Он рискнул вложить деньги в совместное предприятие. He risked investing money in a joint venture.

        50. Все пытались удержать ведьму от слепого следования моде, но она упорно носила то, что ей не шло. Everyone tried to keep the witch from blind following the fashion but she persisted in wearing clothes that didn’t suit her.

        51. Мы ничего не знали о том, что гном строит новый дом. We didn’t hear of the dwarf’s building a new house.

        52. Принц не упомянул, что уже встречал ведьму. The prince didn’t mention having met the witch before.

        53. Простите принцессу за то, что она истратила все деньги. Она такая легкомысленная (light-headed)! Forgive the princess for spending all the money. She is so light-headed!

        54. Простите, что прервал ваш телефонный разговор. Дело очень срочное. Sorry for interrupting your telephone conversation. The matter is urgent.

        55. К сожалению, мне не удалось произвести впечатление на работодателя. Unfortunately I didn’t succeed in making a good impression on the employer.

        56. Их деятельность не имеет ничего общего с лечением людей. Они просто шарлатаны (quack). Their activities have nothing in common with treating people. They are just quacks.

        57. Кикимора настаивала на том, чтобы ей показали дом гнома. Kikimora insisted on being shown to the dwarf’s house.

        58. У крокодила никогда не было проблем с тем, чтобы найти добычу. The crocodile has never had any problems finding prey.

        59. Баба Яга поблагодарила Ивана-царевича за то, что он был откровенен с ней. Baba Yaga thanked Ivan the tsarevich for his being frank to her.

        60. Если он будет продолжать распускать такие слухи, придется подать на него в суд за клевету. If he goes on spreading such rumours we will have to take him to court for slander.

        61. Несмотря на все достижения науки, люди упорно продолжают верить в сверхъестественное. In spite of all scientific achievements people persist in believing in supernatural.

        62. Пиноккио пристрастился ко лжи. Это плохой признак. Pinocchio took to lying.

        63. Мы с нетерпением ждем выхода в свет 27 части «Гарри Поттера». We look forward to “HP” 27 being published.

        64. Дети с нетерпением ждали, когда их поведут в цирк. The children looked forward to being taken to the circus.

        65. Я подумываю о том, чтобы съездить в Швейцарию. I am thinking of going on a tour to Switzerland.

        66. Я положил документы под пресс-папье (paperweight), чтобы они не улетели. I put the documents under the paperweight to prevent them from being blown off by the wind.

        67. Нужно помешать водяному привести свой замысел в исполнение (carry out a plan). We are to prevent the water sprite from carrying out his plan.

        68. Мне осточертело слушать одну и ту же музыку с утра до ночи. I am sick and tired of/fed up with listening to the same music from morning till night.

        69. Девочка призналась, что потеряла деньги. The girl admitted having lost the money.

        70. Вы не возражаете, если я возьму с собой собаку? Do you mind my taking the dog with me?

Упражнение-карточка 1.

  1. Его обвинили в краже денег. He was accused of stealing money.

  2. Не возражаете, если я допью (drink up)Ваш кофе? Would you mind my drinking up your coffee?

  3. Не возражаете, если я закончу подписывать документы? Извините, что заставляю вас ждать. Would you mind my finishing signing the documents? Sorry for making you wait.

  4. Довольно трудно ездить на машине, не нарушая правил. It’s rather hard to drive without breaking the rules.

  5. Не расстраивайтесь, что ваш малыш часто падает. Дети не растут, не расшибая коленки. Don’t get upset about your child’s falling so often. Children don’t grow without hurting their knees.

  6. Нельзя выучить язык, не прилагая к этому усилий. It’s impossible to learn a language without making effort.

  7. Бесполезно ждать шефа. Он в командировке. Секретарь сказал, что он не вернется до понедельника. It’s no use waiting for the boss. He is on a business trip. The secretary said he wouldn’t be back until Monday.

  8. Бесполезно запирать дверь. Фредди приходит в ваши сны. В снах нет дверей. It’s no use locking the door. Freddy comes in your dreams. There are no doors in dreams.

  9. Нехорошо (no good) списывать (cheat). Нужно учить правила, а не пытаться заглянуть (peep in) в тетрадь соседу. It’s no good cheating. You should learn the rules, not try to peep in your neighbour’s copy-book.

  10. Принцесса была такая нудная, что людоед не мог сдержать зевоту. The princess was so boring that the ogre couldn’t help yawning.

  11. Том всегда так смешно передразнивает учителей, что никто из нас не может удержаться от смеха. Tom is so good at taking off teachers that none of us can help laughing.

  12. Терпеть не могу брать деньги взаймы. Я делаю это только в крайнем случае, когда нет другого выбора. I hate borrowing money. I do it only when there is no other way out.

  13. Пожалуйста, продолжайте работать. Я не против подождать. Please, go on working. I don’t mind waiting.

  14. Сару много раз наказывали, но она продолжает врать. Мне кажется, ей просто доставляет удовольствие злить родителей. Sarah has been punished a number of times but she goes on lying. She seems to enjoy/like making her parents angry.

  15. Прочитав (After) статью, Том пришел к выводу, что бесполезно пытаться отыскать истину в средствах массовой информации. After reading the article Tom came to a conclusion that there’s no point in trying to find the truth in mass media.

Упражнение 11. Прочитайте текст и поставьте в пропуски герундий или инфинитив. Не забудьте использовать предлог, если он нужен. Внимание! Вам может понадобиться и отрицательная форма.

I went to primary school in a small town in central England, and I made a special friend there, whose name was Sarah, She and I got used to going everywhere together, both at school and at weekends. On Sundays, we would arrange to meet outside my house with our bicycles and go off with a picnic. I remember having a great time on those days. Our two families even spent holidays together because we couldn’t stand being separated! In in 1988 our family moved to a large town 300 miles away, so we kept in touch by phone, and I kept on writing to her for several years after. On my first day at my new school, I complained bitterly about not having a close friend, but I soon succeeded in making new friends. As the years passed we stopped writing, and lost touch. About 6 months ago, I had a phone call. It was Sarah who was studying at university close to where I lived. She had managed to get my number from my parents. We agreed to meet the following Friday. Although we hadn’t seen each other for 10 years, we found that we still got on well, and promised each other to keep in touch again, and now we are thinking of going on holiday together in August.

Упражнение 12. Герундий или инфинитив? Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на смысл глаголов.

          1. Нет смысла пытаться объяснить людоеду. Он не понимает шуток. It’s no use trying to explain things to the ogre. He doesn’t understand jokes.

          2. Если у вас икота, попробуйте задержать дыхание на несколько секунд. If you have hiccups try holding your breath for a few minutes.

          3. Он забыл, что звонил маме, и позвонил во второй раз и в конце разговора сказал: «Не забудь позвонить мне вечером.» He forgot phoning his mother and called her a second time. At the end of the conversation he said: “Don’t forget to call me in the evening”.

          4. Помню, как мы мечтали о спасении принцессы из лап дракона. I remember our dreaming of saving the princess from the dragon.

          5. Я всегда помню, что нужно позвонить друзьям по особым датам. I always remember to call my friends on special occasions.

          6. Ведьма любит готовить. Сегодня она хотела бы приготовить пиццу с мышами и лягушками. The witch likes cooking. Today she’d like to make a pizza with mice and frogs.

          7. Многие люди предпочитают оставаться за городом в жаркие дни. Many people prefer to stay in the country when it’s hot.

          8. Я бы предпочел не отвечать на ваш вопрос. I’d rather not answer your question.

          9. Дракон не разрешает курить в доме. The dragon doesn’t allow smoking in his house.

          10. Дракон разрешает гостям курить на балконе. The dragon allows his guests to smoke on the balcony.

          11. Водяной никогда не забудет, как впервые встретил кикимору. The water sprite will never forget his first meeting kikimora.

          12. Перестань укорять меня. Ведь мы остановились, чтобы поговорить. Stop reproaching me. Didn’t we stop to have a talk?

          13. Сожалею, что сказала вам это. I regret telling you about this.

          14. С сожалением сообщаю вам, что рейс откладывается на два часа. I regret to inform you that the flight is put off for two hours.

          15. Это был чудесный бал. Гости продолжали танцевать всю ночь. It was a wonderful ball. The guests went on dancing all night long.

          16. Окончив школу, Мистер Питт продолжил учиться в Оксфорде. After finishing school Mr. Pitt went on to study at Oxford.

          17. Если вы хотите усовершенствовать свой английский, можете попробовать смотреть фильмы. If you want to improve your English you may try watching films.

          18. Баба Яга пытается бросить сплетничать. Baba Yaga is trying to give up gossiping.

          19. Когда я был ребенком, я имел обыкновение ломать игрушки. When I was a child I used to break toys.

          20. Когда я стала студенткой, мне пришлось привыкать к тому, чтобы много читать. When I became a student, I had to get used to reading a lot.

          21. Ребенок боится, что его отругают. The child is afraid of being told off.

          22. Я боялся услышать ответ на свой вопрос. I was afraid to hear the answer to my question.

          23. Не возражаете, если я познакомлю вас с водяным? Do you mind my introducing you to the water sprite?

          24. Вы бы не возразили, если бы я познакомил вас с водяным? Would you mind my introducing you to the water sprite?

          25. Я не хотел сделать вам больно. Простите меня. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am sorry.

          26. Если Буратино будет продолжать лениться, это приведет (use mean) к тому, что его исключат из школы. If Buratino goes on being lazy it will mean his expelling from school.

          27. Я люблю устраивать вечеринки для своих друзей. I like arranging parties for my friends.

          28. Я люблю выйти из дома пораньше, чтобы не опоздать на работу. I like to leave home early not to be late for work.


A. Make your choice using the right word from the brackets.

1. All these colleges (take up/make up) the university of Cambridge.

2. A tutor gives (personal/personnel) instructions to the students.

3. The witch was (adopted/admitted) to the University and granted a scholarship.

4. British Airways (declared/announced) the departure of Flight 371 to Cairo.

5. The teacher couldn’t (take out/make out) my handwriting.

6. The loud music in the next room (interfered/distracted) me from work.

7. If you have questions please (rise/raise) your hand.

8. You should (remind/remember) that our meetings always start in time.

9. Nick (managed/succeeded) to write the test well.

10. She never (loses/misses) a chance of talking to a foreigner to improve her English.

11. This is the most (ordinary/common) mistake all students make.

12. Flocks of birds often fly in “V” (form/shape).

13. The tiger (ran/escaped) from his cage.

14. He got multiple (injuries/damages) in that accident.

15. The dwarf’s new house is expensive but it doesn’t (suit/match) with the surrounding area.

16. Don’t let the children touch this vase! It is (valueless/priceless).

17. Many road accidents could be (avoided/escaped) unless the drivers exceeded speed.

18. Mr. Pitt managed to get the painting for less than the asking (price/cost).

19. The chairman (drew/paid) our attention to the next issue.

20. You should see more of your aunt: she is elderly and (alone/lonely).

21. He is very smart. His illegal activity will be impossible to (prove/approve).

22. You are right (besides/beyond) any doubt.

23. It is no use (blaming/accusing) him of behaving like this.

24. The teacher repeated the question but I (still/yet) couldn’t answer it.

25. Your offer sounds (rational/reasonable) but I’d like to consult my lawyer.

26. My computer has broken (out/down), so I’ll have to call the repair shop.

27. The witch gave me a (lift/elevator) to work this morning.

28. The water spirit has a (disgusting/disguising) habit of picking his teeth.

29. There was no furniture in the room. It was quite (empty/vacant).

30. Pam is very (sensible/sensitive). She is easily affected by any little trouble.

31. After a short interval the professor (proceeded/preceded) with his speech.

32. Our flat isn’t big enough for so many people. We won’t have (room/space) for everybody.

33. On the (entire/whole) the results were satisfactory.

34. The queen didn’t want to (accept/except) such a poor excuse.

35. Smoking will (effect/affect) your health, I warn you.

36. At that time the plague (spread/broke) out in the town.

37. I eagerly (accepted/admitted) Mr. Pitt’s invitation to a dinner.

38. That’s a very foolish attitude to (hold/keep).

39. His work was to (make/take) photos while flying over Siberia.

40. McEnroe was (in despair/desperate) for winning Wimbledon again.

41. They all came to the station to see the dwarf (out/off).

42. There is nothing for me (like/alike) having a nap after hard day’s work.

43. You are tired, you (would rather/had better) rest a little.

44. I’ve got (free/spare) cash about me today and can lend you two or three pounds.

45.You should always (break/keep) you promise.

46. The weather was nasty and the dwarf decided to (remain/stay) at home.

47. Why did you answer this question? It was not (intended/meant) for you.

48. More and more people are coming to appreciate the contribution he (made/did) to our society.

49. I was an hour late because of the (heavy/hard) traffic.

50. He hoped to be (awarded/rewarded) for years of hard work by getting a promotion.

B. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Старайтесь избегать революций. Они разрушают все. Try to avoid revolutions. they destroy everything.

2. Чтобы войти в эту секцию, нужно получить допуск (разрешение). To enter this section you have to get a permit.

3. Этот ресторан специализируется на мексиканской кухне. This restaurant specializes in Mexican cuisine.

4. Мистер Питт все время жалуется на погоду. Mr. Pitt is always complaining about the weather.

5. Друзья не одобрили мою идею. The friends didn’t approve of my idea.

6. Я уже принял решение и не собираюсь его менять. I have already made a decision and I’m not going to change it.

7. Джон интересуется открытиями и изобретениями. John is interested in discoveries and inventions.

8. Я сомневаюсь, что гном сейчас дома. I doubt that the dwarf is at home now.

9. Большинство людей предпочитает держать деньги в банках. Most people prefer to keep their money in a bank.

10. Мистер Питт – дальтоник (colour-blind), он не отличает красный цвет от зеленого. Mr.Pitt is colour-blind, he can’t tell red from green.

11. Умные люди учатся на чужих ошибках. Clever people learn by other people’s mistakes.

12. Наконец продавщица уговорила меня купить платье. At last the salesgirl talked me into buying the dress.

13. Свитер дорогой, потому что он сделан вручную. The sweater is expensive because it’s hand-made.

14. Пчела – существо трудолюбивое. The bee is a hardworking creature.

15. Думаю, пришло время представить меня твоим родителям. I think, it’s time I was introduced to your parents.

16. Она так выросла, что я не сразу узнал ее. She had grown up so much that I wasn’t able to recognize her at once.

17. Я сейчас практически не гуляю. I hardly have any walks now.

18. Я не могу позволить себе заплатить сто долларов за юбку. I can’t afford to pay $100 for a skirt.

19. У людоеда хорошее чувство юмора. The ogre has a good sense of humour.

20. Он напоминает мне твоего отца. He reminds me of your father.


A. Make the sentences passive according to the model:

They saw him do it. – He was seen to do it.

1. Everybody heard the witch say that. – The witch was heard to say that.2. The neighbours noticed the burglar get into the house. – The burglar was noticed to get into the house (by the neighbours). 3. The policeman saw the car disappear in the tunnel. – The car was seen to disappear in the tunnel. 4. The public made the poet read some more of his poetry. – The poet was made to read some more of his poetry.5. Don’t worry! We’ll let you go to the match. – You will be allowed to go to the match. 6. Tom’s father made his son apologize. – Tom was made to apologize. 7. They made the customer accept their terms. – The customer was made to accept their terms. 8. They consider the ogre to be an expert in his sphere. – The ogre is considered an expert in his sphere. 9. The princess regards her father a perfect example to follow. – The princess’s father is regarded to be a perfect example to follow. 10. Everybody knows that this theatre was built by a famous architect. – This theater is known to have been built by a famous architect. 11. They suspect that the water sprite helped the pirates. – The water sprite is suspected to have helped the pirates. 12. We expect that they have learnt the truth. – They are expected to have learnt the truth. 13. It was announced that the pop group had arrived. – The pop group was announced to have arrived. 14. It is understood that the partners have come to an agreement. – The partners are understood to have come to an agreement. 15. It was reported that the verdict was announced. – The verdict was reported to have been announced.

B. Make sentences according to the model:

You were in the bank. Two robbers broke in. – I happened to be in the bank when two robbers broke in.

1. You were there. The incident took place. – I happened to be there when the incident took place. 2. The hippo was in the bath. The telephone rang. – The hippo happened to be in the bath when the telephone rang. 3. You were watching television. There came a knock at the door. – I happened to be watching TV when there came a knock at the door. 4. You were sitting in a restaurant. A friend walked in. – I happened to be sitting in a restaurant when a friend of mine walked in. 5. You were passing by. A stranger stopped you. – I happened to be passing by when a stranger stopped me. 6. You were there. The flying saucer appeared. – I happened to be there when the flying saucer appeared. 7. The sheriff was in the club. A fight started. – The sheriff happened to be in the pub when the fight started. 8. You were talking about her. She came into the room. – We happened to be talking about her when she came into the room.9. An old man was walking past a hospital. He had a heart attack. – The old man happened to have a heart attack when he was walking past a hospital. 10. You were standing outside a hotel. A rolls-Royce drove up. – I happened to be standing outside the hotel when a Rolls-Royce drove up.

C. Change the sentences according to the model:

She appeared not to hear him. – She didn’t appear to hear him.

1. She seemed not to know the real life. – didn’t seem to know 2. This man seemed not to care for rules. – didn’t seem to care 3. He was busy with the car and appeared not to see the policeman. – didn’t appear to see 4. The ogre seemed not to be enjoying playing cards but he had to. – didn’t seem to be enjoying 5. The boss never seemed to pay any attention to our needs. – didn’t seem to pay 6. The boy seems not to be healthy and happy. – doesn’t seem to be 7. Andrew appeared not to notice her. – didn’t appear to notice 8. The waiter seemed not to notice our anger. – didn’t seem to notice 9. Christine seemed not to take in what we meant. – didn’t seem to take in 10. He appeared not to have learnt the results of the investigation. – didn’t appear to have learnt

D. Add correct question tags to the following statements.

1. The pirates must have guessed something, mustn’t they? 2. Everybody has to ask for your permission first, don’t they? 3. You’d rather keep it a secret, will you? 4. She’d better end with him once and for all, hadn’t she? 5. Weddings in the old days used to be more showy, didn’t they? 6. You should be in bed by now, shouldn’t you? 7. You can’t speak Swahili, can you? 8. You’d better answer the telephone, hadn’t you? 9. Nothing could be better, could it? 10. My boss needs a new car, doesn’t he? 11. Let’s stay home, shall we? 12. I’m always making mistakes, aren’t I? 13. You’d rather be staying in bed, will you? 14. It was to happen, wasn’t it? 15. England needed a strong king at that period, didn’t she?

E. The sentences below have wrong tense and voice forms. Make the necessary corrections.

1. I know the dwarf for a long time. ____________have known_______________

2. If I have a car things would be fine. _________had_____________

3. The princess was ringing the bell six times. ________rang________________

4. The taxi should arrive at 8.00, but it didn’t turn up. ____should have arrived___

5. I haven’t seen him at four o’clock. _______didn’t see_________________

6. This property is belonging to me. _________belongs________________

7. Have you to work so late? ________________do you have_______________

8. It’s three months since I have seen him last. ______saw_____________

9. I wish we didn’t ask the witch to our party. _________hadn’t asked_________

10. I have never drove such a comfortable car. _________driven______________

11. I never thought the donkey will have the nerve to do it. __had thought___would have__

12. He is known to ruin his family. ___________have ruined________________

13. Hitler has started World War II in 1939. ______started________________

14. I haven’t been smoking since morning. ____________haven’t smoked_______

15. I didn’t know when he will come back. ______would come________________

16. We are probably moving in next month. __are moving/will probably move____

17. Has the race postponed? _____________been postponed______________

18. She works late this week. ________________is working____________

19. I heard him went down the stairs. ____________go_____________________

20. She is died in a car crash. __________________died____________________

F. Focus on phrasal verbs. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the phrasal verbs below:

a) get away with / set off / break down / pull away

Yesterday in London, a daring gang of bank robbers robbed a branch of Barclays while security staff were making a delivery. As soon as they had grabbed the money, the gang rushed out into the street and dived into their getaway car waiting outside. However, just as they were pulling away, the engine made a strange noise and the car broke down. The gang did not panic but jumped out and ran around the corner where they found bicycles leaning up against the walls of a college. So they each grabbed one and set off on their creaking machines. Strangely enough, because of the heavy traffic, they managed to negotiate the traffic more quickly than the police in their cars and they got away with over a million pounds in cash.

b) make off with / get away with / stake out / tip off / break in

My wife and children are on holiday at the moment, so I am home alone because I could not get the time off. Of course, the house is empty during the day and last week someone burgled it. I feel absolutely terrible, as if it was my fault. I am sure everything was secure - I had locked all the doors and windows and the dog was there.

They broke in through the backdoor. The police say they put some meat with sleeping pills through the letterbox and when the dog had fallen asleep they went in. They searched the whole house and they made off with all our electrical equipment like the TV, hifis, the children's computer, also my wife's jewellery and so on. It was a professional job - there were no fingerprints. Nothing to help us find out who could have broken in.

The police are investigating and they have spoken to all my neighbours. One neighbour tipped the police of that there was a strange person in our road all the time with a hat pulled low over his face several days before the break-in. The police sent a patrol car round, but they couldn't see anything or anyone suspicious.

Considering the stranger and some unexplained footprints they found in my garden, they think the thieves had been staking out the house for several days before breaking in.

I am really afraid they will get away with it, because so many criminals nowadays do. The footprints are not clear, there are no fingerprints, no one saw anyone they can identify, so unless the police find our possessions when they raid a criminal's hideout, we won't see our things again.

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