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Английский - 2курс_3семестр_physics

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5)Todd often … (ride) horses when he was a boy.

6)Bill … (write) a letter when his mother came home.

7)It … (rain) while I was waiting for the bus.

8)I … (play) the guitar when I was young.

9)Debbie … (sing) in the school choir many years ago.

10)Liz … (clean) the windows when I saw her.

4. Correct the mistakes.

1)Philip was washing the car while the fire started.

2)Neil was studying when his sister was listening to music.

3)Harriet was opening the door and walked into the house.

4)We were having lunch at a lovely restaurant every day when we were on holiday.

5)Brian drank tea at five o‘clock yesterday afternoon.

6)Dad was repairing the TV while Mum cooked dinner.

7)I was going to the cinema last Saturday.

8)I was buying a new dress for my party yesterday.

9)While Jeff built the garden shed, he hurt himself.

10)While the teacher were standing, the students were listening to him.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous, present indefinite,

past indefinite or past continuous.

1)I …was cleaning… (clean) the windows when the telephone … (ring).

2)‗What is that noise?‘ ‗James … (repair) his bike at the moment.‘

3)He … (read) a book when his mother … (call) him.

4)‗… (be) you busy?‘ ‗No, what … (you/want) me to do?‘

5)They … (sing) while we … (play) some music.

6)Susan is a nurse. She usually … (work) at night.



My Speciality

Read the text and speak about your speciality.

Answer the following questions:

1)Why have you chosen this speciality?

2)What is in physics that holds your attention?

3)Are you going to work in this field?

4)What branch of physics is the most interesting for you?

5)Are you good in theory or practice?

My speciality is physics, so I am a physicist. I am a student of the department of physics and mathematics of Kiev Polytechnic Institute. This department is a new one. It was established in 1996.

There is no doubt that science plays a very important role in the life of mankind because all achievements of modern civilization are due to science. And among all sciences physics is of primary importance, of course. The word physics comes from the Greek word ‗physics‘ meaning nature. In fact, in ancient times all science was concentrated around the activity studying nature. Later on physics was separated as an independent science.

According to the great variety of problems studied physics may be divided into different sections somehow connected with each other. They are: nuclear physics, solid state physics, plasma physics, quantum physics, statistical physics, etc.

In general, physics is experimental science. Its laws are based on facts proved by experiments and expressed by mathematical language. So, it may be divided into experimental and theoretical physics.


The development of modern physics dates back to the 17th century and is closely connected with the name of Italian physicist Galileo Galilei who was the first to understand the importance of mathematical description in physics. But the major turning point was made by Isaac Newton, who laid the foundation of classical mechanics. The second half of the 17th century gave rise to the development of optics, and in the 18th century the foundation of hydrodynamics was laid. Ampere and Faraday were those who experimented and contributed much in the field of electricity. And one more personality should be mentioned in connection with physics. It is Albert Einstein – the creator of the theory of relativity.

During the second half of the 20th century there have been two scientific and technological achievements of supreme importance, which undoubtedly became milestones in the history of mankind. They are peaceful application of atomic energy and the flight into space and the Moon.

Thus, it is impossible to overestimate the merits of this science for our life and well-being as well as the merits of all those scientists who devoted their lives to this science.

Give synonyms for the following words: department, development, merits, branch, achievement

Present a short report on one of your favourite physicists.

Translate the following text into English (in writing).

Чималу дослідну працю розвинув у 1865—1891 роках засновник першої фізичної школи в Україні, професор Київського Університету М.

Авенаріюс. Він виявив і кількісно оформив залежність електрорушійної сили термоелементів від температури (закон Авенаріюса), як також започаткував систематичні дослідження критичних параметрів низки рідин


та виявив залежність між критичною температурою, об'ємом і дійсною температурою рідини. Авенаріюс був одним з засновників Київського Фізико-Математичного Товариства (1889), яке відгорало значну роль у розвитку і популяризації фізики в Україні.

В 1884 році створено у Київському Університеті першу в Україні кафедру теоретичної фізики, яку очолив Микола Шіллер. Він вніс значний вклад у термодинаміку, описав пружність насиченої пари (закон Томпсона—Шіллера) та довів, що у диференційне рівняння другого закону термодинаміки входить інтеґруючий дільник, який мусить бути універсальною функцією температури.

Одним з перших центрів фізичних досліджень в Україні була організована в 1923 році О. Ґольдманом у Київському Політехнічному Інституті науково-дослідницька кафедра фізики, яка розпочала перші в Україні дослідження напівпровідників. 1927 Ґольдман заснував перший в Україні фізичний журнал «Фізичні записки», який у значній мірі допоміг розвиткові української фізичної термінології. 1929 Київську науково-

дослідницьку кафедру перетворено на Науково-Дослідницький Інститут Фізики, який згодом перейменовано на Інститут Фізики АН УРСР.

В Інституті механіки (заснованому 1919) досліджують теорію пружності, теорію стійкості, хвильову динаміку деформованих тіл,

нелінійну теорію просторових коливань. Інститут Гідромеханіки

(заснований 1926) дає вагомий вклад у аеродинаміку і гідродинаміку турбулентних і кавітаційних течій, у динаміку в'язких рідин. Головну роль у розвитку фізичних досліджень відіграв і відіграє Інститут Фізики,

заснований у Києві 1929. На 1982 він веде працю у тринадцятьох відділах:

фізики кристалів, фотоактивності, нелінійної оптики, фізичної електроніки,

оптичної квантової електроніки, резонансних та адсорбційних явищ,


газової електроніки, електроніки твердого тіла, теоретичної фізики,

математичних проблем фізики, приймачів випромінювання, фізики радіаційних процесів.

На світову арену вийшли з Києва імена таких фізиків, як:

М. Крилов, який у 1930-их pp. разом з своїм учнем і співр. М.

Боголюбовим заклав основи сучасної нелінійної механіки, що застосовується у багатьох галузях Ф. і техніки. Боголюбов всесвітньо відомий і за свій фундаментальний вклад у статистичну Ф., квантову теорію поля та теорію елементарних частинок.

С. Пекар відомий як творець теорії поляронів, що стала самостійною ділянкою Ф. твердого тіла.

О. Давидов з своїми співробітниками розвинув теорію екситонів та пояснив прикмети несферичних ядер. Його посібник «Квантовая механика» широко вживався в СССР і в перекладах за кордоном. Важливі результати з оптичних властивостей твердих тіл здобув А. Лубченко.





The Present Perfect Tense






Long form

Short form


































Long form

Short form



have not




has not




have not



Time Expressions

Time expressions used with the present perfect simple include: for, since, already, just, always, recently, ever, how long, yet, lately, never, so far, today, this morning/afternoon/week/month/year, etc.

We use the present perfect:

for actions which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not mentioned because it is not important. We put

more emphasis on the action.

Kim has bought a new mobile phone. (When did she buy it? We don‘t mention the exact time because it is not important. What is important is the fact that she‘s got a new mobile phone.)

for actions which started in the past and are still continuing in the present.

He has been a car salesman since 1990. (He started working as a car salesman in 1990 and he still is a car salesman.)

for actions which have recently finished and their results are visible in the present.

They have done their shopping. (We can see that they have finished their shopping.)

with today, this morning/afternoon, etc. when these periods of time are not finished at the time of speaking.

He has made ten pots this morning. (It is still morning so this period of time is not finished.)



The Past Perfect Tense






Long form

Short form





























Long form

Short form


He/She/It had not hadn‟t finished/left. You/We/They

Time Expressions

Time expressions used with the past perfect include: before, after, already, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, etc.

We use the past perfect:

for an action which happened in the past before another past action.

The action which happened earlier in the past is in the past perfect, and the action which happened later is in the past indefinite.

They had done their homework before they went out to play yesterday

afternoon. (= They did their homework first and then they went out to play.)


for an action which happened before a stated time in the past.

She had watered all the flowers by five o‟clock in the afternoon. (= She had

finished watering the flowers before five o‘clock.)

as the past equivalent of the present perfect. That is, we use the past perfect for an action which started and finished in the past, but we use the present perfect for an action which started in the

past and finished in the present.

Jill wasn‟t at home. She had gone out.

(Jill was out then.)

Jill isn‟t at home. She has gone out.

(Jill is out now.)


1. Make sentences using the prompts below as in the example.

1) read/a newspaper/yesterday

I haven’t read a newspaper since yesterday

2)have/a break/this morning

3)travel/abroad/last summer

4)watch/TV/last night

5)buy/a present/December

6)write/a letter/Christmas

7)eat/dinner/at a restaurant/last month

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past perfect.

1)Jason …had returned… (return) home before the storm broke out.

2)… (Lucy/pack) her suitcase by the time you called her?

3)The children … (finish) doing their homework by nine o‘clock.

4)… (Julie/type) the letters by the time her boss came to the office?

5)I … (not/finish) my lunch when uncle Bill came.


6)After Sarah … (do) the shopping, she had coffee with her friends at a café.

7)When I got to the garage, the mechanic … (not/repair) my car.

8)The boys were frightened because they … (not/be) on a plane before.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past indefinite or the present perfect.

1)- I …went… (go) to the new gym yesterday.

-It‘s good, isn‘t it? I … (go) there a few times.

2)- … (you/write) to Simon lately?

-Yes, I … (write) him a letter last week.

3)- How long … (you/be) married?

-Only for six months. I … (get) married last December.

4)- I … (not/see) Sam for a long time.

-Really, I … (see) him yesterday at the swimming-pool.

5)- … (you/type) the report yet?

-Yes, I … (finish) it half an hour ago.

6)- Mary … (know) Steven for six years.

-When … (they/meet)?

-When they … (be) at university together.

7)- … (you/ever/play) rugby?

-Yes, I have. I … (play) for the first time last week.

8)- James … (write) a new book last year.

-I know. I … (read) some great reviews about it in the newspaper.

4. Correct the mistakes.

1)We have bought a new sofa last month.

2)Jim lives in Germany for three years.

3)My father has went fishing.

4)She is just moved house.

5)We have eaten lunch at one o‘clock.


6)Sophie has do her homework.

7)Ann and Tim have got married ten years ago.

8)I am at school since nine o‘clock.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the past indefinite, past perfect or past


1) - Where 1) …were… (be) you last night?

- I 2) … (be) at the cinema. I 3) … (watch) a great film when a fire 4) …

(break out).

-Oh gosh! How 5) … (it/happen)?

-Someone 6) … (drop) a match into a waste-paper basket.

2)- 1) … (you/go) to the beach on Saturday?

-No, I 2) … (go) on Sunday instead.

-3) … (you/have) a good time?

-No, I didn‘t. I 4) … (sunbathe) when it 5) … (start) raining, so I 6) …

(leave) in a hurry.

3)- I 1) … (lose) my keys yesterday.

-Where 2) … (you/lose) them?

-I don‘t know. I 3) … (go) shopping and when I got back, I 4) … (realise) that I 5) … (leave) my keys somewhere.