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13. Переведите на русский язык:

1)A total of 2 million rubles are appropriated in the Moscow budget this year to subsidize small business startups.

2)The problem of brain drain is now recognized as an acute economic vulnerability.

3)$10,4 billion will be invested in nanotechnology ventures this year.

4)Independent economists were skeptical that companies could be pushed into creativity.

5)Mr. Kudrin said that government purchasing laws would be changed.

6)New requirements will be imposed on state-controlled companies.

7)An average of 50 people are murdered every day among a population of 48.8 million in South Africa.

8)Thabo Mbeki was removed by his political party as the South African president in September.

9)If a shareholder accumulates a significant stake in the company and decides to sell it, the issue must be discussed among the board of directors.

10)The plan has been interrupted by the crisis.



If-clause (hypoth-

Main clause


















Тип I

If+ любая форма

Future / Impera-

Реальная или




вполне вероят-


времени (Present

Can/ may/

ная ситуация в


Simple, Present

might/ should +

настоящем или


Continuous or

bare Infinitive



Present Perfect)

Present Simple



If you finish work

We’ll go for a

Если ты закон-




чишь работу


If you have finished

We can pay the

рано, мы пойдем


your co ee




If you are ill




If you burn your-

See a doctor




It hurts



Тип II

If + Past Simple

Would/ could/

Не соответ-


Or Past Continu-

might + bare

ствующая дей-








а также когда мы




даем совет






If I had money

I would travel

Если бы у меня



around the world

были деньги, я бы


If I were you

I would take an

объездил весь










If + Past Perfect

Would/ could/



Or Past Perfect

might + have +

ситуация, не со-



past participle





тому, что было в




прошлом; а также,




когда мы сожалеем




о том, что произо-




шло, или критику-




ем кого-либо






If we hadn’t left so

We would have

Если бы мы не



missed the plane

вышли рано, мы



He would have

бы опоздали на


If he had been

behaved di er-



stealing the money








Тип II:

Тип I:

Если они весь


If they were play-

They will be tired

день играли, они


ing all day

out now.

сейчас уставшие.


(They were play-

So they are tired



ing all day,

out now)















Тип II:

Тип III:

На твоем месте,


If I were you

I would have

я бы ее пригласи-


(You are not me

invited her.

ла тогда.



So you didn’t



условие в

invite her.)








действие в












Тип III:

Тип II:

Если бы она на-


If she had saved

She would be go-

копила денег, она


her money

ing on holiday.

бы отправилась



So she isn’t going

теперь в путеше-


условие в

on holiday)







(She didn’t save

ситуация в



her money







1. Определите тип условных предложений:

1)If you ask him, he will help you.

2)If we asked him to help would he agree?

3)If she had only kept her promise we might have succeeded.

4)If I only knew the facts, I could make a wise decision.

5)If he changed his opinion, he'd be more successful.

6)You can see the boss provided that he is not too busy.

7)He would go by plane if it was cheaper.

8)I would have bought it if I had had enough money with me.

9)If she hadn't slept late she wouldn't have missed the plane.

10)We'll go for a walk tomorrow unless it rains.

2.Соедините части предложения в колонке (1–10) с частями предложения в колонке (A–J):

1)He'll be furious

2)The people will die

3)If she did her job well

4)She would have been enrolled on the course

5)If I understood the question

6)I would have run home

7)As long as you follow the instructions exactly

8)You can hire a car in France

9)You can't enter the country

10)If I found a gun in the street

A)unless they are taken care of.

B)you will be able to cope with the task.

C)I might be able to answer it.

D)as long as you have a driving licence and you are over 23.


E)if he ever finds out the truth.

F)if she had passed her exams.

G)I would take it to the police.

H)unless you have a visa.

I)she would be promoted by the company.

J)if I had known the football match was on TV.

3. Переведите на русский язык:

1)If I were you, I would take your manager’s advice.

2)If an ecologist were asked to justify this belief, he would say that all pesticides are dangerous to all life.

3)If there were no criminals in the world there would be no lawyers.

4)If all the world were just, there would be no need for courts.

5)Surely they would be far more successful with their policy if they were less talking and more doing.

6)If we hadn’t studied the issue, we would never have found out the causes of the problem.

7)If I weren’t busy, I would do the job.

8)If there hadn’t been any historical background , the conflict would have been easier to handle.

9)If the problem weren't so urgent we wouldn’t ask you to help.

10)If people weren’t so self-concentrated there would be less misery and poverty in the world.

11)Various courses of action might be adopted to save the environment. One would be to curb the dynamics of industrial development.

12)Anyone but John would have known the news.

13)I would sooner read a catalogue than nothing at all.

14)Without money the tax-collector would come back to his o ce with an extraordinary collection of objects.

15)I'd be grateful if you kindly send me the necessary information.

4. Переведите на русский язык:

1)It is important that every delegate arrive on time.

2)It is essential that every child have the same educational opportunities.

3)Scientists consider it very important that pollution be exactly assessed.

4)It is more desirable that he attend the forum.

5)It is necessary that they should realize the gravity of the situation.

6)It is requested that individual work should be paid according to the employee's contribution in every organization.


7)It is necessary that you should follow the instructions.

8)It is vital that government tackle the problem in the nearest future.

9)It is essential that customs adopt comprehensive compliance improvement strategies to increase confidence in the information provided by the traders.

10)It is important that all regulatory information be exchanged electronically.

5. Переведите на русский язык:

1)The members of the committee suggested that the agenda (should) be changed.

2)He suggested that the meeting (should) be held as soon as possible.

3)The diplomats proposed that negotiations (should) start at once.

4)I insisted that they (should) accompany us.

5)The leader of the group proposed that they (should) conduct a research in a nember of organizations.

6)The scientists suggested that the experiments (should) be resumed.

7)A radical reconstruction of economy requires that enterprises be selffinancing.

8)The Head of the Federal Customs Service of Russia insisted that customs administrations (should) institute a range of changes to systems, procedures and administrative responsibilities.

9)The minister suggested that business executives (should) be looking for ways to improve productivity and quality.

10)The president said that improvements in the development of managers (should) be made.

6. Переведите на английский язык:

1)Если завтра у меня будет время, я напишу отчет.

2)Если бы у меня было время сегодня, я написал бы отчет сегодня.

3)Если бы у меня вчера было время, я бы уже написала отчет.

4)Если бы у нас было больше времени, можно было бы провести более широкое исследование.

5)Если нет вопросов, конференция закончена.

6)Если бы я была на твоем месте, я бы приняла их предложение.

7)Если бы у нас были необходимые приборы, мы могли бы тогда провести уровень загрязнения воды.

8)Жаль, что у нас так мало единомышленников.

9)Жаль, что эти здания снесли.

10)Жаль, что нам раньше не пришло в голову это решение.



1.Will you pay …. cash?

2.Last year our family went … holiday to Thailand.

3.He bought a small house … the suburbs.

4.There is a lot of tra c … the streets of our city.

5.Tom is sitting … a café.

6.Where is Helen? She is … the café.

7.When we arrived … the airport, the plane had already taken … .

8.The Johns are staying … a large hotel.

9.Our house is … 23 Oxford street.

10.The people were all standing … a queue.

11.Their flat is … the ground floor.

12.I am afraid I’ve got … the wrong bus.

13.There are some notes … the bottom of the page.

14.The most enjoyable day I had when we went .. a trip … boat.

15.My father often travels … business.

16.All my money was … German marks.

17.Fill in the form … pencil first.

18.Must we do the exercise … writing?

19.… my opinion, you are mistaken.

20.… my point of view, there must be more instructive programs on our TV.

21.The boss is arriving … the 8 o’clock plane.

22.I bought this blouse … the outskirts of Bangkok.

23.We were so tired that we went directly … the hotel … taxi.

24.There was a lot of smog ... the air.

25.The old man is snoring … the armchair.

26.… a way that disaster was a blessing.

27.How many days are there … January?

28.What are you doing … the weekend?

29.Classes start … 8.30.

30.We have been here … two months already.

31.We always go out … Friday night.

32.… Sundays we don’t have to go to the Academy.

33.I’ll meet you … the station.

34.Shall we take a bus or go … foot.

35.Where is Peter? Why, he’s ... home.

36.Would you like to spend a couple of weeks … an island?

37.There was a terrorist attack … the border yesterday.

38.My life is living … the crossroads.

39.I’ve lost my way … the city but … chance I found a helpful policeman. So … the end I got home.


40.The train left … time.

41.We were ... time for the 11 o’clock train.

42.I stayed in Paris … the Christmas holidays.

43.… she was … holiday, she wrote me a letter.

44.You must finish the project … a week.

45.You can have a break … you have finished your test.

46.Let’s go … a walk?

47.My mom told me I should be home … 10 o’clock.

48.I found Spanish di cult … the beginning.

49.There is usually a preface … the beginning of a book.



Контрольная работа № 1.

Var. I


Employee influence policy

At all levels of an organization, managers must face the task of arranging people, information, activities and technology. In other words, they must define and design work.

Top management plays a very important role in balancing and integrating the interests of many stakeholders of the enterprise: shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, labor unions, trade associations, governments and so on. Top managers should consider how the interests of various stakeholders di er, how much weight those distinct interests should be given, and the mechanisms by which those various stakeholders can exercise influence over the enterprise.

Employees are major stakeholders in the enterprise, so it is critical for managers to design and administer various mechanisms for employee influence.

All policies, the design and implementation of technology and work systems, the design and administration of compensation, and the design and administration of systems for hiring, promoting, placing, and terminating employees should be examined from the perspective of how much influence employees are given over decisions in these areas. Thus, the employee influence policy area goes well beyond the traditional activities of union-management relations or employee relations or even participative management initiatives that some companies have undertaken. The policy area poses a question much broader than that typically associated with these personnel practices: how to develop a process of mutual influence between two sets of stakeholders — management and employees. Stating the task this way allows the inclusion of worker councils, grievance systems, sensing groups, opendoor policies, attitude surveys, ombudsmen, and other due process mechanisms as alternatives or additions to the mix of practices that may be applied in the interest of achieving a mutual influence process


appropriate to the strategy of the firm, the values of top management, and the expectations of employees and society. The task of designing and managing a process of mutual influence is primary; the means or the activity is secondary, and is to be judged on the basis of its contribution to this basic Human Resource Management task.


1. Answer the questions:

1)What task do managers face?

2)What do their choices a ect?

3)Whose interests should managers balance?

4)Who are major stakeholders in the enterprise?

5)From what perspective should all policies be examined?

6)What question does employee influence policy area pose?

7)What aspects does the employee influence policy include?

2. Insert the prepositions where it is necessary:

1)… all levels … an organization, managers must face the task … arranging people, information, activities and technology.

2)Management choices … these arrangements a ect … the quality … the decisions people make, coordination … functions and tasks, the extent

which people’s competencies are utilized.

3)Management choices also a ect the extent …which people are committed … organizational goals.

4)Top management plays a very important role … balancing and integrating the interests … many stakeholders … the enterprise.

5)Top managers should consider the mechanisms … which various stakeholders can exercise influence … the enterprise.

6)It is critical … managers … design and administer various mechanisms

employee influence.

7)The employee influence policy area goes well … the traditional activities

union-management relations.

8)The employee influence policy area poses … a question broader than that typically associated … personnel practices.

9)A mix … practices may be applied … the interest … achieving a mutual influence process appropriate …the strategy … the firm, the values … top management, and the expectations … employees and society.

10)The means … designing and managing a process … mutual influence is to be judged … the basis … its contribution … the basic Human Resource Management task.


3. Match the words in column a) with their synonyms in column b):

a)to arrange; to design; to a ect; to utilize; goal; to integrate; various; distinct; to exercise; to administer; compensation; participative; grievance; mix; primary

b)to include; diverse; complaint; combination; to organize; to influence; to use; to devise; aim; to dispense; payment; taking part; definite; to exert; fundamental; to run

4.Match the word combinations with their English equivalents in the text:

Задача организации; определить и спланировать работу; необходимые механизмы; покупатели и поставщики; степень, в которой; профсоюзные ассоциации; решения руководства; преданны целям организации; оказывать влияние; выходит за рамки; осуществление рабочих схем; потребности в развитии; определенные интересы; организация компенсации; системы найма, продвижения по службе, размещения и увольнения служащих; нужды удовлетворяются.

5.Translate from Russian into English:

1)Менеджеры высшего звена должны учитывать насколько отличаются интересы разных пайщиков.

2)Менеджмент играет важную роль в объединении и уравновешивании интересов пайщиков, клиентов, поставщиков, работников, профсоюзов и профессиональных объединений, правительства.

3)Вся политика — проектирование и осуществление всех рабочих схем, планирование и организация компенсации и так далее должна рассматриваться с точки зрения степени влияния мнения работников предприятия на решения руководства.

4)В области политики задача менеджмента — гораздо шире чем в тех, которые традиционно связаны с работой с персоналом — а именно, уделять главное внимание взаимоотношениям между работодателями и подчиненными.

Var. II


President Medvedev o ers promise of change

St. Petersburg — President Dmitry Medvedev raced between panels and podiums this weekend to make the case that change in