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2. Answer the following questions on the text.

1) How did the history of Gore-Tex start?

2) What unique properties of PTFE were discovered by Bob Gore?

3) What makes PTFE such an outstanding material?

4) What was the first commercial venture of Wilbert Gore?

5) Where and how is Gore-Tex used nowadays?

3. Match the italicized words in the text with the definitions below.

1) being in a situation where someone or something is not protected from something unpleasant,

2) a quality or power that a substance has,

3) to start a company, organization, etc.,

4) the chemical force that holds atoms together in a molecule,

5) not producing a chemical reaction when combined with other substances,

6) to make food, materials, or goods ready to be used, for example by preserving or improving them in some way,

7) to be strong enough to remain unharmed by something such as great heat, cold, pressure etc.,

8) (about material) allowing water, gas etc. to pass through,

9) to become bigger or looser as a result of being pulled,

10) material used to stop electricity, sound, heat etc. from getting in or out.

4. Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Уилберт Гор предложил использовать политетрафторэтилен в качестве изоляционного материала для электропроводов.

2) В подвале своего дома мистер и миссис Гор открыли мастерскую по производству кабеля с ПТХЭ-изоляцией.

3) После многочисленных экспериментов были открыты многие уникальные качества ПТХЭ.

4) Углефторовая связь настолько прочна, что ее не может разорвать ни кислород, ни облучение ультрафиолетом.

5) Политетрафторэтилен обладает выдающимися электрическими свойствами. Кроме того, он химически инертен.

6) Провода из чистого Гор-Текса используются в самолетах и орбитальных спутниках.

7) Провода из Гор-Текса способны вынести температуру зажигания и холод открытого космоса.

5. Complete the definitions below with the following standard international (si) units and the people they are named after.

Units: Celsius, hertz, kelvin, ohm, pascal, volt, watt, newton, curie, amp.

People: Anders Celsius, Heinrich Hertz, Lord Kelvin, Alessandro Volta, James Watt, Georg Ohm, Blaise Pascal, Sir Isaac Newton, Marie Curie, Andre Marie Ampere.

1) A is a unit of pressure equal to one newton per square metre. It's named after , a French scientist.

2) A is a unit of force. It's named after _____________, an English mathematician.

3) is the temperature scale that has the freezing point of water as 0° C and the boiling point as 100° C. The scale was developed by a Swedish astronomer, _______________.

4) A is an amount of electric power. It is equal to one joule per second. It's named after ________________, a Scottish engineer and inventor.

5) A is a unit of electric force. It's named after _____________, an Italian physicist and pioneer in the study of electricity.

6) An is a unit of electric current. It's named after __________, a French mathematician and physicist, a pioneer in electrodynamics.

7) An is a unit of electrical resistance named after ________________, a German physicist.

8) is the temperature scale that registers absolute zero (-273.15 C) as 0°K. It's named after ______________, a British scientist.

9) A is a frequency equal to one cycle per second. It's named after ___________, a German physicist.

10) A _____________ is a unit of radioactivity. It's named after __________, a Polish-born chemist who discovered radioactivity in several elements.

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